Avalanche - page 243

baltik писал(а) >>

Vitaly once again
I think my grandmother betting on which paw the cat started pulling more than yours.
I think my grandmother betting on which paw the cat started to wash is more than your ----- to +

Pouring in like a fire horse.

Did I say I was in favour of classic Martin?
My attitude on the subject, with pictures, is set out in this thread >>
sever29 >>:

интереснее от Вас услышать, из первоисточника, так сказать.

It's simple, there's no intrigue: the banks of the world on one side and our speaker on the other.

So to speak, who's going to out-catch who!

JonKatana >>:
Вы очень доверчивы. Верите всему, что написано? Даже тому, что на заборе? Загляните за забор - там нет того, что на нем написано.

Don't distort, alien citizen!

I don't care what your real name is ( Sirius_id_12673518847), and it has nothing to do with gullibility. For me it's just a label, a set of letters. The tag "Eugene" is much easier for me to type than "JonKatana".

lasso писал(а) >>

Did I say I was in favour of classic Martin?
My attitude on the subject with pictures is laid out in this thread >>

With the necessary and immediate choice of 2 evils, which one are you for?

lasso >>:
Во, ветка растет!!!
Только отвернулся, расслабился, пивка выпил и уже полдня догонять надо.
E_mc2 Я был уверен (судя по последним 100 страницам) что Вы очень любите правду, и любите ее отстаивать.
Я тоже люблю.
А еще я люблю брать повышенные обязательства.
В данной реализации все важные критерии улучшены, кроме прибыли.
Проверяйте. Мах лоты не обновил. Но это не критично.

P.S. Олег, неужели Вы так ничего и не поняли?

Got it, got it. Now do the same calculation, but don't make it tricky by reversing the series. Wherever your series ends, your profit comes out at 33%. -1 -2 +3
3 trades, 2 losses, 1 profit. 1\3 = 33%. And at the end you slyly always leave the series without a profit. And the system implies the completion of trades. Further, if you continue the series to completion in 0 output will be at 33% of transactions.
You don't have to fool us, OK? I'm telling you now, you can show us a series with a fully completed MM system. Under the exit in 0. And this output will be exactly 33% of trades. Good luck))) I've caught up with the minuses series has not completed... it's clear to hell that there will be a loss. Make sure to complete the entire series to completion.
The output will always be at 33% no matter how hard it is. You just need to complete the series, don't stop it at the losses and say that you are out of debit...
Mathematically, it can't be any other way. No way. One trade makes up for two losses. But at the end of the series, 33% of profitable trades will always cover 66% of unprofitable ones. You have one series taken out of context. You have to look at the series cycle before it's over. You take the series and math it as a whole, and the exit is always at 33%. And you've got the deal part with the completed series and there's just the 33% exit. And you stuck the part where the series is broken. Obviously, there are not enough trades to go to zero at 33% and you completed the previous series, but not the last one. So we are in the red. The same as above, but with a complete series and see.
JonKatana >>:
Поищите любые отчеты о том, КАК торгуют на форексе крупнейшие банки и корпорации вашей планеты. Вы ОЧЕНЬ удивитесь. Проанализируйте как они выставляют ордера, где закрывают прибыль и какой вообще принцип торговли.

:-О !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ------------ WO FUCKING ???? !!!!!!! ????------------ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-О
What's the trading on yours ? Share....

khorosh >>:

Ну Вы уж простите его, трудновато у него с этим ... с пониманием и с экселем опять же. Вот ближе к ночи выпьет и голова просветлеет, тогда может чё-нить сообразит.

You won't get over it, will you?)
artmedia70 >>:

:-О !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ------------ ВО БЛИН ???? !!!!!!! ????------------ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-О
А на Вашей как торгуют? Поделитесь....

)))))))) Yes))) Just give him a hint about what planet he's from.)
Oh and otzhitsya Katala)) Do not go anywhere from the forum ... such dudes are worth their weight in gold))) Who else would give me a smile like that?)
E_mc2 >>: Математически там не может быть по другому. Никак. 1 сделка компенсирует два лоса. Хоть ты тресни но при завершении серии всегда 33% прибыльных будут покрывать 66% убыточных. Давай тоже самое только с полность завершонными сериями и посмотрим.

This is wrong, Oleg. The 33 to 66 ratio will only be met for offsetting trades. But there are (and must be, if we want to be in profit) also profitable trades, which do not compensate anything: the series is "completely finished", all losing trades are compensated, and now the series of profits with the minimum lot has started.

P.S. artmedia70, thanks for the observation! And aliens do exist after all...

Mathemat >>:

Неверно это, Олег. Соотношение 33 к 66 будет соблюдено только для компенсирующих друг друга сделок. Но есть еще (и должны быть, если мы хотим быть в прибыли) и прибыльные сделки, которые ничего не компенсируют: серия "полностью завершилась", все убыточные скомпенсированы, и теперь пошла серия прибылей минимальным лотом.

P.S. artmedia70, спасибо за наблюдательность!

No, you guys don't get it. You're looking at it the wrong way. We don't care how many profits there were in the minimum lot. It's a series at LaBoucher. It's from the first trade to the offsetting loss. And he's taken out of context. The point is... we don't take into account all the previous profits. You see, he took a limited number of deals. And the last series is incomplete. That's not a good way to look at it. There's a mix of the previous series and the incomplete one, so it's a minus. I'm sure when the series is completed, it's going to be a 0 at 33%. Don't mix it up with the previous ones. We've started a series, we're running it. The exit will be at 33%. And if we take some of the other trades and tear off a part of the series that was not completed, there will be a loss. Why do we need the previous series that were completed? It makes no sense to count them. We calculate the series from the beginning to the point of 0. And it will always be 33%. And by the way it is the only thing that matters for the depo.