[Archive c 17.03.2008] Humour [Archive to 28.04.2012] - page 287


At one time I read about it in Pravda. Not so much, of course, but it was there. You can flip through the library's archives at....

Didn't Pravda write about the black hand and the coffin on wheels?

What a pioneer scare story, passed off as a historical fact. That's a peculiar kind of er... mind you have to have to be so uncritical of pioneer horror stories?!


Didn't Pravda mention the black hand and the coffin on wheels?!

What a pioneer scare story, being passed off as historical fact. What a peculiar kind of, uh... of mind you have to have, to be so uncritical about pioneer horror stories?!

I only say what I know. I don't speculate like some people do.

The case is known as "ZOE HUNDREDS".

It has nothing to do with pioneer scare stories. There is also a doc. film: http: //video.mail.ru/mail/ss1272829/438/940.html

IMHO - a case of self-hypnosis.


There is also a feature film: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1197626/


The case is known as "ZOE'S HUNDRED".

There is also a doc. film: http://video.mail.ru/mail/ss1272829/438/940.html

There's also a feature film called "Miracle" with Khabensky the womanizer (heck, even if there was a bit of charm...) and Makovetsky the heinous Gobeshgai, the hilarious Potapov-Khrushchev, and generally quite entertaining, enchanting movie... I recommend it...))


The case is known as "ZOE HUNDREDS".

It has nothing to do with pioneer scare stories. There is also a doc. film: http: //video.mail.ru/mail/ss1272829/438/940.html

IMHO - a case of self-hypnosis.

Self-hypnosis by those who tell the story down the line?! Exactly. This is what pioneering scare stories are all about.


MK and KP are what? Moscow Komsomolets and Komsomolskaya Pravda? It's clear - Komsomolets don't believe in such things (and that's the humour!)
About pioneer horror stories. "Blue Lantern by Pelevin. Recommended if you haven't read it.

MK and KP are what? Moscow Komsomolets and Komsomolskaya Pravda? It is clear that the Komsomolts do not believe in such things (and this is humour!).
Them. There are links to articles in them. It is clear that they are not an authority, but it seems that only tabloids such as Komsomolskaya Pravda and MK (not exactly yellow) are interested in this story. Which is also an indicator. =)