EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 44

RomanS >> :

Best words....

I can see that the man went through the same school... no kidding.

Only, a week is not enough... I usually rest for 2-3 months....

>> the most important thing is to have something to rest on

Apparently the EURUSD climax will be on Monday!
forex-k >> :
Apparently the EURUSD climax will be on Monday!

(Shyly) Which one?

in a couple of weeks (c) Niroba
forex-k >> :
Apparently the EURUSD climax will be on Monday!

Then taking into account adjustments for weeks, months, years. :+)

- Why not Wednesday? Friday's the day.

I really want an epiphany. Do you have any screenshots?

Too bad not much has been said.... I personally associate Niroba with the word BEROF... what's the trick? Is it the accuracy of the prediction? or my PERSONAL association?
alexx_v >> :
in a couple of weeks (c) Niroba

Is he really Niroba? Then he knows something. that's why he's not WORKING...

avatara >> :

Then taking into account adjustments for weeks, months, years. :+)

- why not wednesday? friday is the end!

i really want to have an epiphany. >> do you have screenshots?

There's a screen like that !

rid >> :

And you should throw the demo away.

And if you are testing your ideas on a demo, start a demo contest - there are demo contests with prizes in many brokerage companies nowadays.

.... .... ....

Or in Broko, - there every month from the 1st.

Looks like I was too hasty with this recommendation. Discovered yesterday that they've introduced some stupid new competition rules there. As of September.

Now, in order to take part and claim the main prize, you have to open a forum thread there and borely describe every deal on the contest account, its rationale, describe your tactics, put charts, etc. ......

And all this for a month! As if the contestants have nothing better to do than to describe trades on a demo account...

But that's not all! It turns out that the prize is awarded not to the one who earns the most during a month of the contest - but to the one who reports the best trades in his section! The criteria for this "unsubscription" is murky and unclear! They're not even there, the criteria ...

Moreover, if none of the "unsubscribes" are liked by the competition host, no prize is awarded to anyone at all!

But that's not all! The current Rating does not show neither trades nor current deposit. It only shows the current place of each participant.

It seems the contest organizers in this brokerage company are doing their best not to award the main prize to anyone or to award it to their "captives".

So, I withdraw my recommendation.

I should add that when I started discussing the above on their forum yesterday, I was promptly banned by the local moderators. And the posts were deleted. Not just my posts. They also banned everyone who supported me in the discussion there.


I will also add. My friend (and countryman) got banned there yesterday. Why? - You'll never guess why!

He highlighted part of a phrase in his post in red.

It turns out that there on the forum to highlight words and phrases in red to ordinary visitors can not ! Not allowed....!

Only moderators and admins have this "privilege" ! And I have not seen any ordinary moderators there ! There are only "super moderators" ...

That's true, - it reminds me a lot...

As a famous satirist used to say (back in Soviet times): 'Let everything be, but let something be missing'.

Roman. Thank you for your promptness and sophistication.