Bitcoin and everything associated with it. The home of cryptomaniacs and their adversaries. - page 47

So you must have mailed the money for the deposit? And Andruha and the drug mule
I don't remember, I must have been drunk.
finally the helpdesk is getting to me )
Finally a supportport got to me too )
Not every supportport will fly to the middle of the Dnieper River and reach a remote Udmurt village
Not every sopporte will fly to the middle of the Dnieper to reach a deaf Udmurt village
the village is Russian, but in Udmurtia.
the village is Russian, but in Udmurtia.
Did the helpdesk know?

admit who is copying the trades.

the first trade is opened and the next one is copied, but the price of the copied one is worse.

Did the helpdesk know?
How would he know, he' s a monumental sappor.
Where are you going to fish when you've got a million?
Where are you going to fish when you've got a million?
Oh, I got an idea. I'll come to you for smelt.)
That's it, I've found where you'll be catching