Is it possible to overlay the quotes of another broker in MT4? - page 6

Fduch писал(а) >>

It doesn't seem to have an open API or any other possibilities to export data.

I remember someone on this forum posting about saxobank, just as I was trying to do a dll swap of the terminal myself).

He said it was a painful and problematic thing to do two years ago. All in all, the cost of the issue will clearly not match the benefit derived from exporting quotes...

P.S. I seem to have misremembered the gist of the conversation, but I did find a reflection:

i have several ready-made solutions for sax (terminal scan or web, everything works fast enough) - any decent programmer will do it... without having to buy software, all is license-proof. as for "usefulness", it's really an open question. :-)

Shu >>:

для сакса есть несколько готовых решений (сканирование терминала или веб, всё работает достаточно шустро) - любой приличный программист сделает.. без влаживания в ПО, всё лицензионно-чисто. что касается "пользы", тут действительно - вопрос открытый. :-)

Can I ask, "scanning the terminal" - how? Taking handlers of controls and then monitoring the values? *I've never encountered this before*.

Do you know where I can read about *.NET implementation of such an approach?

Fduch писал(а) >>

Can I ask, "scanning the terminal" - how? Taking handlers of controls and then monitoring the values? *I've never seen that before*


Shu >>:

для сакса есть несколько готовых решений (сканирование терминала или веб, всё работает достаточно шустро) - любой приличный программист сделает.. без влаживания в ПО, всё лицензионно-чисто. что касается "пользы", тут действительно - вопрос открытый. :-)

Shu, good afternoon.

Can you do it? How much will it cost? Please send a message to

Shu >>:

для сакса есть несколько готовых решений (сканирование терминала или веб, всё работает достаточно шустро) - любой приличный программист сделает.. без влаживания в ПО, всё лицензионно-чисто. что касается "пользы", тут действительно - вопрос открытый. :-)

I think it would be more interesting to intercept traffic than to monitor a terminal by handles. Moreover, C# allows you to have so much fun ))))
getch >>:

На тему статистики есть готовое решение в CodeBase.

Throw in the link please
PLUT >>:

Киньте ссылкой плиз

I have written to you in person.

getch >>:

Написал в личку.

On the topic of statistics there is a ready-made solution - I don't understand, a ready-made solution for what ?

If it is on the subject, please send me a link too.

zhuki писал(а) >>

This topic has been discussed for years. They're still looking for something. As for your link, I have the C++ source code for it, and I'm not thrilled with the product.

If you want to check the idea of paired DCs, I can once again offer the following combination of MT4_1 -> DLL -> MT4_2 . In the attached archive one elementary Expert Advisor and DLL.

You install the EA on two different accounts of different brokerage companies on the same pair and the DLL in the appropriate folders in the terminals. In the comments you will see the quotes in the terminals and the difference of this pair on a different account. I guarantee that there are no viruses in the DLL. The Expert Advisor is open and you can change anything you want in it.

Igor, could you please post the "sources in C++" so that we could look them up?

assol_7 >>:

Уважемый Игорь, а Вы бы не могли "исходники на С++ этого" выложить что бы можно было их посмотреть.

It's Delphi .There's something similar in C++.

dll.rar  3 kb