Algorithm Optimisation Championship. - page 115

Andrey Dik:

1. Think about why no one but you is asking for an FF code?

2. As soon as you have a ready algorithm, then we will compete.

3. I have to change the procedure for the championship. I will talk to Anatoly, and ask him to spend his time to make up the FF formula. I refuse to make up the FF - I do not need unfounded accusations.

4. Now you will not be able to participate in the championship until you have a working algorithm. Fair enough, just as you wanted, and just as I wanted.

1. I need the source code of the entire FF library to build my algorithm. This is needed for any participant who doesn't already have a ready algorithm and wants to participate.

(First you were proving to me that knowing the FF library won't do anything, now you're insinuating that it can be misused. Make up your mind already.)

2. Apparently, you are so afraid of competing against a worthy opponent that you go against the established rules, violate your own rules and fail to meet your stated commitments.

You are trying to discredit me, deprive me of the necessary basis for creating an algorithm, cut the deadline for preparation... It's like you're flailing around in fear. And it started the moment you began to realise that I understood enough about the subject and could actually challenge your result. Now you are putting all sorts of obstacles in my way. Under such conditions, you cannot expect others to join.

Stop being afraid and do everything according to the rules. I may not be able to surpass your result.

P.S. Remember the character of the jittery lion from the fairy tale "The Wizard of Oz"?

Реter Konow:

1. I need the source of the entire FF library to build my algorithm. This is needed for any participant, who does not yet have a ready algorithm and wants to participate.

(First you were proving to me that knowing the FF library won't do anything, now you're insinuating that it can be misused. Make up your mind already.)

2. Apparently, you are so afraid of competing against a worthy opponent that you go against the established rules, violate your own rules and fail to meet your stated commitments.

You are trying to discredit me, deprive me of the necessary basis for creating an algorithm, cut the deadline for preparation... It's like you're flailing around in fear. And it started the moment you began to realise that I understood enough about the subject and could actually challenge your result. Now you are putting all sorts of obstacles in my way. Under such conditions, you cannot expect others to join in.

Stop being afraid and do everything according to the rules. I may not be able to surpass your result.

P.S. Remember the character of the jittery lion from the fairy tale "The Wizard of Oz"?

1. No one wants the source code of the FF but you. That is why you will not see the source code now, only after the competition, which requires you to have a ready algorithm.

2. Think what you want. But you will not be able to influence the course of the competition.

SZY. Sent Anatoly in a private message a request to compose FF, I too will see the source code only after the competition.

Andrey Dik:

1. No one needs the FF sourcebook but you. That's why you won't see the source now, only after the competition, and that requires you to have the algorithm ready.

2. Think what you want. But you will not be able to influence the course of the competition.

SZZ. Sent to Anatoliu in a private message request to compose FF, I too will see the source code only after the contest.

Ok. What about the rest of the FF library functionality? The calling script? Nobody needs them but me either?

Maybe nobody needs the championship except me anymore? )

Реter Konow:

Good. What about the rest of the functionality of the FF library? The calling script? Doesn't anyone but me need those either?

Maybe nobody needs the championship either, except me? )

What is the rest of the functionality? The executing script is the same as in the text task. You're welcome to look at it.
Andrey Dik:
What other functionality? The executing script is the same as in the text task. You're welcome to look at it.
And the calling script?
Реter Konow:
And the calling script?

The script is the same, the executing one. It is the same as in the problem with the text, nothing depends on it, so it is the same, no changes, read the branch, refresh your memory.

I solved the text problem with this script, I solved Yuri's problem with the same script without any changes, and the same script will be used in the championship. You see, the script is the same, the algorithm is the same, and the FF can be anything, absolutely anything. Understand this at last!

Andrey Dik:


ZS. Sent Anatoly in a private message asking him to compile the FF, I too will only see the source code after the competition.

Received the message. Let's continue in private.
Anatoli Kazharski:
Message received. We'll continue in private.
Thank you.
Andrey Dik:
There is only one script, the executing one. It is the same as in the text task, nothing depends on it, so it is the same, no changes, read the thread, refresh your memory.

The text task is a library with a set of exportable functions. It does not call anything by itself. The contestant's algorithm must be implemented in a script, and must call up the functionality of the text task's FF library.

In our contest, the contestant's algorithm is placed in the library, not in the script. Hence, there must be an executable script that calls the library with the contestant's algorithm, which in turn calls the FF library.

You don't want to show the FF library, but what about the executable script that will call the participant's algorithm?

What is the basis for creating the algorithm anyway?

Реter Konow:

The text task is a library with a set of exportable functions. It does not call anything by itself. The contestant's algorithm must be implemented in a script, and must call the functionality of the FF task's text library.

In our contest, the contestant's algorithm is placed in the library, not in the script. Hence, there must be an executable script that calls the library with the contestant's algorithm, which in turn calls the FF library.

You don't want to show the FF library, but what about the executable script that will call the participant's algorithm?

What do you even rely on to create the algorithm?

Here's the script. I doubt that you will feel better after seeing it.

#property script_show_inputs
#property strict

// алгоритм оптимизации участника
#import "ao.ex5"
// инициализация АО
void   InitAO (int paramCount, int maxFFruns);
// запуск АО 
void   StartAlgo (); 
// получить максимальное значение ФФ       
double GetMaxFF (); 

// тестовая фитнес функция чемпионата, не известна участникам
#import "ff.ex5"
// запросить количество параметров ФФ 
int    GetParamCount (); 
// запуск ФФ, получеие значения соответствующее параметроам ФФ
double FF (double &array []); 
// произведённое количество запусков ФФ
int    GetCountRunsFF (); 

//--- input parameters
input int MaxFFruns_P = 1000; 

void OnStart () 
  // узнаем, сколько параметров нужно оптимизировать
  int    paramCount = GetParamCount (); 

  ulong  startTime = GetMicrosecondCount (); 
  InitAO (paramCount, MaxFFruns_P);
  StartAlgo ();
  startTime = GetMicrosecondCount () - startTime; 
  Print ("Макс: " + DoubleToString (GetMaxFF (), 16)); 
  Print ("Запусков ФФ: " + (string)GetCountRunsFF ()); 
  Print ("Время: " + (string)startTime + " мкс; " + DoubleToString ((double)startTime / 1000000.0, 8) + " c"); 
  Print ("---------------------------------");