EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1833

As I said at 1820pc, I think so far, above 3570 I will reconsider. I corrected it a bit
nemez_ >>:
Как и писал на 1820стр,пока так идумаю,выше 3570 буду пересматривать.Чуть подкоректировал

Same here! We'll put the sell stop at 3,475.

No relation to: About brokerage companies, for two years I worked with many, I stopped at FXstart (not as advertising), I like the performance and withdrawal. That's only when I withdrew 10 000 $, it took two days to withdraw it, but they apologized.


And I think, firstly, up to 1.3604 (08), then down.

And the move will go slowly with bounces upwards, Wave E is like this.....

Target for the move is 1.3316 (32).

Actually, according to my calculations, the eurik should go to 1.36.

Here, at this point, the options are possible, if the breakthrough goes upwards, it will be at the high, at 1.3767.

Well if it bounces off there, then down, to the above option.

In short, I have no certainty so far, both locally and for the long term....
For me it is better not to do anything at the moment, it is a slippery slope....
Galina >>:

Приветствую !!!

Galya, look at your website with quotes... half an hour ago the ED started to move and went up a bit... it was already showing 3520...


Honestly haven't looked at it, it's showing 1.3511 now.

Well, let's see what and how, not much time before the opening....

cr0ss писал(а) >>

Happy Holidays everyone - Christ is Risen!!!

Yes, language is first and foremost a way of thinking and a tool of meaningful reflection and communication. But I used to make all the documents by checking them in Word. 8) For I`ve been "speaking" in 3 dialects of Albanian: 1. General Internet, 2 - IT, 3 - social networking... This has a certain influence on classical Russian :(

Forte, are you talking about the 2nd, 3rd, 4th movement?

We have 20p difference with you starting from the second wave and at the same time, the fourth wave, you have lowered it to 40p.

Although I'm watching.... and the pound is also up....
Looks like it's really going up.
Galina >>:

Честно говоря не смотрела, сейчас 1.3511 показал.

Ну посмотрим, что и как, до открытия немного времени….

Actually, she's acting really lively... Last weekend there wasn't that much movement back and forth... I mean, it was moving, but it wasn't as jerky back and forth .... Swinging around and around... It's not clear...

3494 to 3521.

Well, I have said many times before that 1.35 is a very strong level.
And don't forget about the record number of open positions to sell the eu.
By the way, it could just as easily go up as it went down.
You have to be very careful now.