[Archive! - page 349

Went to vote. Cunning! Sign here, here and here (three times), signed, they give me four ballots. And for the fourth, the most interesting, you have to sign in another magazine. Whether everyone understands, that's the question.

I was given three ballots, but they never gave me the fourth... What's interesting about the fourth?

They gave me three tickets and never gave me the fourth... What's interesting about the fourth?

To the local authorities.
Why the fuck are you sitting here..... Am I going to vote for you???????

I only got three too by the way.....But never mind.... By the way, here's a funny thing. In 2 days there was a vote in contact. I understand that, public in contact specific, however RELIABILITY of this voting is extremely high as really understand that here to cheat will not. So voted only 1.6 million, i.e. 10% of citizens. So the victory there was far from being won by the Yedros. Again, it is possible that the audience was specific, but the voting is REAL.....


I went too. It was all in good order - absentee, passport, one autograph, one ballot, a polite voice from the machine saying "Hello, your vote has been accepted. Thank you."

There was a lady in front of me in 3...4 people, six hundredth for the day, she was given some beautiful loaf. I thought about waiting for a thousand, but I didn't.

By the way, we have a campaign aimed at getting young people (under 35 inclusive) to vote.

...By the way, we have a carrot campaign to get young people (under 35 inclusive) to the polls.
This is for nothing. Internet youths "don't give a brush". It's easier without it.
That's for nothing. Internet youths "don't give a brush-off". It's easier without it.
And the internet has nothing to do with it at all, it's just that the action has a website.



There's also... :-)

Everyone here to vote.