EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1001

baltik >>:

Странно Галина но у Вас мне кажется раздвоение личности в ветке

Вы пишите ЗАКРЫЛ - в этой ЗАКРЫЛА

This is just another Niroba move!!! And the fact that SHE says you're insulting me, that I'm Niroba's bluff.... The old timers of this forum just don't pay attention to Galina anymore... =)))) Although there are few old people left so she takes advantage of the youth =)))

Good Luck and Profits to all!!!!

Rover82 писал(а) >>

This is just another Niroba move!!! And the fact that SHE says you're insulting me, that I'm Niroba's bluff.... The old timers of this forum just don't pay attention to Galina anymore... =)))) Although there are few old people left so she takes advantage of the youth =)))

Good Luck and Profits to all!!!!


Oh, man!

Oh, come on!

I was compared to Niroba a few months ago.

I remember there was a whole debate about whether I was Niroba or not.

Honestly !!!!



waitra >>:

P.S. Всех поздравляю с открытием юбилейной, тысячной страницы ветки!

Support and join in =)


I know there are guys out there who are interested.

That's why I keep commenting on the EVRA AUSTRALIAN situation.

I bought in as promised.

The last entry at maximum volume will be at 0,4980 (if this depth is given of course).

Galina >>:


Блин !

Ну как же так !

Меня пару месяцев назад уже с Ниробой сравнивали

Тут помниться целая дискуссия была Нироба я или нет

Ну честное слово !!!!

Я ЭТО НЕ ОН !!!!


That's our tradition. It's more cultural than swearing. Well, you don't get to be an old man here until you get tested for Niroba.

"You're such a Niroba!"

"Niroba, damn you!"

"You fucked up like Niroba! "You've lost your deposit."

"In the heat of an argument, Niroba or not, the truth is born."

"Transport can employ Niroba. So be vigilant and careful in your conversations!"


"Don't talk! Niroba is eavesdropping!" :)


it's not neuroba.

you'll know it by the caption.


That's it.....

Here we go again....


The last posts made me laugh!!! FIVE with + =))))))
Euryk seems to be on his way up