Any rookie question, so as not to clutter up the forum. Professionals, don't pass by. Nowhere without you - 6. - page 948


Vinin, ok, but EventChartCustom generates a custom event, not catches it.

We just need to know where the trader clicked on the chart.


Vinin, ok, but EventChartCustom generates a custom event, not catches it.

You just need to know where the trader clicked on the chart.


The OnChartEvent() is the event handler of theChartEvent group:

  • CHARTEVENT_KEYDOWN - event of the keyboard click when the chart window is in focus;
  • CHARTEVENT_MOUSE_MOVE - events of mouse movement and pressing of mouse buttons (if the CHART_EVENT_MOUSE_MOVE=true property of the chart);
  • CHARTEVENT_OBJECT_CREATE - the event of creating a graphical object (if the CHART_EVENT_OBJECT_CREATE=true property is set for a chart);
  • CHARTEVENT_OBJECT_CHANGE - object property change event via the properties dialog;
  • CHARTEVENT_OBJECT_DELETE - deleting event of the graphical object (if theCHART_EVENT_OBJECT_DELETE=true property is set for the graph);
  • CHARTEVENT_CLICK - event of the mouse click on the chart;
  • CHARTEVENT_OBJECT_CLICK - mouse click event on the graphical object belonging to the chart;
  • CHARTEVENT_OBJECT_DRAG - event of the graphical object moving with the mouse;
  • CHARTEVENT_OBJECT_ENDEDIT - the event of the end of text editing in the entry field of the LabelEdit graphical object;
  • CHARTEVENT_CHART_CHANGE - event of the chart modification;
  • CHARTEVENT_CUSTOM+n - ID of the user event, where n is in the range from 0 to 65535.
  • CHARTEVENT_CUSTOM_LAST is the last valid ID of the custom event (CHARTEVENT_CUSTOM+65535).

The function can be called in Expert Advisors and indicators, it must have the void type and 4 parameters:

voidOnChartEvent(constint id,// event identifier
constlong& lparam,// event parameter of long type
constdouble& dparam,// event parameter of double type
conststring& sparam// event parameter of string type


Vinin, thank you.

Judging by the description, it's impossible to attach it to the script, and I need it for the script.

I'll give it a try though, maybe it'll work.


Good Day to All! And Happy Holidays!

Question on the subject of include files - "Useful"!!!

According to the tutorial, include files are stored either in the Experts folder or in the Include folder.

If I want to create in the folder Include a dozen more folders and store my include files .mqh already there, when compiling the program does not find them!

THE QUESTION - how to make the program find include files not only in the folder Include but also inside it - folders?


This is very necessary when the included files are very much, and you want to group them into folders, and not a bunch to see in include.

Thank you!


Good Day to All! And Happy Holidays!

Question on the subject of include files - "Useful"!!!

According to the tutorial, include files are stored either in the Experts folder or in the Include folder.

If I want to create in the folder Include a dozen more folders and store my include files .mqh already there, when compiling the program does not find them!

THE QUESTION - how to make the program find include files not only in the folder Include but also inside it - folders?


This is very necessary when the included files are very much, and you want to group them into folders, and not a bunch to see in include.

Thank you!

What's the problem? If the file is in Include/Folder1/Folder2 then

#include <папка1\папка2\файл.mqh>

Thank you very much!

I forgot to compile the right file.


I asked a question in MQL5, but it's actually from MQL4, so I'm repeating it here:

I can't find an interpretation on the old Highest and Lowest commands. They are different in syntax from new iHighest and iLowest. Of course, I can take everything out of context, but it is too fucking intensive. Can anyone give me a hint?


I asked a question in MQL5, but it's actually from MQL4, so I'll repeat it here:

I can't find an interpretation on the old Highest and Lowest commands. They are different in syntax from new iHighest and iLowest. Of course, I can take everything out of context, but it is too fucking intensive. Can anyone give me a hint?

The MQL5 environment will still handle them as iHighest and iLowest respectively when compiling, what is the point of this question? Just old functions left in purely for compatibility.
The MQL5 environment will still handle them as iHighest and iLowest respectively when compiling, what is the point of this question? Just old functions left in place purely for compatibility.
The point is that they're already in the old texts, and it's not really clear which is which. I'm telling you, they differ in syntax from the new ones. There are even fewer arguments. Or some of them are by default. The system handles them and works them out, but MINE needs to understand. And the context is kind of peculiar, incomprehensible.
The thing is, they are already in the old texts, and it's not really clear which is which. I tell you, they differ in syntax from the new ones. There are even fewer arguments. Or some of them are by default. The system handles them and works them out, but MINE needs to understand. And the context is peculiar, incomprehensible.
Show me a line for comparison, I've seen it but a long time ago and don't remember, I think I just added i and no problems. But I repeat, it was a long time ago and I may not remember correctly.