EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1015

Will the eu still be down, or will it go straight up, maybe to 1.38? - What do you think?

A picture of a day gone by... :) Subscription to levels (free for now), ongoing...

vic2008 >>:

Картина уходящего дня... :) Подписка на уровни (пока бесплатно), продолжается...

You're like a drug dealer - " long as it's free..." :))


It is unlikely there will be a gain today, but tomorrow everything is possible. I expect a pullback from today's move to 1.3650-70

cr0ss >>:

Ты как наркодиллер подсаживаешь - "..пока безплатно.." :))


Сегодня врядли будет добивка, а вот завтра все возможно. Откат от сегодняшнего хода жду до 1.3650-70

It's just a joke... :) I didn't put a smiley face... No one will pay anyway, that's why it's free until I run out of desire... :)

vic2008 >>:

Да это просто шутка... :) Смайлик не поставил... Все равно никто не заплатит, поэтому и бесплатно, пока у меня желание не кончится... :)

The levels are well implemented, it's useful to consider for analysis. Although now I have only "some kind of zigzag" with its statistics, while earlier the terminal looked like onboard the space shuttle :) I have made a conclusion for myself - the abundance of information distracts a person. But if the information is unambiguous and well described mathematically, then almost any amount of it can be comfortably output automatically.

vic2008 >>:

Картина уходящего дня... :) Подписка на уровни (пока бесплатно), продолжается...

Started using vic2008 levels today , helps a lot, flight is OK))))

forte928! Been following the thread since last October, your predictions are some of the smartest! Very glad to have you back! I hope you'll keep making us happy with new predictions and we, i.e. those of us who want to, will learn something from you! And do not listen to those who "screw up", continue your necessary and important work :)

forte928 писал(а) >>

Completely redone, but there are improvements, timing of turning points now probiruyutsya that it would be possible to further automate, questions still with the automation of channel construction, and determination of the construction of the trend line in the stochastics.

О !!! Forte !!!

Hi !!!

Haven't seen you for a long time :)

Good to see you !

vic2008 >>:

Картина уходящего дня... :) Подписка на уровни (пока бесплатно), продолжается...

how to sign up ?


Coming home...


my mother's wife !!!!

And there's the eureka slamming !!!!


I'm having another bad day again :(.

That's a shame.

Well, all right !

I am in longs anyway ! I will stay till 1.3450.