Classical analysis 'doesn't work'? - page 15


I am not a fan of Elliott, but I will speak in his defence. So, we take the senior and junior zigzags, and on each segment of the senior one we number the "co-directed" vertices of the junior one. Like this:

Now for each number, count the number of "hits" in the vertex of the senior ZZ and the number of "misses". I did it on the eurusd chart. It turns out like this:

Here the blue crosses are the number of hits, the green ones are the number of misses. The horizontal line represents the number of tops and the vertical line represents the logarithm of the number of misses. We can see that starting from three the number of hits begins to steadily exceed the number of misses.

Frankly speaking, this is the first objective evidence in favour of Elliott I met :).


Candid, theoretically there are even stronger arguments to be found.

From a practical, real one, I will continue:

I just want to dispel one theoretical myth with practical reality... or rather an outright misconception, not a myth. But, frankly, I don't know whether it's worth continuing to post these little reports here...? It doesn't take three months to prove it, but there may be questions...

Not looking for an investor or advertising (don't apply). There is enough of both. And even in my place, where investors roam, I do not place reports - it is too early for a trader to "go public".

Also... It would be interesting to compare it with the real "using a different system".

Helen >>:

Candid, теоретически можно найти и даже более веские аргументы.

Из практического, реального, продолжу:

Я всего лишь хочу практической реальностью развеять один теоретический миф... точнее даже - откровенное заблуждение, а не миф. Но, честно говоря, не знаю, стоит ли продолжать сюда выкладывать эти маленькие отчётики?.. Для доказательств практикой требуется период не в три месяца, но могут возникнутьСЯ вопросы...

Не поиск инвестора или реклама (не обращаться). Хватает и того, и другого. И даже у себя, где инвесты бродят, отчёты не размещаю - рано ещё трейдеру выходить "в свет".

И ещё... Интересно было бы сравнить с реалом "по другой системе".

Almost 50 trades in 3 days is this a robot?


As of today.

Now in the monitoring, which I have managed to do :) You are welcome :) Trader - Appa.

Helen >>:

На сегодня.

Теперь в мониторинге, который-таки удалось сделать :) Приглашаю :) Трейдер - Аnna.

I think it's right here:

Balance: 242551.54
Funds: 225913.38
Margin: 758.96
There are problems - funds are decently smaller than the balance. So there are open positions with large current drawdowns.

VictorArt писал(а) >>

I think it's right here:

Balance: 242551.54
Funds: 225913.38
Margin: 758.96
There is a problem - funds are decently smaller than the balance. So there are open positions with large current drawdowns.

There are problems... if you consider them problems for the long term. And then, the drawdown is around 7% of the current balance, and in the face of ever increasing equity, it's not a hindrance. There is more than enough room for manoeuvre. It would be unfair not to mention the line:

Profit of funds: 82363.38 (57.38%)

I think this is the point :)

Helen >>:

На сегодня.

Теперь в мониторинге, который-таки удалось сделать :) Приглашаю :) Трейдер - Аnna.


Helen, can you share the secrets of your success, or even failure?
Oper писал(а) >>
Helen,can you share the secrets of your success or even failure?

Better for what? For whom? And... there was no talk of my success in this thread. You're a little confused for some reason. The account of another trader. Anna - please remember :) I think it's going to work.

Helen писал(а) >> Anna - please remember :) I think it would work.

Helen, why don't you open a pamm account? I think there would be a lot of investors......