EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1667

strangerr писал(а) >>

I've seen how the pile is going to break down, and I can't figure out the order of the waves, the first one should come from the orange ball.
Waves is Wolf, the target is the dotted blue line, and the stochastic may be a cancer, but it shows the past, not the future))).
Vlad72 >>:

видал как стоху задрало, щас вниз переломит, да и с очерёдностью волн не могу понять, первая должна от оранжевого шарика идти
strangerr >>:

Friday could draw his own squares with targets.
Gold is high, it's easy to fall, it'll flop with the pound, and maybe the euroland will get slammed on the third time.


The sell isn't going anywhere, you'll close with a profit, but not for long.
Vlad72 >>:


the trend can't change like that once and go up, the price starts to wobble because of the confusion.

strangerr >>:

Not so fast !!!
All upside targets for the eurik have been met.
Someone wrote yesterday 1.3420, many people did.
There we are, remember, we also wanted to short a lot at these levels.
Galenka, I wrote the first target. Remember the first line this morning? Look it up again.))
Galina >>:

Не так бытро !!!
Все цели по росту еврик выполнил
Кто то писал вчера 1.3420, многие писали.
Вот мы там, вспомните, так же многое хотели на этих отметках шортонуть.
But they wanted to go short - yes, I sold from 1.3375, if you remember, I closed only +18pp, but that time has gone, as it is written in that book: there is a time to throw away stones, and there is a time to drink "Hershey"))).