FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 16: June 2012) - page 255

I give Ilanchik cigarettes for his cigarettes, sometimes he even plays with guys for wrappers, he brags happily about it))))
My nerves are fine! I realised a long time ago that I was going to Saratov)))

Again, everyone is lethargic and meditating))))

Sorry about the foul language))))


MASTER's answer)))

Evil trolls we are, especially me)))

You know, everything is a comparison... You're lucky you weren't acquainted with "777", he was something else... Many normal people have left our forum thanks to him, he was high on drugs and said so much ..., he used to paint all the pages with hamsters on trains ... And this "MASTER" at least he speaks the truth and in a sane way that compares well with reality ....
Who has seen the weather forecast for today, is it going to be hot?
You know, everything is a comparison... You're lucky you didn't know "777", it was something else... You're lucky you weren't acquainted with "777" that was something else... Many normal forum users have left our forum thanks to him, he was high on drugs and said so much ..., he painted all the pages with hamsters on trains ... And this "MASTER" at least he speaks the truth and in a sane way that compares well with reality ....

I didn't catch the hamsters((((

He speaks the truth, but:

- He only speaks in general terms, not much in detail;

- He describes his own and his work in a very superficial manner, not to mention the mm, stops, and mo's, while he is eager to teach;

- His nerves are bad, he needs treatment, not forum surfing.


make channels and watch the daily move...roughly... (do not enter on the move when the channel is touching....from the border inwards trade with caution not to take it out on a strong's just a price guide in space...not for trading...

Files:  16 kb

I didn't catch hamsters(((.

He speaks the truth, but:

- He only speaks in general terms, not much in detail;

- He describes his own and his work in a very superficial manner, not to mention the mm, stops, and mo's, while he is eager to teach;

- He's a nervous wreck, he needs treatment, not forum surfing.

Well if you recall he wasn't the only one here "suffering from pomposity and delusions of superiority of not understanding others", maybe geniuses are all like that...

Take a break from the computer and from the market.......after the moose, rest the pullbacks in the evening.......don't get into the thick of it...I'll throw you a template with an inductor....

Thanks for the tip but I don't think it'll do me any good, I'll just finish the last 20 quid and quit, I'll be designing magazines for fat uncles and aunts sniffing around ))))
Well if you recall he wasn't the only one here "suffering from pomposity and delusions of superiority of not understanding others", maybe geniuses are all like that...

Why don't these geniuses simply lay out, or at least study the deals, + comments to them, and everything would be clear, but no, they come here to pour water and chew the snot.