Not the Grail, just a regular one - Bablokos!!! - page 642


I am not an adept of randomness, but in my opinion, the adherents of randomness can argue something like this:

If TS uses some kind of regularity for entering, as a rule, the market sooner or later breaks this regularity and TS starts to fail. And with a random entry any market pattern is not used, so such TS either good or bad, but it can work stably, regardless of changes in market characteristics.

I was testing grid ideas once... and decided to try such an idea:

1. Equal step (whether it was 20p or 25... I do not remember, but it was exactly at round levels). Eurobucks.

2. First entry - price touches upper level - buy, lower level - sell.

3. Further - any touch of the level - opposite deal (not to be confused with the flips).

I.e. price of 1000 - buy, 1020 - sell, 1040 - buy, 1060 - sell, 1080 - buy, 1060 - sell...

Can't remember exactly what year, but equity was just a straight line up, almost no drawdown... seems to be year 18 or 19. All other years drained or stomped on.

It's certainly not a random entry, but it was amusing to see such an outcome. The profit/loss ratio there was around 15/1... i.e. grail))

Maxim Kuznetsov:

Nah, in this context it's a derivative of " female moose" :-)

I mean, motherfucker)

Aleksey Nikolayev:

I mean, his mother.)

Maybe his mother, maybe his wife or daughter, or his mother-in-law)

Aleksey Nikolayev:

The topic of the branch is "Bablokos" which reminds us of "Bablos":

"Bablos" is a very ancient word. It may be the oldest word that has survived to this day. It has the same root as Babylon. And it comes from the Akkadian word "babilu" - "gate of God".

"Babylon is a concentrated form of human suffering, and man is a factory of pain.

"we're all just cogs in a planetary moonshine machine. "which distills everyone's frustration into dough. And all people's dreams, hopes and plans are the leaven from which it is distilled".


Pelevin has some very deep philosophical thoughts, including about finance and trading

in a sense, all life is a kind of constant trading


In a sense, all of life is a kind of constant trading

Well, yes, but I would not like to be just a trading tool or a trading platform in this trading)


Pelevin has some very deep philosophical thoughts, including about finance and trading

it is possible that this is nothing more than the result of Pelevin's failed attempt to get fabulously rich on forex

Aleksandr Volotko:

it is possible that this is nothing more than the result of Pelevin's failed attempt to get fabulously rich on forex.

Probably not only on Forex - somewhere he claimed that all portfolio investors are paedophiles. It can't simply be an attempt to please the tastes of the bulk of his readers.



4. Слишком долго ждать, прежде чем принять решение.

There is a valuable rule of thumb here which was applied by Colin Powell (former US Secretary of State): you need 40% to 70% of information to make a decision. If you need full certainty, you might miss the chance. So you have to rely on your intuition. According to Sean Rawls, founder and CEO of Rawls Consulting, effective leadership involves a combination of knowledge and experience, sometimes it means making decisions based on intuition, even in the absence of comprehensive information.



A good signal/indicator/strategy gives 55-63% (in the high jump, 68-69) of successful entries. And that's a lot.

You could even justify this limit, so Colin Paul is partly right :-)