Total wiretapping is being introduced - page 19

Yuriy Zaytsev:

Are you suggesting that blacks were hired to deliberately shoot themselves in order to cause outrage and promote the law?

Maybe the blacks were hired to start the shooting or the cops were instructed to shoot some blacks.
Alexey Navoykov:
The comparison is inappropriate. Everything that has to do with the flow of money must of course be kept. There's no question about that. What's so touchy about it? If you're running some gray scheme there, that's your problem, isn't it?

But when you discuss some personal matters on the phone, and someone listens to and saves it all, and then it all ends up in the public domain (as happens with telephone subscriber databases) - that's a different story.

If you are an ordinary person, no one is interested, but if you are a business owner, you are interested.

if previously traffic police databases were sold unofficially, now this law creates a new, larger market for espionage

or all Chexiteans must be completely honest and incorruptible all at once.


banks keep information on a perfectly clear and legal basis....... no need to slip...... and here we are talking about invasion of privacy - my cats will be looked at by the Chekists!

Are your cats involved in illegal activities?
Yuri Evseenkov:

I personally do not see any catastrophe. If you are an ordinary person, all these video surveillance, wiretaps, recording conversations is a blessing in disguise for you.

They put cameras on the roads and made drivers 'polite'. Not enough in lifts. They caught thieves in the dacha community thanks to cameras (it turned out they were not homeless). The authorities are afraid to be rude and openly take bribes, because they might film it and post it.

Internet traffic should be controlled long ago. So your children do not get dragged into the swamp. No one on the street will promote perversion, violence, suicide... They'll shut you up. Then why is it okay on the internet.

a very naive and romantic opinion

Alexey Busygin:
Are your cats involved in illegal activities?

there was irony in my message.

There is public information and private private information anyway.

I don't mind being filmed on the street or in public places.

but I don't want it filmed and listened to in my home.

the same goes for private correspondence.

Yuriy Zaytsev:

this point is quite correct!

The state or the FS.B. are not going to store and record it - it is up to the operators to do this :-)) and there are ordinary people working as server administrators!

They do not drive Galentwagens at the graduation party, they do not have money for Galentwagens, and they did not take an oath of allegiance to the regime.

One of my acquaintances worked for the FSB (in the K) and told me that their life there is very sad.
Yuriy Zaytsev:

Actually - if there's a camera in the lift, it's harder to pee in the lift.

a hood over your head and pee all you want.

And how many crimes have there been in the entrances to steal phones and money

They practically hide their faces.

Yuriy Zaytsev:

:-) Well, such actions usually do not appear on the Internet and are generally quiet - and the payoffs (or rather promises) must be commensurate with the fact that the person may eventually lose his job or even go to jail! So it may be a big criminal who buys it... right on.... But we understand and know that intermediaries are usually removed sooner or later so that nobody knows anything. It means that a person, who suddenly decide to do it, i.e. if he is not a fool, should understand that his life is not worth anything. Therefore, Galentwagen may not have time to grow old. And if he starts selling little things, he will be caught even faster.

The traffic policemen have figured out how to bypass examination checks, and the FSB even more so how to deal with this information.

Now the driving licence is videorecorded and the statistics of results are evaluated.

The cops defiantly fail at the first exam

And when you retake the exam, you can see the correct answer in the corner of the screen

and you can drive as fast as you like on the playground and around town

(I managed to break my car during the exam and passed)

With this law, there's no doubt that the custom wiretap market will flourish.

it's a huge volume of orders and money


a hood over your head and pee as much as you like

I'm reminded of the janitor from Our Rashi who was always shitting in the stairwell. "Oh, who shat that! Ay-yi-yi-yi-yi! Who could it be?" ))

I've used it too - it's great - you can even just encrypt a text on the clipboard and paste it into an email immediately

or drop a file onto an icon and get it encrypted instantly.

there is also pgp phone for voice encryption but it needs to be rooted (blackberry seems to be built in by default)

and since most contacts will not do it there is not much of a point

i think the internet is just a network and that's it, no philosophy

why they let the ssr fall apart -- it's bankrupt, if you don't know

Yes, bankrupt with immense wealth - we were bribed to have beautiful democracy coupled with the market to regulate everything like in the West, and the communists got tired of being servants of the people and decided to become the masters, so they let the people be capricious... Is that possible now??? The ruling party will not allow that, so they made the appropriate laws... The same question: Is it possible in America? - No way - they'll bomb their own people... that's all democracy is... They'll say the Russian special forces are to blame... as they say the world is run by the State Department... the war of attitudes is a war of civilizations... They need profits today, we need a decent future tomorrow....two big differences, as they say in Odessa...