TA or something you don't know about. - page 27

"Ethics" versus logic is already unethical

Don't push ethics and logic against each other.

They can get along perfectly well together, especially in humour.

ZS.Read between the lines and draw logical conclusions.


Don't push ethics and logic together.

They can get along well together, especially in humour.

ZS.Read between the lines and draw logical conclusions.

I see, it's you out of respect for the author.
Why do you panically avoid the word "forecasting"? What are "measurements" and "definitions" for then, if not for forecasting, even if not the market, but one's future actions? What to call then the pre-decision-making process?

Sectarians probably, only a closed mind is afraid to question stereotypes. TA is nothing without prediction.

A forecast is the logical conclusion of TA. Taking a trading decision is the logical conclusion of a forecast. We cannot do without it.


Sectarians probably, only a closed mind is afraid to question stereotypes. TA is nothing without prognosis.

A forecast is the logical conclusion of TA. Making a trading decision is the logical conclusion of a forecast. There is nothing without it.

I am glad I am not alone in my beliefs.
I get it, it's you out of respect for the author.
Exactly. My opinion may not coincide with that of the author).

So be patient. I want to sleep. There's more...

Stop snoozing! Get on with it, or we'll wait for 2012.


An aircraft technician does not fly.

A dental technician does not measure dentures on himself.

And there are thousands more examples. An agronomist, a piano tuner.

TA predominantly precedes decision-making.

And you have never opened a terminal just out of interest:

how did it go after THAT combination?

Will the driver, who has a technician who fanatically wants his car to finish first, always reach the finish line?

And the result of TA is not necessarily MM and OK clacking.

Satisfied grunting, scratching your turnips or drinking beer with your drinking buddies (which is most often done by MTS) are also probable.

It's good to know I'm not alone in my beliefs.

For example, you bet on races :). There is a loser's way of trying to guess the winner of some race. There's another way - betting on an underestimated bookies horse (or rather even a crowd since bookies are only middlemen). You don't care who wins a particular race, you can bet on the clear underdogs. But if your system for estimating a horse's odds is better than the average, you can make money. The prediction is not about winning a particular race, but about the advantage of your odds estimation system and the wrong odds estimation by the crowd. You are not predicting a winner, you are predicting that your system is better, and the crowd is often wrong

For example, you're betting on a race :). There is a loser's way of trying to guess the winner of some race. There is another way - to bet on a horse that is undervalued by the bookmakers (or rather even a crowd since the bookmakers are only middlemen). You don't care who wins a particular race, you can bet on the clear underdogs. But if your system for estimating a horse's odds is better than the average, you can make money. The prediction is not about winning a particular race, but about the advantage of your odds estimation system and the wrong odds estimation by the crowd. You do not predict a winner, you predict that your system is better and the crowd is often wrong.

You are predicting that the crowd will get it wrong. Because your "good" horse is undervalued. The fact that you've established that it's undervalued is already a prediction.

The evaluation is subjective and depends on the observer's point of view.


You are predicting that the crowd will get it wrong. Because your "good" horse is undervalued. The fact that you have established that it is undervalued is already a prediction.

Because evaluation is subjective and depends on the observer's point of view.

yes, it's just a different prediction than the direction or magnitude of movement in each trade