Nostalgic for the past? - page 12


specifically on the aforementioned fighters I can say the following:

- sabluk here was so low that he ended up in an insane asylum,

- I can tell you specifically about the aforementioned fighters: sabluba was so downgraded that he ended up in a mental hospital, niroba with his "nirobians" was cast out with disgrace,

- sart, aka ssd got drunk, drank for two years, found the strength to pull himself together, now works as a programmer, does not trade....

Such nostalgia, but life was really buzzing...

Yes, they were not prepared for the rigours of FOREX they were naive and their naivety played a cruel trick.
(Oh, my God! (grinning) Forex is invincible... forex is invincible... yes, xxx... there! Russian PTU's beat it long ago....there are problems in other things....fairness of the game...but those are questions for those who provide their should ask Snowden, he'll tell you more, fuck.
The first thing traders need to know is that with $100 in a trading account they can easily lose $10,000 when they make a trade.

specifically on the aforementioned fighters I can say the following:

- sabluk here was so low that he ended up in an insane asylum,

- I can tell you specifically about the aforementioned fighters: sabluba was so downgraded that he ended up in a mental hospital, niroba with his "nirobians" was cast out with disgrace,

- sart, aka ssd got drunk, drank for two years, found the strength to pull himself together, now works as a programmer, does not trade....

Such nostalgia, but life was really buzzing ...

Forex beats all ! Be careful !

If you know where, why do you ask?
Why do you think that only Odessans know the song about Odessa? Mark Bernes was heard and loved by everybody at one time. And the film "Two Soldiers" did not leave the screens for a long time.
(Oh, my God! (grinning) Forex is invincible... forex is invincible... yes, xxx... there! Russian PTUs beat it a long time ago....there are problems in other things....the fairness of the game...but those are questions for those who provide their should ask Snowden, he'll tell you more, for fuck's sake.
Well, if Russian PTU students have any problems preventing them from becoming millionaires at the expense of forex, it means that they didn't win.

The problem is determining the exact point at which the trend starts. An error in determining that point by a couple of bars can turn into a stumbling point error by a couple of hundred pips. You know yourself, tara, how unstable the derivative is...

But the approach is interesting; we should test it by stabilizing it with some smoothing.

Only if for the love of art (about some stabilization...). There is no error determining the trend start point, because in this case the task is retrospective (we are speaking about position closing).
The subject of boobs is not covered

Where does Manuka get her tits? She's trans...

Only if for the love of art (about stabilization...). There is no error in determining the trend start point, because in this case the task is retrospective (we are talking about position closing).
Yes, the problem of determining the trend start on the history does not exist, but the problem of determining the true breakdown of the trend line does exist.
Well, if Russian PTU students have any problems preventing them from becoming millionaires at the expense of forex, it means they haven't won.

Is there no way to do it without a million? To live healthy, to be happy, not to be a slave, that's all. or the other half whips and demands millions