EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1365

I mean, it's a long way to the floor.
gip >>:
Рублю канаты, отправляюсь в плавание. А вы как хотите :) Оставайтесь. Я пошел аналитикой заниматься, куплю газету, почитаю про экономику, зайду в реальный сектор универсама
да под квашеную капустку. В завтра снова в бой, с свежими мыслями, к новым задачам.

You, our dear one, should think less about the people and not be distracted from the charts by the debate from nothing to nothing. And you have to believe. Only yourself.
The red line of forex, there is the story of Smoke and the Kid, who bought eggs to resell. In those days on Klondike, this kind of forex was popular. The purchase, turned out to be a couple of years down the drain, the guys were in big trouble. The axiom is to read everything, newspapers, books and to see in the text not only the letters, but also the meaning.

I'm already profiling this on the fence, over a drink. I wish everyone the same.

How do we usually leave?
The price stays there for almost a day.
but this one's been dancing all the way around.
RekkeR >>:
gip >>:
Рублю канаты, отправляюсь в плавание. А вы как хотите :) Оставайтесь. Я пошел аналитикой заниматься, куплю газету, почитаю про экономику, зайду в реальный сектор универсама
да под квашеную капустку. В завтра снова в бой, с свежими мыслями, к новым задачам.

Дорогой Вы наш, о народе надо меньше думать, не отвлекаться от графиков на дебаты перетрубаций из пустого в порожнее. И верить надо. Только себе.
Красной чертой форекса, есть сюжет о Смоке и Малыше, купивших для перепродажи яйца. В те времена на Клондайке, был популярен такой вид форекса. Приобретение, оказалось уже пару лет тухлым, ребята здорово влипли. Аксиома - читать нужно все, газеты, книги и видеть в тексте не только буквы, но и смысл.

Это я на заборе уже профитирую, за рюмочкой. Чего и всем желаю.

Faking and attributing to me a text that I didn't write is surely the height of wit for you when you're drunk. You better go to sleep, you alcoholic.

gip >>:

Подделывать и приписывать мне текст, который я не писал, это конечно тебе по пьяни кажется верхом остроумия. Иди лучше проспись, алкаголик.

Please don't be offended and don't take it personally. I don't mean it out of spite. Let's be kind.
Have you read about good people?

Kaknada will bump the quid at 9pm and add Australia at 11.45pm.

Here are the facts, just think of a hundred grams, everyone has given up, no one is there and no one wants anything.
RekkeR писал(а) >>

Kaknada will bump the quid at 21.00 and add Australia at 23.45.

Will she push it HOW?
How do we nada?

22:00USFOMC member William Dudley speech----
22:05CanadaBank of Canada Governor Mark Carney speech-

00:45New ZealandRetail Sales m/mJanuary0.0%0.3%-
00:45New ZealandCore Retail Sales Index m/mJanuary-1.8%0.6%-

Moscow time.

Alexan писал(а) >>

Will she push it HOW?
How do we nada?

22:00USAFOMC member William Dudley speech----
22:05CanadaBank of Canada Governor Mark Carney speech-

00:45New ZealandRetail Sales m/mJanuary0.0%0.3%-
00:45New ZealandCore Retail Sales Index m/mJanuary-1.8%0.6%-

Moscow time

Am I right in assuming we have something coming right now ???
Galina писал(а) >>

Am I right in assuming we're about to have something right now???

Mm-hmm. Well, it's not a big deal. The colour's not red. Carney just started talking.
20:57 Obama urges China to move to a more market-oriented currency system

Galina, how are you doing in the field of competition? Can I toast to the perspective of victory already?

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