Any rookie question, so as not to clutter up the forum. Professionals, don't pass by. Nowhere without you - 6. - page 47


Hello, help me please help me if I need the variable sig=1 to remember the balance and not to change its value no matter how much it will show next, and if sig=1 again to remember the current one please tell me the code


Everybody's a smart-ass.

I'm sorry... the thing is, I've been dreading the task for two days...

I wouldn't ask for help.

I don't know how you manage the flag sig. Do it this way:

    if (сиг == 1) {pol = AccountBalance(); сиг = 0;}

I don't know how you manage the sig flag. Do it this way:

Thank you

That's weird. I tried that. It didn't work...

Now it's working. It's maddening.


Sorry, thanks for the answer.

Does anyone have any code for drawing objects, I'm not good at coding, I can just figure out what's where and paste it into my code, but I don't think I can write it myself.

I would be VERY grateful.

If there are enough indicator buffers, you can do it without objects
Hello. Why when replacing Alert variable in the indicator with SendNotification there are some strange errors. I had to remove the output of currency type from the message, only the text like "Buy" "Sell" was left and then these errors don't appear during compilation.
Good afternoon. Could you please advise how to display, for example, fractals of a higher period on a one-minute timeframe, say, a five-minute period? What should the indicator buffer be equal to?
I have tried this code, but it doesn't work properly.
int TF=5;
for(int i=0; i<500; i++)   
 ExtMapBuffer1[TF*i]=iFractals(NULL, TF, MODE_UPPER, i);
 ExtMapBuffer2[TF*i]=iFractals(NULL, TF, MODE_LOWER, i); 
Good afternoon. Could you please advise how to display, for example, fractals of a higher period, say, a five-minute one, on a one-minute timeframe? What should the indicator buffer be equal to?
I tried such a code, but it does not work properly.
To display a fractal, it should be found first (as you can guess, not every bar has fractals). And bar synchronization (on different TFs) is done by time.
Good afternoon. Could you please advise how to display, for example, fractals of a higher period on a one-minute timeframe, say, a five-minute period? What should the indicator buffer be equal to?
I have tried this code, but it doesn't work properly.
int TF=5;
Holy shit! We got a scroll!

Чтобы отобразить фрактал, его нужно сначала найти (фракталы, как можно догадаться, есть не на каждом баре). А синхронизация баров (на разных TF) производится по времени.

Thanks, of course, for the valuable advice, but the iFractals function isjust looking for fractals.

int TF=5;
for(int i=0; i<500; i++)   
 ExtMapBuffer1[TF*i]=iFractals(NULL, TF, MODE_UPPER, i);
 ExtMapBuffer2[TF*i]=iFractals(NULL, TF, MODE_LOWER, i); 

I need an example of working code, or may be you have a link to an indicator that already has it in Code Base.

The advisor does not handle ticks. Took the programme from the textbook as an example:
int Count=0;                                    // Глобальная перемен.
int start()                                     // Спец. ф-ия start()
   double Price = Bid;                          // Локальная перемен.
   Alert("Новый тик ",Count,"   Цена = ",Price);// Сообщение
   return;                                      // Выход из start()
int init()                                      // Спец. ф-ия init()
   Alert ("Сработала ф-ия init() при запуске"); // Сообщение
   return;                                      // Выход из init()   
int deinit()                                    // Спец. ф-ия deinit()
   Alert ("Сработала ф-ия deinit() при выгрузке");// Сообщение
   return;                                      // Выход из deinit()
Alerts on initialisation and deletion are output. When the price changes, it does not. What could be the problem?
The iFractals() function just calculates fractals (but I see it's the same for you)... Dig around (for starters).