Offtopic: Stealing Aleynikov or how arbitration is done ;-) - page 10

timbo писал(а) >>

You don't want to argue, don't argue. Just answer one simple question. Situation: You walk up to your car in the morning and see that its window is broken, the door is open and a good-looking man of 39 is breaking out your new audio-video-GPS media combo. You wouldn't blame him, would you? He's not being parasitic, he's fulfilling his material interests, it's his social attitude.

Who can't work with his head works with his hands under the cover of night and day.

The division into good and bad is a conditional division : to some Robin Hood is good and fair, to others a thief and bad...

The same could be said about Detochkin... but as they say, there are two forces at work - the employer (try to steal) and the employee (try to catch)...

The world is the same as it was and no matter what direction it is moving in, even thieves steal what they steal...


Actually, it's a dark story, a lot of very slippery issues.

1. If he was involved in the development, why would he steal it? He has a lot of information in his head (the algorithm) and the formulas can be memorised in a day or two. He has a lot of information in his head (the algorithm can be memorized in a day or two) and he needs to take the time to figure it out.

2. will he create the code and upload it to the German server ? (I doubt it)

3. How was it found - i.e., who found that the posted software is secret? ( well, here we can, as Timbo said: "that he took the secret files unintentionally along with the open-source ones. ") and then what is the secret if there is an open-source version ?

4. Any secret software, is developed on a computer with no internet connection, no drives ( RW) with no flash drive connectors. (Sometimes even put the alarm on the case inside the computer so as not to open the lid) and extraction of files usually takes the customer or his trusted person, ie how to copy it - no idea.

5. Even if there was a similar gaffe (which happens) why make a fuss? Whatever, even if it was a secret and the demo, they differ decently i.e. it is not easy to figure out. Well, they would have got rid of it by calling it a defective version with a bunch of bugs, and quickly replaced it with a normal demo. (In this case, the hype would not have been, and now the customers how to judge? Once they have a secret software - crawled up, which hammered a lot of dough, is it worth trusting them with money? - I do not think so. The clients would have to decide among themselves how to deal with the new, higher salaries).

We do not know everything, and we will never know. So you can argue as much as you like...

timbo писал(а) >>

You don't want to argue, don't argue. Just answer one simple question. Situation: You walk up to your car in the morning and see that its window is broken, the door is open and a good-looking man of 39 is breaking out your new audio-video-GPS media combo. You wouldn't blame him, would you? He's not being parasitic, he's fulfilling his material interests, he's got a social agenda.

Sounds like a broken record. The answer to your big question is in the quote you put in your post, but you never bothered to read it. Or did you read it, but didn't understand it? No, there can be no such thing. Everything there is as simple as two times two. I even deciphered the word "parasitize" for you, didn't I?

Look, Timbo, this is a dangerous syndrome. You and I have both been on this forum for a long time. Three years ago your posts were spiteful but clever. Now you're neither angry nor smart. Is that what America's doing to you? Maybe you should see a therapist.

Yurixx >> :

The record seems to be stuck. The answer to your big question is in the quote you put in your post, but you never bothered to read it. Or did you read it, but didn't understand it? No, there can be no such thing. Everything there is as simple as two times two. I even deciphered the word "parasitize" for you, didn't I?

Look, Timbo, this is a dangerous syndrome. You and I have both been on this forum for a long time. Three years ago your posts were spiteful but clever. Now you're neither angry nor smart. Is that what America's doing to you? Maybe you should see a therapist.

How about a shorter answer? And be more specific. The situation is clearly described and very real. One line answer...

timbo >> :

You don't want to argue, don't argue. Just answer one simple question. Situation: You walk up to your car in the morning and see that its window is broken, the door is open and a good-looking man of 39 is breaking out your new audio-video-GPS media combo. You wouldn't blame him, would you? He's not being parasitic, he's satisfying his material interests, that's his social attitude.

>> whoa, whoa, whoa - I see that the discussion has gone beyond the object under discussion - let's recall how in the postwar years in this kind of Japan the state encouraged such theft (now also done in China) - i.e. a Japanese brought some crap from Europe - it was dismantled in parts and started to produce it at home.

Or one more thing - a question for ardent supporters of protection of intellectual property - in particular for Timbo - do you have illegal mp3 files on your computer? What, no? No way.... You never have? No way. I won't say anything then.

Zen >> :

Wait, wait, wait - I see that the discussion has gone beyond the object under discussion - let's recall how in the postwar years in Japan the government encouraged theft like this (now also done in China) - i.e. a Japanese imported some shit from Europe and it was dismantled into parts and manufactured at home.

Or one more thing - a question for ardent supporters of protection of intellectual property - in particular for Timbo - do you have illegal mp3 files on your computer? What, no? No way.... You never have? No way. I won't say a word then.

And there's a lot of screwed-up software all over the computers... )))


It's not a question of fervent defenders but rather of what is defined by the old army axiom:

- "got" not for what you did/created, but for getting caught.

If you got caught, you don't have to rub piss all over it... )))


By the way, the courts, or rather the laws by which they judge, also have many ambiguities, just like our argument here.

For a stolen chicken or a sack of potatoes you can

- get the maximum if the trial is "exemplary."

- get the minimum due to extenuating circumstances (to feed the children)

- get off with a fine.

* by the way it always amused some of the articles of the Criminal Code, or rather those global loopholes for the haves and have-nots.

timbo писал(а) >>

So you have no argument either? No wonder, balloonists are always short on evidence.

Timbo, are you a psychologist by trade?

SProgrammer >> :

Timbo, are you a psychologist by profession?

No, of course, that was a joke. I'm an expert in financial maths.

Like that film about the time spirits - abolish money and everyone will be happy :)
sab1uk писал(а) >>

it's better for private property to be protected by law.

It's another thing that there is no justice in the world and don't expect to see it for a long time to come.

The US has screwed over a lot of people in Latin America and other continents because there is no super supreme court or super FBI

and you don't have to admire "our people" who got burned...

for 400K he got a break from the good life... now he will sit in jail with the blacks and think about how to steal.)

400 is not a very quality life for america. So - the average stone house. 1-2 hectares of land if not NY/NJ, same pair of cars. :) Same TV. There is NO QUALITY DIFFERENCE between 150K and 400K. That's the thing about America and the world. Same toilets, same sinks, almost the same houses. If you are a fan, you may have a middling Porsche.

But otherwise, it is the same.

America is a shitty place. :) It's a lot nicer in Russia. By the way I know some of the children of immigrants, they will help them to get settled in Russia. In America, more than 50 per cent of non-whites are those who do not consider themselves white. Hindus have a lot of nerve. In a word. People who are smarter have started to get used to the idea of "Should we move back to Russia?" It is funny and at the same time a bit sad for the guys - second emigration comes out. I wonder, when will the pure-natives go back, I mean those whose families have lived there for 100 years?