Again and again about taxes ... So, to pay or not to pay? - page 6

The veterans had nothing to do with it, they were doing a holy job and their motivation was very different.
The veterans had nothing to do with it, they were engaged in a holy cause and their motivation was quite different.

So that answers the most basic question - what to strive for and what the motivation should be

it turns out to be very simple.

I personally didn't come)) Or are we at war? Is the goddamn NATO attacking? Don't you get the feeling after watching the 21.00 news on Channel One that you have been, pardon the expression, cheated yet again?)
I personally did not come)) Or are we at war? Is the goddamn NATO attacking? Don't you have the feeling after watching the news on Channel One at 9 p.m. that you have been cheated yet again?)

There is no war or everything is calm? And there is no need to watch some bullshit on TV - you have the Internet - watch - you won't see everything - I stopped watching TV half a year ago. Although I watch shows, movies, art and docs every day and am well aware of all the events. And children should not watch modern cartoons - there is a whole collection of pure, good and light on the Internet. And Soviet movies were made by people who knew nothing about happiness?

And as for cheating - there are plenty of peddlers in this country - and a peddler is a thief on trust, any sensible peddler will tell you that

Sorry about that. It is because of such psychology - a hustler - a thief that we are sitting in the shit. What you call a hustler, in translation to the concepts of the civilized world is called an entrepreneur, a small, medium, or any business. It is jobs, taxes, goods and services. If business evades taxes, you should think about why? The thieves must be sought elsewhere
By the way, did the Soviet Union collapse as a result of the war? If people's quality of life does not improve in the next 10 years, the scenario will repeat itself without any war
Sorry about that. It is because of such psychology - a hustler - a thief that we are sitting in the shit. What you call a hustler, in translation to the concepts of the civilized world, is called an entrepreneur, small, medium, or any business. It is jobs, taxes, goods and services. If business evades taxes, you should think about why? The thieves must be looked for elsewhere.

"Jobs, taxes, goods and services" are the production of material and spiritual goods, while commerce is the activity of bringing the producer closer to the consumer. Does today's peddler fit into the true understanding of the essence of trade? If yes, then what kind of producer brings our consumer closer to him? The domestic one? No. That's why we are sitting in the shit. "Look at the root," K. Prutkov. And at the same time we are thinking "pay taxes or not pay". What kind of bribes does a doctor or a teacher take?! And what does a doctor or a teacher do for a living if his or her salary comes from taxes (from what is left after the tax is deducted by the rich in power)?

Damned peddlers agents of imperialism peddling imported crap to our citizens? Is this the root? It is not the root, but the opposite, a consequence of the current style of governance of the country.

Trade is an activity to bring the producer closer to the consumer , which means jobs, services and taxes.


Damned peddlers agents of imperialism peddling imported crap to our citizens? Is this the root? It is not the root, but the opposite, a consequence of the current style of governance of the country.

Trade is an activity to bring the producer closer to the consumer , which means jobs, services and taxes.

That's ridiculous. Look up employment statistics. Jobs are "primarily factories and ships." That's why there was no unemployment in the union and there was always a shortage of workers. Many jobs in the supermarket? or does the bazaar provide a substantial top-up to the budget? Or has Buffett and soros made their capital on speculation (not to be confused with investment with the original purpose of management, not sales). you do not have to go far, what is the most important statistic in the financial markets - employment in trade? speculation (buying to sell)? or production? consumption (as a stimulus for production)?
About statistics - don't read the Soviet newspapers before lunch. There was no unemployment in the union, there was nothing in the union except factories and steamboats. Think about it. Now people work in our factories for miserable wages or even for a ration - that's for statistics. And why? Is it NATO's fault again? And the taxes we have now come from excise taxes, mining taxes and small and medium-sized businesses (which will soon die out altogether), including the peddlers, and not from the factories for the 1000-schih "jobs".