EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1828


people how about analyzing the market for example a day or a week in advance.
My analysis for the week



is for the day.
your opinion?


what is your analysis?

nurbekwww >>:

каков ваш аналез?

come back tomorrow closer to the opening of trading... predictions will be added a lot .... all resting ....

oleniknik >>:

заходи завтра ближе к открытию торгов... прогнозов добавится уйма .... все отдыхают ....

What time do the DCs start working in Moscow?
antoniofx писал(а) >>
waiting for Sunday night (openings),
and in the meantime you can do other things
and try to take a break from the market,
>> and he's gonna get on my nerves next week.

The market has no nerves - people who are unsure of what they're doing have nerves - but if you're sure how the market will behave, all the questions disappear with nerves and other things...

nurbekwww писал(а) >>

people how about analyzing the market for example a day or a week in advance.
>> my analysis for the week.

I know in advance if the price will move within a week or even within a month, ideally enough to make my trading decisions.

nurbekwww писал(а) >>

>> what's your analysis?

Can I ask you why the price is out of your channel?