From theory to practice - page 644


Thank you for this post. Almost entirely in line with my research and even more so. A lot of work has been done to write such a thing. Respect!

Thanks Bro!) glad i'm not the only one trying to clarify the situation. hopefully the alpari almighty won't punish us for it XD

Martin Cheguevara:

I just know for a fact that there is no pattern in the market other than:

this statement and all the following points are nonsense )
that statement and all subsequent paragraphs are nonsense )

A very, very wise comment. Very scaldingly true.)

By the way, provocation is not the answer.

I can also write that what you write is Brad and what, who's better off for it? XD

Martin Cheguevara:

4. the higher the TF, the more random the price, because on the lower TF at least there are shots. and on the higher TF thick tails just do not appear, since 90% of the quantile is practically a raver 1.6 sigma. Distribution is close to Gaussian.

I would even say from double exponential through normal to uniform.
I would even say from double exponential through normal to uniform.



Increase asymmetry in 3000 minutes EURUSD window 480 minutes (Price pre-transformed)

Asymmetry increments.

Evgeniy Chumakov:

Increase asymmetry in 3000 minutes EURUSD window 480 minutes (Price pre-transformed)

Asymmetry increments.

Can you tell from the upper chart how transformed?
Evgeniy Chumakov:

Asymmetry of asymmetries in 3000 minutes EURUSD window of 480 minutes (Price pre-transformed)

Asymmetry increments.

will the normalisation from 0 to 100% work?

Martin Cheguevara:

By the way, provocation is not the solution.

it is not a provocation )

the patterns are there, they cannot be avoided based on the principle of market building.

it is better to look for them in very small and in very large TFs.

for the rest there is no sense to even comment on it.

Martin Cheguevara:

normalise from 0 to 100% will work?
