Classical analysis 'doesn't work'? - page 16

LeoV писал(а) >>

Helen, why don't you open a pamm account? I think there would be a lot of investors......

There is no problem with investors, they are already interested, but it's still too early... although, of course, it's just my opinion... it's a little early... ... is not long enough.

I am skeptical about PAMMs. What kind of serious investment work is this if conditions are set by brokerage companies? >> It is not even funny.

Helen >>:

Что это за серьёзная работа с инвестициями, если условия ставит ДЦ?

What conditions does it impose, may I ask? Apart from the specifications, I can't find any restrictions.

In fact, any DC puts its own conditions, if that's the case.

Swetten писал(а) >>

And what conditions does he impose, may I ask?



Yeah. Your own investment fund?

Helen писал(а) >> There is no problem with investing,

It is clear that there are no problems. It's just that they are 'never short'. And being able to invest without non-trading risks is always a big plus....))))

Helen писал(а) >> And to PAMM in general I am skeptical. What kind of serious work is this with investments if these conditions are set by brokerage companies? It is not even funny.

The manager, not the brokerage company, sets the conditions in the accounts. It has nothing to do with JC...... brokerage company guarantees the absence of non-trading risks, i.e. no cheating, both from the side of the manager, and from the side of the investor ....))

Helen >>:

Так почему же классический анализ "не работает"?

T. analysis cannot work/not work at all. This is not the way to put the question.

After all the trading is not in analysis of figures on the chart but in opening of positions of a certain volume and their closing. The TA is not principal at all.

Technical analysis (classical, non-classical) is just a crutch for proper MM.

About MM you can say whether it works or not. It makes no sense to ask the question about TA.



So it is


How many wondrous discoveries we have...

P.S. Nice avatar. It's iconic. :)

Swetten >>:

Как много нам открытий чудных...

P.S. Аватарка хорошая. Знаковая. :)

Stop flubbing.
Nilog писал(а) >>

T. analysis cannot work/not work at all. That's no way to put the question....

For MM, you can say whether it works or not. There is no point in asking about TA in this way. ...

Wait a minute... Let me see if I can unravel this wilt... I wonder... ... ... ... Well... linguistically speaking... neither TA nor MM works. The trader works... TA - "applies" ... or - "does not apply" (work only on the foundation or "I'll buy something they say ...")... and MM? Doesn't it always "work"? In any transaction in the market, you are already managing the money. From this, linguistic point of view, the phrase: "About MM you can say whether it works or not..." - makes sense? It either is... or it doesn't, if there's no capital.

After all the trading is not in the analysis of figures on the chart, but in opening positions of a certain volume and their closing. The TA is not important here at all.

Masterpiece. According to your logic, the main thing is how! And where - it's not important, in general. Oh, it's nothing. It'll sort itself out. I wish I could clarify the point...