EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1654

forte928 >>:

в каждой шутке доля правды..Я форекс всегда называю для себя бизнесом, а не игрой..Если для тебя даже в шутке игра то и в реальности игра будет - заработка считай нет..как корабль назовете так и поплывет.. Класика..

For me it is also a business and it is, at the moment, my only source of income. So there's no truth in the casino joke, I just have a careful and respectful attitude to my business.

Forte, don't you think it's a bit strange that the eurik started today with a rise.
Usually in a bear market that's a good sell signal...
I think it might go lower.
What do you think ?
so far the plan... do you think we'll make it to 3420 .... i think so... We'll break through the first resistance and go up a bit more.... And on monday or maybe part of tuesday (it may not be so) we'll move in a triangle between the resistance in blue (or red) and the support in green...

At 4 o'clock also interesting ...

RekkeR >>:

Если форекс у тебя серьезное занятие, а не юзверские чикипуки, на компе ничего кроме терминала стоять не должно. Профессиональные игрушки, стрелялки, тетрисы, допоборудование, новые супервинды, на отдельной машине в детской комнате юзать можно.

Rekker, you're better off with a laptop of course, but I don't need to be convinced of that. No laptop will give me the performance I'm looking for, won't stand up to extreme conditions, won't give me the comfort I need, won't be reliable in terms of keeping me running and working in general.
And performance is not in the sense of games, I have stats counted.
oleniknik >>:
пока по плану... как думаете, дотяним до 3420 ....я думаю что да... щас прорвем первое сопротивление и еще трошки поднимемся....

На 4 часа тоже интересно ...

it's hard to say, I think we're going down .....
Galina >>:
Форте, а тебе не кажется это слегка странным, то что еврик ростомначал сегодняшний день.
Обычно на медвежьем рынке это хороший сигнал на продажу..
Мне кажется еще ниже может сходить.
Что думаешь ???

That's right Galina, that's their criticism, it's not enough for them to make jokes and tease :)
Galina >>:

сложно сказать, помоему падать будем .....

I don't know... the first resistance 23.6 passed without much of a bounce... next 38.2 might bounce a bit .... and i put a profit there yesterday.... plus there's a serious level there ..... but so far there's nothing in my plan ..... yesterday when the price started to rise sharply it just hit 23.6 and instantly bounced back to a total of 100 points... now stalled at 23.6... i think everyone who wanted to sell did so already and today is just a small correction... hopefully we will make it to my levels....

Continuing to test 1.3414. Couldn't make it yesterday.... :)


We should call Soros, he doesn't seem to be in the loop yet. Still buying the dollar.