GRAAL in trading - definition... - page 21

Sergey Lazarenko:

In your style, you don't answer questions, you stump your opponent. I'm not a shithead, and I answer straightforwardly for the bazaar, decided for the only reason, any Grail must have a theoretical foundation backed up by practice. In order to realize this Grail one has to lean on some theoretical knowledge, because there are always moments of failure, and at such moments the fear will torment the trader, and the only support may be only a correct mathematical calculation, as they say: one cannot change a horse with another. What else should a trader rely on but mathematical superiority? Is it clear? If I do not understand something, I am ready to explain the position in more detail.

What you have suggested refers to the usual profitable strategies...

But GRAAL is a bit more than just a profitable strategy...

Just because your strategy is backed by practice, does not make it a GRAAL, no matter how much you want it ...

Serqey Nikitin:

What you have suggested belongs to the usual profitable strategies...

But a GRAAL is little more than a profitable strategy...

Just because your strategy is backed by practice, does not make it a GRAAL, no matter how much you want it...

The Grail, is an eternal source of money and everything else is nothing. And where do you see an eternal source of money? What does it look like? Show

Just imagine that the Grail definition alone took at least 21 pages, so how long would it take to develop it?)
Imagine that a small definition of what the Grail is took at least 21 pages, how many pages would it take to work it out?)

There's a simple law that ancient philosophers observed: simply remove everything unnecessary, and the GRAAL will emerge in its pristine beauty.

Sergey Lazarenko:

just take out all the extra stuff,

Sergei, I've removed everything unnecessary here, and there's nothing left. What to do?

Aleksei Stepanenko:

Sergei, I've removed everything unnecessary here and there's nothing left. What to do?

Jump, or shake!!! The main thing is not to think)))))


I traded a grail once in my life... and that was some oversight at one of the brokers (the Highlanders), which was later corrected in a big way.

I bought and sold gas from different brokers at the same time. I bought from Bulkbroker and sold from Highlanders. They had different deliveries and every month there was enough difference to cover expenses on money transfers between brokers (because one's account was constantly growing and the other one was melting) and to keep about 8-10% a month.

The highlanders let me trade without swap... that was the beauty of it.

I have added quite a bit in half a year, considering that I used almost all my trading money.

Now I can do it too, but the swaps are everywhere so at best 2-3% a month... and if I make a mistake somewhere, it will eat it up.

Aleksei Stepanenko:

Sergei, I've removed everything unnecessary here and there's nothing left. What should I do?

Point the finger at me, I don't feel like leafing through 20 pages, let's discuss it, it's interesting to talk to the person you're talking to, not a jerk.

Sergey Lazarenko:

point the finger at me.

I was just joking that the topic of the thread doesn't make sense.

I see, everyone wants to make money, preferably working less. What is there to discuss for so long for 20 pages.

Aleksei Stepanenko:

I was just joking that the topic of the thread doesn't make sense.

It is understandable that everyone wants to make money, preferably to work less. What's so long to discuss here for 20 pages.

Laws and regulations was the right topic)