
can I use MarketInfo (Symbol(), MODE_MARGINREQUIRED) to calculate the amount in account currency spend for the invested lots in the trade? Are there any restrictions or why some coders do complex calculations based on conversions from base currency to the account currency?

Documentation on MQL5: Constants, Enumerations and Structures / Environment State / Account Properties
Documentation on MQL5: Constants, Enumerations and Structures / Environment State / Account Properties
Account Properties - Environment State - Constants, Enumerations and Structures - MQL5 Reference - Reference on algorithmic/automated trading language for MetaTrader 5

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

Margin requirements calculation

gordon, 2010.04.08 04:42

Margin requirement for 1 lot is given by MarketInfo(symbol,MODE_MARGINREQUIRED). Calculating this value seems to be different among some brokers (specifically ones that use a bridge).

The majority of brokers use this calculation (taken from the article 'Forex Trading ABC' ->

double MarginCalculate(string symbol, double volume)
   string first    = StringSubstr(symbol,0,3); // the first symbol, for example,  EUR
   string second   = StringSubstr(symbol,3,3); // the second symbol, for example, USD
   string currency = AccountCurrency();        // deposit currency, for example,  USD
   double leverage = AccountLeverage();        // leverage, for example,          100
// contract size, for example, 100000
   double contract = MarketInfo(symbol, MODE_LOTSIZE);
   double bid      = MarketInfo(symbol, MODE_BID);      // Bid price
//---- allow only standard forex symbols like XXXYYY
   if(StringLen(symbol) != 6)
      Print("MarginCalculate: '",symbol,"' must be standard forex symbol XXXYYY");
//---- check for data availability
   if(bid <= 0 || contract <= 0) 
      Print("MarginCalculate: no market information for '",symbol,"'");
//---- check the simplest variations - without cross currencies
   if(first == currency)   
       return(contract*volume / leverage);           // USDxxx
   if(second == currency)  
       return(contract*bid*volume / leverage);       // xxxUSD
//---- check normal cross currencies, search for direct conversion through deposit currency
   string base = currency + first;                   // USDxxx
   if(MarketInfo(base, MODE_BID) > 0) 
       return(contract / MarketInfo(base, MODE_BID)*volume / leverage);
//---- try vice versa
   base = first + currency;                          // xxxUSD
   if(MarketInfo(base, MODE_BID) > 0) 
       return(contract*MarketInfo(base, MODE_BID)*volume / leverage);
//---- direct conversion is impossible
   Print("MarginCalculate: can not convert '",symbol,"'");

But some brokers do not factor 'bid' price when calculating (regardless of symbol):

double MarginCalculate(string symbol, double volume)
   double leverage = AccountLeverage(); 
   double contract = MarketInfo(symbol, MODE_LOTSIZE);
   return(contract*volume / leverage);

Note that MODE_MARGINREQUIRED is 'static' in Tester and that both methods of calculation cannot be used in Tester (they rely on MarketInfo() of other symbols...).
Fernando Carreiro #:

thank you for your reply. So you do not recommend to use MarketInfo(symbol,MODE_MARGINREQUIRED)? 

Dmitry Zhakov #: thank you for your reply. So you do not recommend to use MarketInfo(symbol,MODE_MARGINREQUIRED)? 

My apologies. I misunderstood your question. I thought you were requesting an alternative to the MODE_MARGINREQUIRED functionality.

Here is an old post where I use the MODE_MARGINREQUIRED:

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

Need moneymanagement LOT size formula based on SL and Account Risk!

Fernando Carreiro, 2014.01.09 02:37

OK guys! This code was written by me and it is what I use in my own EA's. It is quite complex because, besides the Risk% and StopLoss, it also takes into account the Margin Risk% as well as correct the Lot Size based on Minimum, Maximum and Step Size. It also always uses the minimum value of Current Balance and Equity instead of just using one of them. I feel it is safer that way.

Please note, however, that it does not use the spread in the calculation, because I calculate that separately when calculating the StopLoss to be used. The below function, thus uses a relative stop loss size. In my EA's the argument dblStopLossPips is calculated beforehand depending on various factors such as the strategy, spread, ATR, etc.; so the final value passed on to the dblLotsRisk() function is already a final value in order to calculate the Lot size to be used.

// Function to Determine Tick Point Value in Account Currency

        double dblTickValue( string strSymbol )
                return( MarketInfo( strSymbol, MODE_TICKVALUE ) );

// Function to Determine Pip Point Value in Account Currency

        double dblPipValue( string strSymbol )
                double dblCalcPipValue = dblTickValue( strSymbol );
                switch ( MarketInfo( strSymbol, MODE_DIGITS ) )
                        case 3:
                        case 5:
                                dblCalcPipValue *= 10;
                return( dblCalcPipValue );

// Calculate Lot Size based on Maximum Risk & Margin

        double dblLotsRisk( string strSymbol, double dblStopLossPips,
                double dblRiskMaxPercent, double dblMarginMaxPercent,
                double dblLotsMin, double dblLotsMax, double dblLotsStep )
                        dblValueAccount = MathMin( AccountEquity(), AccountBalance() )
                ,       dblValueRisk    = dblValueAccount * dblRiskMaxPercent / 100.0
                ,       dblValueMargin  = AccountFreeMargin() * dblMarginMaxPercent / 100.0
                ,       dblLossOrder    = dblStopLossPips * dblPipValue( strSymbol )
                ,       dblMarginOrder  = MarketInfo( strSymbol, MODE_MARGINREQUIRED )
                ,       dblCalcLotMin
                                = MathMax( dblLotsMin, MarketInfo( strSymbol, MODE_MINLOT ) )
                ,       dblCalcLotMax
                                = MathMin( dblLotsMax, MarketInfo( strSymbol, MODE_MAXLOT ) )
                ,       dblModeLotStep  = MarketInfo( strSymbol, MODE_LOTSTEP )
                ,       dblCalcLotStep  = MathCeil( dblLotsStep / dblModeLotStep ) * dblModeLotStep
                ,       dblCalcLotLoss
                                = MathFloor( dblValueRisk / dblLossOrder / dblCalcLotStep ) * dblCalcLotStep
                ,       dblCalcLotMargin
                                = MathFloor( dblValueMargin / dblMarginOrder / dblCalcLotStep ) * dblCalcLotStep
                ,       dblCalcLot = MathMin( dblCalcLotLoss, dblCalcLotMargin )
                if ( dblCalcLot < dblCalcLotMin ) dblCalcLot = dblCalcLotMin;
                if ( dblCalcLot > dblCalcLotMax ) dblCalcLot = dblCalcLotMax;

                return ( dblCalcLot );


Please note that the above example code is old and only works for Forex Currency pairs.

You will have to adapt the calculations for other symbols based on the MODE_MARGINCALCMODE.

Also the following may be of interest.

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

AccountFreeMarginCheck issue.

Fernando Carreiro, 2022.04.05 01:03

In MQL4, I use these:



Margin calculation mode. 0 - Forex; 1 - CFD; 2 - Futures; 3 - CFD for indices



Initial margin requirements for 1 lot



Margin to maintain open orders calculated for 1 lot



Hedged margin calculated for 1 lot



Free margin required to open 1 lot for buying


The following information is from MQL5 but the information about the different modes of calculating margin (in the "Formula" column) is useful for MQL4 too ...

The ENUM_SYMBOL_CALC_MODE enumeration is used for obtaining information about how the margin requirements for a symbol are calculated.






Forex mode - calculation of profit and margin for Forex

Margin:  Lots * Contract_Size / Leverage * Margin_Rate


Profit:   (close_price - open_price) * Contract_Size*Lots


Forex No Leverage mode – calculation of profit and margin for Forex symbols without taking into account the leverage

Margin:  Lots * Contract_Size * Margin_Rate


Profit:   (close_price - open_price) * Contract_Size * Lots


Futures mode - calculation of margin and profit for futures

Margin: Lots * InitialMargin * Margin_Rate


Profit:  (close_price - open_price) * TickPrice / TickSize*Lots


CFD mode - calculation of margin and profit for CFD

Margin: Lots * ContractSize * MarketPrice * Margin_Rate


Profit:  (close_price - open_price) * Contract_Size * Lots


CFD index mode - calculation of margin and profit for CFD by indexes

Margin: (Lots * ContractSize * MarketPrice) * TickPrice / TickSize * Margin_Rate


Profit:  (close_price - open_price) * Contract_Size * Lots


CFD Leverage mode - calculation of margin and profit for CFD at leverage trading

Margin: (Lots * ContractSize * MarketPrice) / Leverage * Margin_Rate


Profit:  (close_price-open_price) * Contract_Size * Lots


Exchange mode – calculation of margin and profit for trading securities on a stock exchange

Margin: Lots * ContractSize * LastPrice * Margin_Rate


Profit:  (close_price - open_price) * Contract_Size * Lots


Futures mode –  calculation of margin and profit for trading futures contracts on a stock exchange

Margin: Lots * InitialMargin * Margin_Rate or Lots * MaintenanceMargin * Margin_Rate


Profit:  (close_price - open_price) * Lots * TickPrice / TickSize


FORTS Futures mode –  calculation of margin and profit for trading futures contracts on FORTS. The margin may be reduced by the amount of MarginDiscount deviation according to the following rules:

1. If the price of a long position (buy order) is less than the estimated price, MarginDiscount = Lots*((PriceSettle-PriceOrder)*TickPrice/TickSize)

2. If the price of a short position (sell order) exceeds the estimated price, MarginDiscount = Lots*((PriceOrder-PriceSettle)*TickPrice/TickSize)


    • PriceSettle – estimated (clearing) price of the previous session;
    • PriceOrder – average weighted position price or open price set in the order (request);
    • TickPrice – tick price (cost of the price change by one point)
    • TickSize – tick size (minimum price change step)

Margin: Lots * InitialMargin * Margin_Rate or Lots * MaintenanceMargin * Margin_Rate * Margin_Rate


Profit:  (close_price - open_price) * Lots * TickPrice / TickSize


Exchange Bonds mode – calculation of margin and profit for trading bonds on a stock exchange

Margin: Lots * ContractSize * FaceValue * open_price * /100


Profit:  Lots * close_price * FaceValue * Contract_Size  + AccruedInterest * Lots * ContractSize


Exchange MOEX Stocks mode – calculation of margin and profit for trading securities on MOEX

Margin: Lots * ContractSize * LastPrice * Margin_Rate


Profit:  (close_price - open_price) * Contract_Size * Lots


Exchange MOEX Bonds mode – calculation of margin and profit for trading bonds on MOEX

Margin: Lots * ContractSize * FaceValue * open_price * /100


Profit:  Lots * close_price * FaceValue * Contract_Size  + AccruedInterest * Lots * ContractSize

Documentation on MQL5: Market Info / SymbolInfoMarginRate
Documentation on MQL5: Market Info / SymbolInfoMarginRate
SymbolInfoMarginRate - Market Info - MQL5 Reference - Reference on algorithmic/automated trading language for MetaTrader 5
Dmitry Zhakov #: THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!
You are welcome!
Ah, last question regarding this,  MarketInfo (Symbol(), MODE_MARGINREQUIRED) does calculate the amount in account currency or USD only?
Dmitry Zhakov #: Ah, last question regarding this,  MarketInfo (Symbol(), MODE_MARGINREQUIRED) does calculate the amount in account currency or USD only?
Most of the time it is account currency, but on some odd cases it may be the margin currency. It will never be specifically only USD.