Looking for patterns - page 265


Serqey Nikitin:

In fact, there should be an INDEPENDENT EVIDENCE of trader's actions, tied to the price chart itself...

For example, SIGNALS of indicators according to a strict mathematical law, which can easily be built into an EA...

My entry is not as clean as Maxim's, but the result is the same.

Here's an indicator signal "according to the strict mathematical law , which can easily be built into your EA...":

Do it, you have the code. Do not forget to share the result.

By the way, about time and place entry (according to Maxim's version).

Before the turn down on the weekly trend - either 2-3 days of flat, or a rise to 1.18..., possibly both.

After today's spat, can anyone tell me where the "trend" is headed?

Which horizon to trade in?
Maxim Kuznetsov:
Who, after today's squabble, will tell us which direction the "trend" is?

On which horizon where to trade?

On the weekly, nowhere, just hold Long

Алексей Тарабанов:

By the way, about time and place entry (according to Maxim's version).

Before the turn down on the weekly trend - either 2-3 days of flat, or a rise to 1.18..., possibly both.

Once upon a time there was a "scissors" strategy. If you peel the huskies, then hi low of alternating days/weeks were connected graphically and traded from these figures.

Makes a lot of sense. Whoever is looking for a pattern is worth paying attention to.

Similar to a zigzag, but there are two and across a period

"Nowadays , traditional Japanese painting has become rather formal and lifeless. It is as a consequence of this that modern art has developed. Ancient painters often did this by arranging dots on paper in an artistic mess. It's quite difficult. Even if you try to do it - usually what you get is in some kind of yes order. You think you can control the arrangement of the dots, but you can't: it's almost an impossible task to arrange the dots out of order. This is very similar to the concerns of everyday life. Even if you try to manage people, it is not feasible. You cannot do it. The best way to manage people is to encourage them to be daring. Then they will be guided in a broader sense. Letting your sheep or cow into a big, spacious meadow is the way to lead them. It is the same with people: first let them do what they want to do and then supervise them. This is the best approach. Ignoring them is not good; it is the worst approach. Slightly less bad is trying to manage them. The best approach is to observe them, just observe them without trying to control them."

Shunryu Suzuki

In the 80's I was lucky enough to work with George P. Shchedrovitsky.

You should check out his work and try to do some reflection here and elsewhere, you might be able to do it.

Maxim Kuznetsov:
And who, after today's pique, can tell where the "trend" is headed?

In which horizon to trade where?



Or if it's really trending, it's going against the crowd.

It's all flat at the moment.

Renat Akhtyamov:



) Where might the trend be headed after dinner?

Serqey Nikitin:

The trend is up, but so far a pullback:

The outlook is for the trend to continue upwards.

Shit, it makes sense. Why the oscillators?

Алексей Тарабанов:

Shit, it makes sense. Why oscillators?

Well, not everyone is a Hedgehog, right?...

For a Trader, it's clarity and facts that matter. And for HEWs, it's all speculation and fantasy...