First sacred cow: "If the trend started, it will continue" - page 70

Ah, Alexey! The search for causes must have reasonable depth - i.e. the explanation of the phenomenon must be sufficient to adequately model it - the phenomenon. No more than that. Otherwise it is possible to come to God knows where. Or rather, God knows where.))
After all, the "explanation" of any depth (unless, of course, it is a religious or drug experience)) merely DESCRIBES with a degree of certainty the existing state of affairs (the phenomenon), but does NOT explain. That's how we slip into theological disputes and that would be odd here - even if there is suddenly a Lutheran with bourgeois leaven here.
Energy equals mass times the speed of light squared. That, in the framework of GTR, is enough. But that again is a description of the existing order of things (a phenomenon) within a broader framework. Etc.
In short, there has to be a reasonable methodology in the approach.

Coming back to the subtext one last time from my side and with my approach (here, at least).
The market is driven by impulses which can be formalised. A trend can be defined as a series of unidirectional impulses. I.e. [i] here will be not a time stake, not the number of the framed bar by time, but an impulse. Why not time - already discussed. ok. For example, two market makers can jerk each other around as long as they want, keeping the market in a corridor, and it will have NOTHING to do with what you call the causes of movement. In my terminology, there will be no momentum. But the bars will nonetheless drip and drip and drip...
This approach (no claim to authorship!!!) is very utilitarian. For example, you absolutely do NOT need to forecast to open a position. At any given time you can clearly say - this is an impulse, this is a correction to it (on it, in fact, is the entry). And so on. And even the concept of a trend itself can be fucked - it is not really necessary in this system. But it is an impertinence in this branch.

That is all. I do not want to repeat - it has already been said you know where. True, not agreed, but it is not here.
That's it. Pardon me. Gone.
No, no, let's not speculate about goals and meanings. I don't care what the global target is for the quid to suddenly collapse 200 pips in a couple of hours starting at 4:30pm. The main thing is to accurately calculate that moment and the direction of entry.
2 Svinozavr: I won't be offended if you publicly give a shit about the notion of a trend that nobody really needs or even invented. No one needs it - no one is talking about it!
Mischek >>:

Быть собой не устал
и в этом есть свои плюсы, не надо постоянно менять ники
теперь тебе вопрос - назови несколько своих ников

Micha, you have the opportunity to speak on the substance of the issue raised in this thread. Get to the point, you like to keep it short and to the point. I appreciate you for your succinct judgement :) ... I look forward to hearing your thoughts on how, from your point of view, to model the behaviour of participants in financial trading.

Mathemat >>:
Нет-нет, давайте не будем рассуждать о целях и смыслах. Мне наплевать, с какой общемировой целью бакс вдруг начиная с 16:30 обрушивается за пару часов на 200 пунктов. Главное - точно вычислить этот момент и направление входа.

Yeah... Why don't we focus on the time machine? That seems the most appropriate (and realistic!!!))) for the task you've set.

Uh, Alexey! No, I understand "Because all shades of meaning // A clever number conveys" (N.Gumilev). But that like this...


Maybe it is more constructive (in terms of trade) to think about the fact that even an avalanche-like development presupposes some kind of initial reactive feedback. But I'm out of place again.

Svinozavr >>:

Может, конструктивней (с т.зр.торговли) подумать о том, что даже лавинообразное развитие событий предполагает некую первоначальную реактивную отдачу. Но я опять не к месту.

What's that? Go ahead and explain. That's the place to be.

After reading this forum, the pictures on page 67 of this thread are moving noticeably faster.
Do you think their movement is a trend?
probeGal >>:

Миха, у тебя есть возможность высказаться по существу вопроса поднятого в данной ветке. Давай ближе к делу, ты любишь укоротить и донести суть до всех окружающих. За свою лаконичность в суждениях я тебя и ценю :) ..., жду с нетерпением соображений как, с твоей точки зрения, смоделировать модели поведения участников финансовых торгов.

I'm waiting for the nicknames
AlexEro >>:
После чтения этого форума картинки на стр.67 этой ветки начинают двигаться заметно быстрее.
Как думаете - это ихнее движение - это тренд?

The most paranoid thoughts have only recently been expressed. The topic, it turns out, has not exhausted itself...

Mathemat >>:

Самые параноидальные мысли были высказаны только недавно. Тема-то, оказывается, себя не исчерпала...

Instead of something useful (even clever questions can be useful), can I spend the next 5-6 months sarcastically bitching about most of the topics and "theories" discussed here?

This is going to be fun.

Can I, eh?

probeGal >>:
Даа... Миха. А я ждал мысли... )))))

If he could at least do that, he would have been kidnapped before sunrise: CIA/MI-5/MI-6/FSB/Mossad (emphasis added) ..... and he would have spent the rest of his life quite happily in the mountains of Colorado in a protection programme .... mathematicians. There have been such cases. The same Burg with entropy, for example.