If anyone has a problem, please finalise AdaptiveExtrapolator v1.1 - page 10


The archive I threw...there is a structure there as it should be for normal compilation of the indicator...

forte928 >> :

The archive I threw...there is a structure there as it should be for normal compilation of the indicator...

'gnEmulate' - variable expected C:\ForexMT\MetaTrader - FXstart\experts\include\Extrapolator\ge_AEGlobalValue.mq4 (18, 8)

What about this error? I've posted a screenshot on another page.


gnEmulate' - variable expected C:\ForexMT\MetaTrader - FXstart\experts\include\Extrapolator\ge_AEGlobalValue.mq4 (18, 8)

What about this error? I posted a screenshot on the other page. it's not an indicator error but a script error.

I support you!!! the same thing


Try this version


Here's another small change...so that you can run several indicators with the same parameters...

except for the ID code which is unique for each new indicator...

There is an error in the process or more simply to say the terminal that does not allow to run indicators with the same parameters...


Прикрепленные файлы:

Attached files:

Still the same error.

I'm going to redo the version now...


Here's a redesigned version in the global variable control and control hierarchy of indicators to be connected or excluded...

Briefly, it was possible to make a control hierarchy of control and control of global variables...

ae_1.zip  8 kb
forte928 писал(а) >>

Here's a redesigned version in the global variable control and control hierarchy of indicators to be connected or excluded...

The short version is the control of the global variable hierarchy and the control of global variables...

it must be very cool------- judging by what's written)))))))

...but I'm afraid to even download and run it--------- in case it doesn't work)))))0

...please can you see a graph how it looks like in reality --------- a picture would be nice to see ------ as to say according to the TOR)))))))

You can't see it in the picture, the whole algorithm is inside, the indicator itself still needs to be refined during the initial drawing...