EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1671

I wrote the order of price movement in the morning, check it out. And forex is not a casino, you have to work with your head so that your brain fumes))). It's Friday, we're not going anywhere, we're just going to hang around.
tanechka.larik >>:

Я читаю эти анализы с утра. К сожалению вынуждена изучать и рынок и мнения. ( мой муж как казино закрылись решил себя попробовать на форекс - это ад ) Вы уверены что поднимиться ? Я скоро окажусь в психушке. Ваше мнение - здесь везение или аналитика?

tanechka.larik, in the box at the top right, opposite tanechka.larik on 26.03.2010 20:47, there is an inscription to delete .
You can delete your redundant posts. Even if you have a problem, I assure you that it is unnecessary.
RekkeR >>:
tanechka.larik, справа вверу в окошке, напротив tanechka.larik 26.03.2010 20:47, есть надпись удалить.
Можно удалять свои лишние посты. Даже если наболело, уверяю по четыре штуки, это лишнее.


It happens when you press ADD COMMENT, but it does not add, then you press again and it hangs again. Then you look and 5 comments are added)))))))

She understood you, blonde, I guess.
RekkeR >>:
tanechka.larik, справа вверу в окошке, напротив tanechka.larik 26.03.2010 20:47, есть надпись удалить.
Можно удалять свои лишние посты. Даже если наболело, уверяю по четыре штуки, это лишнее.

strangerr >>:
Она тебя поняла, блондинка, наверное.

Wrong-- a hot brunette. Unfortunately in the acute stage of psychosis and also a newbie. I'll delete as soon as I can with my husband and the forum. Sorry, everyone.
That's it guys, the man died and could have lived (if it wasn't for forex))))
I think to the south. The fourth has been played:

Have a good weekend, everyone.
tanechka.larik писал(а) >>

Wrong-headed brunette. Unfortunately in the acute stage of psychosis and also a newbie. I'll delete as soon as I can with my husband and the forum. Pardon me, everyone.

Who do you want to deal with first? It's late - with the husband first? Remove the duplicates, though, please....

Who has thoughts on the euro pound? What do you think of this option? (To the question of waves). Wouldn't you like the turkey to do that?

tanechka.larik >>:

Я читаю эти анализы с утра. К сожалению вынуждена изучать и рынок и мнения. ( мой муж как казино закрылись решил себя попробовать на форекс - это ад ) Вы уверены что поднимиться ? Я скоро окажусь в психушке. Ваше мнение - здесь везение или аналитика?

Third time I post, the forum hangs.
With such a problem you first need to go to a medical forum, then to a psychologist, a sexopathologist. They will listen to you, look at you, analyze your tests and tell you what to take, what procedures, what regimen to follow. To get it up. What kind of luck is that, you have to treat it. With a problem like this, almost everyone here, radiation from monitors, processors... no joke. There are us, a couple or three of us, exceptions. Because of the organism's peculiarities, it's backfiring. And you should find an approach to your husband. He is at his computer, and you put on your makeup and go to the Forex consulting, to a specialist in a Forex salon, out of town. So once, another time, a third time. Bring him a mug from the expert, a talisman instead of a cactus on the monitor. His eyes will be opened on what has fallen. Then write down how it went.


Joker... :-) There aren't enough girls as it is. You'll scatter the last of them :))))))