Help is needed to get the "Russian Fires 2010" portal up and running quickly. ( - page 12


Response to GDP:

Dear User,

Today at the end of the working day, breathing in, as all Muscovites do, the smoke of the forests burning near Moscow, I read with great interest and pleasure your assessment of the situation with forest fires in Central Russia.

To be fair, it should be noted that such high temperatures have not been seen in Russia for 140 years, and hence under the Communists.

And this at least partly justifies the authorities, who are certainly responsible for dealing with natural disasters, but who were confronted for the first time with such a scale and scope of the elements.

However, on the whole I agree with your comments.

You are certainly an amazingly frank and direct person.
Simply outstanding.

And you are certainly a gifted writer.
If you earned your living as a writer, you could live in Capri, like Lenin's favourite writer, A. M. Gorky.

But you could not feel safe there either.
Because both Europe and the United States are faced with natural cataclysms of the same scale. You only need to remember how forests burned in many European countries last year and the year before.

Despite all the problems and difficulties, I hope that you and I will make it to retirement.

All the necessary funds for overcoming the consequences of the natural disaster and solving other urgent problems have already been transferred from the federal budget to the accounts of the affected regions of the Russian Federation.

If you have your address, get it to the governor without delay.

Yours sincerely, Vladimir Putin.


If you have your address, get it to the governor immediately.

Yours sincerely, Vladimir Putin.

Have you tried giving your address?

Have you tried giving your address?

He doesn't need a marketplace. It's not on fire. :)

"Give me back my fucking marketplace, bitches, and take your fucking phone back."

I'm a weeper... )))))))))))


"Give me back my fucking marketplace, bitches, and take your phone the fuck away."

I'm a weeper...)))))))))))

As an old reader I can tell you that both letters were written by professional writers. And Putin's speechwriter has subtly captured and picked up on the style of the original's pseudo-popular banter. So despite the morbidity of the issue, this artistic correspondence is simply an integral part of Putin's/antiputin's PR.

Much funnier and sadder was Putin's live speech in which he demanded a webcast of the fires at his home. What an apotheosis of "hand control" indeed.


Советский опыт борьбы с пожарами не используется. В советские времена все леса были разделены на кварталы для проезда техники и для локализации верхового пожара, плюс боронование (опашка). Вокруг любой деревни - поля с посевами, а не сено, как сейчас. Плюс по улицам, где старая застройка с деревянными домами, или противопожарные разрывы, или просто стены каменные между домами. Это называется пожарная профилактика. Большой опыт тушения у лесной пожарной охраны. Почти каждый год горит, и лесники к этому относятся спокойно, главное - быстро обнаружить пожар, опахать его и проливать, пока не потушишь.. Необходимо при тушении верховых пожаров и огненных штормов создавать остановочный рубеж, воспользовавшись просекой, дорогой, ЛЭП, трассой трубопровода, заблаговременно до фронта пожара, валить деревья, и проливать растительность водой. При тушении лесных пожаров использовать сборно-разборные трубопроводы, которые хорошо показали себя при тушении лесных пожаров в 1972 г в подмосковных лесах. Тушить пожар торфяников с помощью самолета - гиблое дело, все только разрыхляется и горит еще лучше. В СССР в ВС было 18 трубопроводных бригад, способных развернуть за сутки 120 км трубопровода диаметром 100 и 150 мм. В частях ГО были также комплекты трубопроводов длиной до 15 км.

It is questionable whether the requirements of the document "Fire Safety in the Russian Federation until 2012" have been met. In the first two years of its implementation, the fire situation has also improved significantly. It should be recognised that extinguishing natural fires is not a statutory function of the Russian Ministry for Emergency Situations. Its task is to assist the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in extinguishing forest fires. The Russian EMERCOM forces are engaged to extinguish fires that break out near populated areas when there is a threat to human life and health, and to the safety of potentially hazardous facilities.

It is now clear what the fire brigade has become under the auspices of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, and what they cannot do. There is no equipment, no people, no experts, no money. But they have opened centres for themselves and poured their dough into them. The same is true for the Russian fire service. Everyone understands that the state body that ensures the safety of the people and the country is disintegrating, but everyone is blinded by the "greatness" of one man. He alone will save us all. And if he does not save us, at least he will report to us about it. The fruits of the dispersal of the professional fire-fighting nucleus have arrived. Cities are burning with forest fires, take Voronezh, for example. There are no specialists. There are no results. Before 2002, this was unthinkable. The Emergency Ministry should be begging on their knees the former firefighters of the Ministry of Emergency Situations to return to service. Otherwise Russia will simply burn up. If we compare the 1998 statistics, when firefighters were part of the Interior Ministry, and the current statistics, when they are in the Emergency Situations Ministry, we can clearly see a deterioration in performance. We need to act in the interests of society, not individual, albeit promoted, officials.

An election slogan:

To every Russian - his own marketplace!


Much funnier and sadder was Putin's live speech in which he demanded a webcast of the fires at his home. What an apotheosis of "hand-holding" indeed.

I'm totally hooked, and now it's like he's broadcasting house reconstruction from burnt-out villages

The villages will have cameras installed, I wonder how many naked asses he'll see online.

I hope it's just a publicity stunt. The cameras will be installed, but no one is going to watch.

otherwise it's a sign of complete paralysis of government.
