Programmer's question.


Is there a global practice of patenting or otherwise protecting software intellectual property?

Распределенные вычисления в сети MQL5 Cloud Network
Распределенные вычисления в сети MQL5 Cloud Network
Большую часть времени современные компьютеры простаивают и не используют всех возможностей процессора. Мы предлагаем задействовать их с пользой. Вы можете сдавать мощности вашего компьютера другим участникам нашей сети для выполнения разнообразных...
Реter Konow:

Is there a worldwide practice of patenting or otherwise protecting software intellectual property? Suppose a person comes up with a software solution that requires huge computing resources for testing. The programmer goes to third party computer owners and recklessly submits his code. As a result of testing on their hardware it turns out that the coder's software solves its tasks perfectly, and then, it comes to the latter's attention that he is not the only owner of his solution anymore...

How should a programmer protect himself correctly to avoid getting into such a situation?

The topic is quite relevant to any experimenter writing code.

No, software patents are not granted. Protection is usually inside the code itself....
Mihail Marchukajtes:
No, software patents are not granted. Protection is usually inside the code itself....

Found this article:

Патент на программное обеспечение: мифы и реальность
Патент на программное обеспечение: мифы и реальность
Вопросы охраны своих нематериальных прав возникает у ІТ-компаний и предпринимателей в самом начале работы или даже до старта фактической деятельности. Ведь почти вся стоимость технологического предприятия – это стоимость его объектов интеллектуальной собственности. Для охраны своей собственности, инновационные компании должны использовать...

There is a registration of rights to a computer programme. This is not a patent, not a copyright, but the registration of the copyright holder and author of the code.

This is pure code protection and nothing else. You take this code, analyze it, understand the algorithm, write your own code and that's it.

And it cost... when the dollar was 37 rubles - 5 thousand rubles. That's if you go to a specialist. But if you prepare the documentation yourself, if you are able to break through all those bureaucratic hurdles and traps, it's pennies.

The effectiveness of internal code protection is relative.
Dmitry Fedoseev:

There is a registration of rights to a computer programme. This is not a patent, not a copyright, but the registration of the copyright holder and author of the code.

This is pure code protection and nothing else. You take this code, analyze it, understand the algorithm, write your own code and that's it.

And it cost... when the dollar was 37 rubles - 5 thousand roubles. That's if you go to a specialist. And if you prepare your own documentation, if you are able to break through all those bureaucratic hurdles and traps, you'll be out of pocket.

It is substantial and to the point.

Реter Konow:
Don't move your dll from your computer to theirs back and forth every time you change it...

dlls are not protected against reverse-engineering (decoding)

debuggers, disassemblers and many tools that even allow you to get the source code - I think I met some time ago to decode compiled Delphi programs

software protection is also a business and costs money - google "software shippers and protectors" - there are some pretty reliable protectors, but they are as expensive as developing commercial software

UPD: Wiki Packing executable files

Igor Makanu:

dlls are not affected by reverse-engineering (decoding)

debuggers, disassemblers and many tools that even allow you to get the source code - I think I met some time ago to decode compiled Delphi programs

software protection is also business and costs money - google "software packers and protectors" - there are some pretty reliable protectors but they cost as much as a commercial software development

Got it, thanks.)))))
Реter Konow:
It's more convenient to keep sources on powerful servers of their owners and refactoring, debugging and compiling there. You don't have to transfer the DLL from your computer to theirs back and forth every time you make a change...
That's what I do (I mean ex5). I don't keep any code on VPS. I back up to cloud and find it safe enough. In order to steal intellectual property I need a targeted hunt for my achievements, but I don't suffer from Napoleon's syndrome. On the other hand, VPS and forex-oriented code depositories have everything put together. Besides, RDP etc are very vulnerable, and having gained access, a hacker will easily see trading results in the terminal and there will be codes lying around...
But I don't think it's too serious either, I just observe safety as a good habit. Although, when EA becomes almost a grail, and the balance / turnover is large, I'll probably observe the most stringent rules.
Реter Konow:
A programmer gives his (even if incomplete) intellectual property into their hands in the form of source code and nothing can be done about it.

The answer begs to be given - don't give it away. Build your own capacity. If you are confident that the code will work, then you need to spend a lot of money on your own equipment.

Aleksei Stepanenko:

The answer begs to be given - don't give it away. Build your own capacity. If you are confident that the code will work, then you need to spend a lot of money on your own equipment.

Well, the question is not about me personally, but about a similar situation.))