[Archive c 17.03.2008] Humour [Archive to 28.04.2012] - page 568


I've been getting a bunch of these letters. It's all a scam. No one's going to give you a million for nothing. They're collecting some kind of database. You don't want to send them anything.

It's probably just a way of checking the mailbox for future spam mailings.


It's all a scam. No one is just going to give one million. They're compiling some kind of database. You shouldn't send them anything.

I'm just saying... :) you think too much of human stupidity.
You shouldn't send them anything.

Do you really believe I will?

Once a week for sure I get letters like that, but never from Bernanke :-)


Do you really believe I will?

Once a week for sure I get letters like that, but never from "Bernanke" :-)

Bernanke might have done it sincerely, from the bottom of his heart, for your many years and hard work on forex, he decided to pay you back, at least a small fraction according to his modest means. And you ...


Test period 01.01.2010 to 01.01.2011

Recovery factor 10

Maximum drawdown 0%

Absolute drawdown 0%

Number of profitable trades 100

Number of losing trades 0

Initial deposit 100%

Net profit 100000$

Let's get the stats, it will stop working soon.


I was offered more than that, and I was offered more than that.)

I have been offered more than that. I was informed by letters that a relative, almost a millionaire, had died somewhere abroad and left me an inheritance. I also received letters from Africa, strange as it may seem, from some swindlers, who also offered me something big. I was fed up with it, so I went into the settings and told the server that it was spam (by the way, I do this regularly in relation to spam). Such things have stopped coming, but they still pop up from time to time.


Stack - traders' jargon - a table into which the KVIC Information and Trading System (see KVIC) simultaneously transmits bid and ask quotations for any one security.

Glass - Moscow, Teatralny Proezd, 3, building 3. )))


Wow - there's a WebMoney Generator online. The program generates a transfer of money to your wallet from a non-existent wallet. I wonder if there's even 1 fool who bought this program. Source - http://webmongen.ru/:)

The coolest thing is that the cost of the programme is only 6 quid. Another sale of the money button :)


People are fooled for sure! It's like saying, "I am a hacker who got access to the accounts of the bank, there you can transfer more than $ 10,000,000, I suggest you buy a program for $ 5 dollars with which you can transfer yourself up to $ 1000 per day! A unique method of enrichment!" - I think someone bought it anyway! It turns out like a cartoon, a man thought about it, and the inscription on his forehead moved "LOCAL".

I've got it! We must agree to take the program for free and each month to transfer the developer 10% of the amount of earnings! Still better than a lump sum of $ 6. Stupid, didn't think of that)))))

The author is probably no fool - he won't let himself be talked to :))