The ticking history of the glass. - page 14

Реter Konow:
To your point "study stock trading better".

1) Orders in the market are always Limiters ONLY. Sell limit, Buy limit, Sell stop, Buy stop. That is, these are ONLY orders.

2. Bids are offers if they are higher than ask price, i.e. sell limits or lower if sell stops.

3. Bids are a demand if they are lower than the bid price, i.e. Buy limits or higher if Buy stops.

Bids do not create trades in any direction, deals are initiated by MARKET ORDERS, and it is they who move the price.

If there are more market buys than market sales and the supply is absorbed by the demand (limiters on sale meet market buys) the price will go up.

If there are more market sales than market purchases, and the volume of limiters below the bid price is less dense than the volume of market orders to sell, the price will fall.

You should be writing novels, just like many others...

So, one more lesson on the FORTS futures market - Bids and trades.

There are no LIMIT or MARKET orders on the FORTS, but there are three types of orders,


1. Quotation Order

2. Counter Bid

3. Fill-or-Kill order

The MT5 server translates all order types into orders in accordance with the exchange order specification.

From the FORTS gateway, the orders get to the "pre-bank" where they are assigned NONE of the time and divided into BUY and SELL,

After a certain period of time, a certain number of bids are forwarded to the Auction, where they are combined.

If the first order in the queue (in nanosecond time) is a sell order, it is searched for a matching buy order and this transaction will have the BUY flag,

respectively, if the next order (in nanosecond time) is a Buy order, it is searched for a Sell order, and this trade will have the SELL flag.

Реter Konow:
To your point "study stock trading better".

1) Orders in the market are always Limiters ONLY. Sell limit, Buy limit, Sell stop, Buy stop. That is, these are ONLY orders.

2. Bids are offers if they are higher than ask price, i.e. sell limits or lower if sell stops.

3. Bids are a demand if they are lower than the bid price, i.e. Buy limits or higher if Buy stops.

Bids do not create trades in any direction, deals are initiated by MARKET ORDERS, and it is they who move the price.

If there are more market buys than market sales and the supply is absorbed by the demand (limiters on sale meet market buys) the price will go up.

If there are more market sales than market purchases, and the volume of limiters below the bid price is less tight than the volume of market orders to sell, the price will fall.

Suddenly, the other side of the trade can also be limit orders, the price in which allows it to converge with counter orders.

So flags don't show buy or sell on the market, they show which side's order initiated the trade.

Ilya Baranov:

Suddenly, the other side of the trade can also be limit orders, the price in which allows it to be matched with counter orders.

So flags do not show buy or sell on the market, they show which side's order initiated the trade.

Only a Market order may initiate a trade. Two limit orders, a buy limit and a sell limit, cannot connect by themselves because one has a bid price and the other an ask price.

Someone MUST BELIEVE and execute the trade at the less favourable MARKET price. Who it will be, the buyer or the seller, only the two parties to the potential deal decide. Without their decision, no one can do anything for them.

The one who opens at the market price loses one pip compared to the one who opens at the limit price. And it is ONLY the counterparties to the transaction who decide who it will be.

You should write novels, just like many others...

So, a quick refresher on the FORTS futures market - Bids and trades.

There are no LIMIT orders on the FORTS, but there are three types of orders,


1. Quotation order

2. Counter bid

3. Fill-or-Kill order

The MT5 server translates all order types into orders in accordance with the exchange order specification.

From the FORTS gateway, the orders get to the "pre-bank" where they are assigned NONE of the time and divided into BUY and SELL,

After a certain period of time, a certain number of bids are forwarded to the Auction, where they are combined.

If the first order in the queue (in nanosecond time) is a sell order, it is searched for a matching buy order and this transaction will have the BUY flag,

respectively, if the next order (in nanosecond time) is a buy order, it is matched with a sell order and this trade will have the SELL flag

Like, on the FORTS exchange, the limiters automatically converge and trades are made?)) And who decides which side gets the worst (market) price? Some uncle?)
Реter Konow:
Only a Market order can initiate a trade. Two limit orders, buy limit and sell limit, cannot connect by themselves because one has a bid price and the other an ask price.

Someone MUST BELIEVE and make the deal at a less favourable MARKET price. Who it will be, the buyer or the seller, is up to the two parties to the potential deal. Without their decision, no one can do anything for them.

The one who opens at the market price loses one pip compared to the one who opens at the limit price. And it is ONLY the counterparties to the transaction who decide who it will be.

Peter, stop flubbing.

Реter Konow:
Like, on the FORTS exchange, the limiters are automatically consolidated and trades are made?)) And who decides which side gets the worst (market) price? Some uncle?)

Not like that, but that's how ASTS Spectra (FORTS) works


Peter, stop flubbing.

And you start learning the basic laws of trading. The price of opposite limit orders is different and one counterparty always opens at a worse price than the other (the market price). No one decides for the counterparties who will open at the worse price.

Peter, stop flubbing.

In simple terms:

I send an application to FORTS that I want to buy at 10 roubles. You send an order that you want to sell for 11 roubles (two limit orders come in). Who decides who loses a ruble in the transaction?

Whoever first agrees to the price of the opposite side will lose a ruble, but no one else must decide this but us.

That is why only Market Orders move the price. Essentially, this is a concession by one of the counterparties when they agree to the price offered by the other party. Without it, the price would stand firmly in place.

YaReteg Konow:
And you start learning the basic laws of trading. The price of opposite limit orders is different and one of the counterparties always opens at a worse price than the other (the market price). No one decides for the counterparties who will open at the worse price.

Don't you read what is written at all?

There are no limit orders

FORTS Order Specification

Everything I described above comes from the FORTS DOCUMENTATION, and your fabrications are based on what?

Added by

You don't even know how MT5 works

MT5 terminal --> MT5 server --> FORTS gateway --> ASTS Spectra


Don't you read what is written at all?

There are no limit orders

FORTS Order Specification

Everything I described above comes from the FORTS DOCUMENTATION and your fabrications are based on what?

Added by

You don't even know how MT5 works

MT5 terminal --> MT5 Server --> FORTS Gateway --> ASTS Spectra

Do you read the tables you cite?

Read in the header of the table. Read inside the table and below. There are words order and order everywhere.

Application is a warrant. A bid is in Russian, an order is in English.

An order is always a limit order (limited to one particular price) if its price is different from the current market price.

Different terminology does not mean a different nature of things.