Gentlemen developers, when will there be a withdrawal to Russian e-wallets Qiwi-wallet and Yandex-money? - page 4

Server Muradasilov:
For Alexander, it's a gold mine, in his sub-tundra, just sit back and give out certificates.
)) All right, I will try to look into it.
Server Muradasilov:
For Alexander, it's a gold mine, in his sub-tundra, just sit back and give out certificates.
To the Chukchi...
Alexey Volchanskiy:
oo there are many nationalities here.)
Alexey Volchanskiy:

Otkritie Bank is no longer a friend of webmasters, and has not been for a year and a half. They used to issue Otkritie-webmani cards themselves, but then they shut it down and now you can withdraw to their card the same way as you do to the cards of other banks, without any benefits.
What benefits did they give if the withdrawal to any bank only charged a standard fee of 0.8% plus 15 rubles?
Alexander Ivanov:
)) OK, I'll try to look into it.
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Vasiliy Sokolov:
What kind of benefits did they offer when the only charge for withdrawals to any bank is the standard 0.8% fee plus 15 roubles?
I now have the same card from Otkritie and they charge 30 roubles. Previously it seems that there were no commissions at all, I do not remember exactly. 3 years ago such cards were issued. I only got it from them because I live in the country and there are only two ATMs here - Sber and Otkritie.
Alexander Ivanov:
oo there's a lot of ethnicity here.))
Yeah, and they're not friends with each other, as I understand it. I had a student from Yamal, an Evenk, living with me this summer. I called her "Chukchi" by accident and she was nearly killed).
Alexey Volchanskiy:
I now have the same card from Otkritie, they charge 30 roubles. I don't remember exactly, they used to issue such cards 3 years ago. I got it from them only because I live in the country and there are only two ATMs here - Sber and Otkritie.
That's funny. It appears to withdraw to the card was cheaper than to send WM to WM. Now I noticed they have started to screw up the tariffs. I have for example an sms rate for informing on transactions with the card raised to 60 rubles per month. This wasn't the case before.

Last week I was withdrawing just fine. Now it's not. Mobile says there's an unknown error, it says so on the site itself:

"Attention: Top up transactions on linked cards/accounts are temporarily unavailable. We apologise for the inconvenience."

"Personal account. Oh, man...

Система WebMoney восстановилась после сбоя
Система WebMoney восстановилась после сбоя
Электронная система расчетов WebMoney перешла на новый порядок расчетов и работает в штатном режиме. Напомним, проверка, проведенная ЦБ в Консервативном коммерческом банке (ККБ), являющимся расчетным банком WebMoney, привела к проблемам у пользователей рублевых кошельков (WMR). Юрлица жаловались на невозможность пополнить и вывести деньги с...