EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1030

odiseif >>:
а что за новости ???? просветите пожалуста.....и кстати по евробаксу остановка на 1,3475 .....не на долго можно чучуть подзаработать

The Fed has raised the discount rate

They say it doesn't mean that they've been promoted...
odiseif >>:
говорят -это ище ни значит что повысили ...

Well, while some people are talking, others are doing))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) see what I've done with the charts

gip писал(а) >>

The media of mass disinformation.

Well as long as everything comes true....))))

LeoV >>:

Ну пока всё сбывается....))))

They never built communism, although they promised to.
gip писал(а) >>

They never built communism, though they promised.

The main thing is to promise ))))


Good hunting to all !

I'm going to insert a line about Communism to make it funnier:

Christians have been trying to establish a dormitory in a single monastery for almost 2000 years......

And all the blood spilled ..... and ashes covered .......

ValNart >>:

Всем доброй охоты !

Я тут про Коммунизм реплику вставлю, чтобы смешнее было:

Христиане почти 2000 лет пытаются общежитие в отдельно взятом монастыре оформить......

А уж кровушки пролито ..... и пеплом присыпано.......

If I were you, I'd rethink what I've written and find another subject for jokes. Even a clown would be punished for such "jokes", let alone how normal people would take it.

I do not deal with gold. Fundamentals say that gold may go up as much as 2000 dolats per troy ounce - I think I wrote it correctly. The main gold reserves are almost exhausted (production is falling). 20 countries in the world may influence the gold price and they all want the national currency to be supplied with the metal.
cr0ss >>:

На твоем бы месте, хорошенько переосмыслить написанное и подобрать другой предмет для шуток. За такие "шутки" даже клоуна накажут, не говоря уже о том как воспримут это нормальные люди.

That it's not a joke, I agree, but it's a fact.