EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 587


I will be testing an intraday 3D system this week. A 3D system so to speak. Found a couple of good reference points. I'm thinking of getting some rudimentary 3D glasses with light filters somewhere and colouring the lines in a special way to get the stereo effect. Perverted, of course :) But I look at it as additional market research.

By the way, I will have to make such an indicator, it will be something. A multidimensional space-time continuum.

Sorento >> :



Bernanke (Fed) Speaks on Economic Outlook inNew York

Nov. 16

Why are you doing self-promotion?

>> imha the beard is not removable.



The members of the board of the US Federal Reserve hinted transparently that if the dollar's depreciation goes too far, they will "take immediate hard action". All this suggests the possibility of a real powerful correction to the US currency's rise.

Where does the data come from? Insider)
Yes, yes, yes, ten times. I do.

If it's for me

So they'll pinch the buck to make money on the measures later.

Yes, you can see on the big TF that the quid is almost at the ceiling.

Skymaster >> :

Yes, on the large TF you can see that the ceiling for the quid is almost there.

The ceiling is 1.6038 of 15.07.2008 for Euro (by the way, Europe did not collapse at that rate, as some analysts and politicians say). And now, I believe, a sharp strengthening of the quid, and smoothly back with the continuation of the party policy. You can't go against the fundamental laws.

>> I'd like to know what the scale is...

OlegTs >> :

The ceiling will be 1.6038 on 15.07.2008 for the Euro (by the way, Europe did not collapse at that rate, as some analysts and politicians are scaring). And now, I believe, a sharp strengthening of the quid, and smoothly back with the continuation of the party policy. You can't go against the fundamental laws.

Just have to decide on the scale...

There will be no such thing. After all, the US economy is essentially a consumer economy. Remind me of how we lived when the rouble was sharply depreciating? Americans are not suicidal enough to drop the dollar completely. It would not lead to a global catastrophe, but it would be very hard for the U.S. in particular. And now it is in their interest to make the dollar strengthen.