NATURAL INTELLIGENCE as the basis of a trading system - page 52



By the way, Kung Fu teaches that everything is alive. And the market, in its biggest generalisation, is alive. And where one thinks everything is already the limit,
it's a reminder of Llo Tzu: "what can a day-old butterfly know about the life of a crane and a tortoise?"
About the same in.parapsychology.

1. Kung Fu? Mimicking a rock, a waterfall, the element of earth the element of fire is easy, but a market?

I do not like Bill Williams for this - he suggests to associate the market with some animal. In my opinion, it is nothing more than a fantasy; the market is a larger phenomenon, so it has a certain prototype.
Mathemat, have you read the pilot?
Exactly like that: when you are afraid you actually look at only one point, the threat point, and you cannot see anything else and you cannot act.

This is very important. When analyzing this phenomenon it is especially important to understand its underlying essence. It is a kind of quantum of development.

How does one perceive familiar phenomena? Routine. Well, a car goes by, so let it go by. A person has learned the concepts of "car", "driving", "danger-crossing the road-at-a-red", etc. Since a person has mastered these concepts, he behaves appropriately to the situation - he waits for the green light.

And when on the zero bar "wrong way", the degree of concentration on the phenomenon is proportional to the degree of importance (consequences). What essentially happens? What happens is a respecting of the concept. Can a person in this situation react appropriately. No, he cannot, because he has not yet developed a model of behaviour, a reaction to what he does not know.

Worry always appears on the unknown side (in trading, often on the zero bar). Anxiety and fear are a good indicator that the trader is not yet familiar with the concepts he or she is about to master. This feeling of fear, the appearance of numbness should be trusted unconditionally as a sure sign that "you are doing something wrong", in the case of trading - you are not in control of the situation, you simply do not own the issue.

Prevention: At the first symptoms of anxiety, fear, numbness, you must stop the vicious activity. This feeling is the barrier of success that Korey talks about. As a professional trader the borderline of the unknown is farther away, so there is more room for free choice.

Korey: And before when there were no comps => on the phone the price went 400-700 and every day.
I.e. the bigger the crowd - the more stable!

Wow, it really was Hi-Lo=612 pips on oire on 8 March 1995.

And about "the bigger the crowd - the more stable" - I strongly disagree, Korey. There was and is no finite variance on returns (more precisely, the expectation of variance). Recent example, very recent: January 22, 2008 - 318 pips!

Interests are not small. They are huge, in the hundreds of billions of quid. The sum of large events, even if independent, is not Gaussian and does not tend towards that p.d.f.

Integer писал (а): Mathemat, have you read the pilot?
Well, that depends. An ex-Scientologist, yes.

It's easy to spin the psyche into profitable work, but it's hard to block a depot drain or give the key to exit work
after making a profit.

This topic was well covered by A.S. Pushkin in The Queen of Spades.

No, The Queen of Spades shows how the aristocrats have corrupted the Engineer.
"They don't love him, he came himself" - Raikin/Zhvanetsky.
The Engineer went to a partisan meeting in his official uniform.
He listened to society's conversations, but did not speak.
So he was offered. A secret.
Which will be told to him in the lady's boudoir, at 24:00, which is very indecent, and he redeemed himself, as he originally thought ill of the whole society.
I.e. the right guys have deliberately scammed Herman.
Very much like the trader who was attracted by the DC with an ad in the "Looking for work" newspaper.
Integer wrote: Mathemat, have you read the pilot?
Well, it depends which one. An ex-Scientologist, yes.

He describes the technology of technology creation. That is, you can create the psychotechniques needed to develop certain abilities needed to perform certain specific tasks.
No, The Queen of Spades shows how the aristocrats have corrupted the Engineer).

I'll have to reread it:)

1. Kung Fu? Mimicking a rock, a waterfall, the element of earth the element of fire is easy, but the market?

I do not like Bill Williams for this - he suggests to associate the market with some animal. In my opinion, it is no more than a fantasy. The market is a larger phenomenon, so it has a certain prototype.
In Kung Fu they first train a school of beasts - full likenesses (7, 9, 12 and even 18 fauna).
After the school of beasts in Kung Fu a school of the five elements is possible.
It seems that B. Williams was not offered the school of the elements.