Programmer's question. - page 3


The intellectual property of the coder is protected.

Реter Konow:
Does a VPS allow for development?
A cheap VPS is like a very weak computer. Testing is pointless to run, but editing and compiling and running cloud agents is fine.
I understand the question here is about legal protection of rights, but I indirectly replied that protecting int. property is easier to take care of physically, not legally.
Edgar Akhmadeev:
A cheap VPS is like a very weak computer. Testing is pointless to run, but editing and compiling and running cloud agents is fine.
I understand the question here is about legal protection of rights, but I indirectly replied that protecting int. property is easier to take care of physically rather than legally.

Thank you.


it is hard to assume that such code was invented by a single programmer in 2020, who is being chased by all IT companies in the world

algorithms and implementations have long been freely available to anyone and everything - be it mathematical calculations or game engines .....

the interesting thing now is the concept (novelty) of the product, and the realization - the creation of a clone, a matter of months.

i.e. it is not the code but the idea that is being stolen now, and what matters is how quickly you can enter the market and reach your audience - like unmanned cars, in fact, they are all being developed now, but only few companies have entered the sales segment

ZS: I think the topic is about a diploma in the frame - get it and hang on the wall, I do not see the point in a single programmer to venture into the protection of intellectual property without entering the sales of the product, if there are sales, it is a different matter

Igor Makanu:

it is hard to suppose that such code was invented by a single programmer in 2020, who is being chased by all IT companies of the world

algorithms and implementations have long been freely available to anyone and everything - be it mathematical calculations or game engines .....

the interesting thing now is the concept (novelty) of the product, and the realization - the creation of a clone, a matter of months.

i.e. it is not the code but the idea that is being stolen, what matters is how quickly it can enter the market and reach its audience-as an example, drones are in fact already being developed by everyone but only few companies have entered the sales segment

ZS: I think the topic is about a diploma in the frame - get it and hang it on the wall, I do not see the point in a single programmer to venture into the protection of intellectual property without entering the market for the product, if there are sales, it is a different matter

Abstraction from programmer to "little man with a big idea.

Реter Konow:

to the "little man with a big idea that requires a big investment".

IT is not an industry where a little person can make an invention or a breakthrough nowadays.

i've written for the hundredth time.... 2020 .... the time of writing the world's first MS-DOS is long gone, users are not interested in primitive solutions!

and the knowledge stack for one person in the IT-sphere is boundless, especially now commercially "shoot" not software solutions, but hardware and software - devices, gadgets, complex solutions such as virtual reality systems or hardware add-ons to gamdev - and this is another stack of knowledge on microelectronics and hardware processor technology

i.e. the amount of knowledge for one very talented person .... well, about 50 lifetimes of studying ready-made material and technologies - there is no sense to repeat ready-made solutions from scratch, it is quicker to study the implementation or technology

another utopia, that one person went and repeated the path of Bill Gates, he just had a dream and good luck - times are no longer the same for the industry, imho.

start-ups are still shooting commercially.... But you have to Google the statistics, it was a disaster there - out of several thousand start-ups that were able to attract commercial funds, only 2-3 managed to go on sale.

Реter Konow:

I will try to answer in short and to the point: the programmer is the weak link. He cannot protect his intellectual property on his own, even if he is an expert in his own right, if he comes to the people who have the resources that he (the programmer) needs to implement his ideas. That is, the programmer (coder, inventor - whatever), is forced to put his intellectual property in the hands of those who offer him help in scaling up his ideas. Inevitably, he will give them his codes and ideas. There is no other way. And then, he won't be able to prove anything, because his ideas and codes can be rewritten and reworked in a different style.

So, you have to play big and decide the question legally from the very beginning, before you go and develop something with someone. I think so...

Of course, if you participate in a common cause in the role of a programmer (or any other necessary in the case), you must think about the legal basis for working together. More often than not, this legal basis is the Labour Code, a work for hire. The programmer sits at the employer's computer in a clean room, heated and lit at the expense of the same employer, receives a salary guaranteed by the employment contract now, not after the sale of the finished product. Few people want to take on the role of that very employer and assume all the risks involved. Freelancing is also regulated by an agreement, sometimes a public offer, but the essence remains the same - all the risks are borne by the customer. The programmer sits at his computer and in his room, but the money is received for the implementation of the customer's ideas in the agreed terms of reference, and at the time, which is guaranteed by the contract. And no one will give the customer any guarantee that the money he spent will ever benefit (be recovered). So the programmer's security is much higher; in terms of security he is far from being a weak link. His work is always paid for. Only in the case of bankruptcy of the whole enterprise, which is organized by a customer, the programmer might get something less. That is usually the case.

The weakest link in a joint project is the one whose income is determined by the final result - the most risky part of the project. Look at your expenses, how much did you pay for using several versions of Windows and Microsoft Office, upgraded several times during the last 20 years? And the MS programmers have received their salaries in full. Is it also worthwhile to take into account how much of their work was intellectual property and how much was routine work, and redistribute their income? It was Microsoft that took the risk, it was the company that made the profit.

Those programmers who see their work as scientifically new publish their algorithms and ideas in scientific journals. And by doing so, they protect their intellectual property copyright.

I would say that programmers get paid for their work, and the value of the customer's (employer's) idea identified by the market goes to him. Nobody pays him for his labour.


Of course, if you are involved in a common cause in the role of programmer (or any of the others needed in the cause), you need to think about the legal basis for working together. More often than not, this legal basis is the Labour Code, an employment relationship. The programmer sits at the employer's computer in a clean room, heated and lit at the expense of the same employer, receives a salary guaranteed by the employment contract now, not after the sale of the finished product. Few people want to take on the role of that very employer and assume all the risks involved. Freelancing is also regulated by an agreement, sometimes a public offer, but the essence remains the same - all the risks are borne by the customer. The programmer sits at his computer and in his room, but the money is received for the implementation of the customer's ideas in the agreed terms of reference, and at the time, which is guaranteed by the contract. And no one will give the customer any guarantee that the money he spent will ever benefit (be recovered). So the programmer's security is much higher; in terms of security he is far from being a weak link. His work is always paid for. Only in the case of bankruptcy of the whole enterprise, which is organized by a customer, the programmer might get something less. That is usually the case.

The weakest link in a joint project is the one whose income is determined by the final result - the most risky part of the project. Look at your expenses, how much did you pay for using several versions of Windows and Microsoft Office, upgraded several times during the last 20 years? And the MS programmers have received their full salaries. Is it also worthwhile to take into account how much of their work was intellectual property and how much was routine work, and redistribute their income? It was Microsoft that took the risk, it was the company that made the profit.

Those programmers who see their work as scientifically new publish their algorithms and ideas in scientific journals. And by doing so, they protect their intellectual property copyright.

I would say that programmers get paid for their work, and the value of the customer's (employer's) idea identified by the market goes to him. Nobody pays him for his labour.

How you have turned things around).

The division of programmers' labor into seniors, teamsters, juniors and under-junks appeared not from whims and level of skill, but from the requirements of the industry

We must call everything by its proper names - if we speak about a software developer whose source code was stolen, it is one question, but if we speak about a talented programmer ..... sorry for the programmer, he will write a couple thousand lines of his know-how ))))

SZS: Regarding the subject of this forum there are two roles: TC developer and doer, it's good if the TC developer has time and knowledge to write code at the same time, but even in this case the value of his work will be only as a TC developer,

All the rest is just an organization of the process, who wrote, who tested, who thought up the mathematical model - one was, so the developer and the executor are in one person

Igor Makanu:

The division of programmers into seniors, teamsters, juniors and under-junks is not a result of whims and level of skill, but a result of industry requirements

We must call everything by its proper names - if we speak about a software developer whose source code was stolen, it is one question, but if we speak about a talented programmer ..... sorry for the programmer, he will write a couple thousand lines of his know-how ))))

SZS: Regarding the subject of this forum there are two roles: TC developer and doer, it's good if the TC developer has time and knowledge to write code at the same time, but even in this case the value of his work will be only as a TC developer,

And all the rest is just an organization of the process, who wrote, who tested, who thought up the mathematical model - one was, so the developer and the executor are in one person

The developer-author of the idea (one person) and his venture capitalist (second person).