EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1662

He's right, the wave isn't over yet, it's a short-term pullback.
olivero >>:

Ещё раз повторю: не в обиду.

С уважением:)

olivero писал(а) >>

What's your turkey? Give me the link.

baltik >>:

Возмите период Д1 там есть фрактал на конце 4 волны но индикатор нарисует конец пятой на 1,2хххх

Причем при "построении волн" (периеменовании трендлайн) совпадет 1,5 квадрата из 4

that's ideal... let's see how we pass 1.33 .... it's going to be tough.... it's not 3430 it's real support... if we fail, the road will be open to 1.300. But don't forget last year in March April the trend went up .... even though it was also going down fast .... And before the crisis the Euro had been rising since 2000...

No my friends, I'm a redhead :))))
Honestly !!!
Vlad72 >>:

А что это у тебя за индюк ? Дай ссылочку.

Here you go

No more words, fb has made two moves, and this fb sticks.
Galina 26.03.2010 16:12
No my friends, I'm a redhead :))))
Galina, do you attend Forex-themed events?
19:00 Press conference by ECB President Jean-Claude Trichet
olivero писал(а) >>

The indicator is not bullshit, you just need to have an understanding of Eliot waves to mark it. (no offence).

That's exactly what I meant to say. And it has nothing to do with professors. It's just that the second wave can NEVER go beyond the beginning of the first wave - no matter whether it is a false or true movement :)))
Anyway, forget it.

RekkeR >>:
Уже слов нет, фб две ходки сделал, а эта еб уперлась.
Galina 26.03.2010 16:12
Нет друзья мои, я рыжая :))))
Галина, Вы посещаете мероприятия с тематикой форекса?

No, I'm hosting them :)
Galina >>:

нет, я их провожу :)

On the road? It's spring, it's a good time to take the plunge into learning the wisdom of forex, to discover the unexplored world of real techniques in different positions, in a one-to-one training environment.

Is it difficult to get to you? Is there a progressive programme?

olivero писал(а) >>

>> Here you go

Thanks, but I don't see any lines, maybe it needs something else