Interesting and humorous - page 156

There is an ideological war going on and there always has been one. The principle is simple - to suppress the "inconvenient" facts of history and to highlight the "convenient" ones. All countries are guilty of this and rewrite history "to suit themselves". The Jews rewrote the book of kingdoms five times - each king "for himself". All the historical materials are available, maybe 90% of them are available to those who want to understand.
About the Germans and "better surrender"... Hitler intended to exterminate all non-Aryans - Slavs, Jews, Gypsies, etc. The parents of today's malcontents would have been mere ash in the fields for fertiliser.
Not surrendered, but left the city, continuing to fight the enemy. Just as they left Kiev, Minsk, Orel, Bryansk and dozens of others. For purely military reasons. Was there no pity for the parents there?
But the question - "Did our troops leave Kiev correctly?" does not arouse such emotions. Though they could not have left it, having put a couple of armies in a cauldron and blockade, which, thanks to surrender of Kiev, did not die, but fought on other fronts.
That way you could "leave it" all the way to the Urals, why fight? That's what the SMERSH was for, with no emotion behind it.

The past is seemingly patient. Whatever you want, you can make of it.

When I was at school, neutered Russian history was presented as a drawn-out prologue to the emergence of the world's first socialist state.

In a new twist, it would soon turn into a story about the triumphant march through the years of Holy Russia, the guardian of conservative values, chief among them unconditional love for authority.

And in place of any argument - mantras without meaning: "Let us be worthy of the memory of our ancestors!"

I got the same impression (about history teaching at school)

However, access to alternative sources has been quite open since the 90s

but the academy had no recollection at all, except for the fact that they called the revolution a coup d'état

From what I've read myself in the end what I memorized (don't laugh):

1 - in every era there was brutal persecution of dissenters and

2 - every era had its own corruption

I do not agree about unconditional love for authority.

People instinctively understand that there is no reason to love these "freeloaders".

nevertheless, a special cultural pattern imitating love comes into play.

because they're the only ones who can get anything from them...

so it's not love but a flattering deception in exchange for a carrot

and the bosses understand that and add a stick

many people sincerely believed in the tsar (general secretary, president), but this is different

You don't wear knitted hats in the bitter cold and have fun laughing.

I go all winter either without a hat or in a thin sports cap (with wind insulation inside).


Not to surrender, but to leave the city, continuing to fight the enemy. Just as they left Kiev, Minsk, Orel, Bryansk and dozens of others. For purely military reasons. Was there no pity for the parents there?
But the question - "Did our troops leave Kiev correctly?" does not arouse such emotions. Though they could not have left it, having put a couple of armies in a cauldron and blockade, which thanks to surrender of Kiev did not die, but fought on other fronts.

Comrade Major!

The city is under siege. Where to and how to leave?


I go all winter either without a hat or in a thin sports cap (with wind insulation inside).


There are all sorts of things. There are uniquenesses, I knew one of us who wore pimas or boots, but he wore boots and simple socks all day long. Sometimes they freeze their brains out, and then you can even walk around without a hat.

There are all sorts of things. There are some unique people, I knew one of them who wore pimas or boots, and he wore booties and simple socks all day long. Sometimes they freeze their brains out, and then you can even walk around without a hat.

Listen, Dimitri! I understand you, you have to stick to your line, even if it's wrong. It's all right if you have to resort to insults to the dissenters. Stubbornness is your principle.

Up to -20, if there is no wind, there is no discomfort from a light hat.


Look, Dimitri! I understand you, you've got to persevere, even if it's wrong. Stubbornness is your principle.

Up to -20, if there's no wind, there's no discomfort from a light hat.

Would you be so kind as to read what I write to the end if you wish to argue. Judging by the way the crowd is booing and giggling, you can't call it a hard frost, let alone a creepy one.


Look, Dimitri! I understand you, you've got to persevere, even if it's wrong. Stubbornness is your principle.

Up to -20, if there's no wind, there's no discomfort from a light hat.

It's a matter of training and genetics. You can do that, and the other one will get meningitis and that's it...