The fate of the world's currencies in the wake of the demise of the dollar. - page 82

Andrey Dik:

What if we cut off gas to Europe? Or drop a nuclear bomb on Washington? Western experts admit that they have no adequate defence.

China, as well as before, can already kick everyone in the face, they will just take it by the numbers, why not?

so from the position of power, the states are far from being the strongest country, even with their piss-poor vassals.

That is, the only thing you can suggest is to hit a country that is actively developing with a cudgel. Strike on the states does not solve anything, according to defense agreements, in the USSR, the Moscow region was protected (I've even seen a map), while in the USA, the base with missiles - they did not care about hitting the administrative centre due to decentralization of power/management.

With any start of WW3, the highly corrupt countries and China will end up in the stone age. The US is collecting the cream of the human resource by the level of life for those who want to work and develop something.

Andrey Dik:

It is clear that you measure technology by iPhones.)

If we talk about technology (let's not talk about who plundered what from whom), the U.S. and Russia are neck and neck, here and there is better, and pharmaceuticals, and weapons and space technology ... And this despite the fact that the states have a global printing press and Russia doesn't.

China has no concept of "intellectual property" in fact, they do not need to develop technologies with such worldview, although now they have achievements in the space industry, hypersonic and other industries.

Before the national processor (relatively, there is no mass production of its own, as well as no market economic component to support this platform) Russia was on the margins of technology. In youtube clips there was a blah-blah-blah plot of assembling ICBs for missiles, a guy in a white coat, fairing removed and boards made in the style of ICM-120 boards visible, but it's already 3rd millennium by now. If the new guts from this plot are compared with the guts of old rockets from the last century dropped in Syria, it should be embarrassing for the nostrils.

Hypersonic was first debugged and measured in USA in 1960s. The first MiGs were powered by Rolls-Royce engines and their copies.

Andrey Dik:
They don't breed, they age and die out. the population is replenished by immigrants who want a better life, a better life that was stolen from them.

How the US stole life well how????? Scheme?????? Zolotov is the USA, macaroons are the USA, Cossacks with nagays are the USA, etc. etc. ????? Man wake up.

Andrey Dik :

Yes, it’s already clear that you measure technology with iPhones.))

if we talk about technology (we won’t talk about who and what was communized from whom), then the United States and Russia go head to head, somewhere it’s cooler, somewhere there, and pharmaceuticals, and weapons and space technology ... and this is with the fact that the states have a world printing press, but in Russia it does not.

Here I read your posts and understand that it is Kiselev talking to me and all the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company combined. They just don't take off their rose-colored glasses. Nostril to nostril, ahahaha)) maybe nostril to ... something else?)) you are going.

Microsoft capitalization - 409 billion
Apple - 750 billion and they have a market for the entire planet, and the capitalization of the entire Russian stock market is 496 billion (including the state monopolies Gazprom and Rosneft).

America is the first Military Industrial Complex of the planet.
The United States is the first agriculture on the planet (the first place in grain exports is shared with Canada, periodically changing places), their chicken legs crack half the globe.
A powerful processing industry (not the only one, but one of the main reasons why gasoline in the United States costs comparable or cheaper than in Russia.
The world's second largest producer of bioethanol (after Brazil).

The most powerful petrochemistry, biochemistry, pharmaceuticals, civil aviation, nuclear energy, alternative energy are developing at an accelerated pace (in Russia they are not developing at all)
IT industry, entertainment and service industry - the United States is in first or second place in the world (every year in a different way)
in terms of the number of tourists visiting the country - over 70 million. And they all bring their money to the States. 70 million tourists a year.....
And each of them goes to Disneyland, restaurants, shops, pays for hotels, and so on.

The USA is the highest investment climate rating. Inflation 2%. The rate is 0.25%. This stimulates business activity, the desire to open their own business.

With a total population of 320 million, an annual increase of 1.2 million (and not only impoverished Latinos go there, but people with money and education from all over the world).
The world's first higher education (no matter what rating and which version you take - including in the ratings compiled in Asia, American universities are in first place),
you can also see the names and citizenships of Nobel laureates in the exact sciences over the past half century and recent years.

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

The fate of world currencies in connection with the death of the dollar.

Andrey Dik , 2018.12.06 20:18

The USA is the world freeloader, but there is a limit to everything ...

Technology? All the technologies that they have are either stolen (absorbed, seized), or imported from other countries (Germany, for example), or borrowed from emigrant runners (Pentkovsky, as an example, and many many others).

The dominance of the United States is not due to technology, but solely to the presence of a currency machine, which is a means of payment for other economies. They do not incur any costs that other countries are forced to bear in connection with this.

Soviet industrialization.

In 1923-1933. in the heavy industry of the USSR, 170 technical assistance agreements were concluded:
73 with German companies, 59 with American, 11 with French, 9 with Swedish and 18 with firms from other countries.

- American hydrobuilder Hugh Cooper became the chief consultant for the construction of the Dneproges, for which hydroturbines were purchased from General Electric and Newport News Shipbuilding.
- The Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works (a replica of the iron and steel works in Gary, Indiana) was designed and built under the supervision of the American firm Arthur G. McKee and Co.
The blast furnace for this and all other metallurgical plants of the USSR was developed by the Chicago company Freyn Engineering Co.
- The technological project of the Nizhny Novgorod Automobile Plant was completed by Ford, the construction project was carried out by the American company Austin Motor Company
- The 1st State Bearing Plant in Moscow (GPZ-1) was built with the technical assistance of the Italian company RIV.
- The Stalingrad Tractor Plant, built according to the project of Kahn in 1930, was originally built in the USA, and then dismantled, transported to the USSR and assembled under the supervision of American engineers.
It was equipped with equipment from more than 80 American engineering companies and several German firms.
- Caterpillar supplied equipment for the Chelyabinsk and Kharkov tractor plants, as well as the Rostov and Saratov combine plants.
- The Germans also actively participated in industrialization, the Central Bureau of Heavy Engineering (TsBTM), a branch of the German company Demag, worked in Moscow.
Siemens-Schuckertwerke AG was involved in the work and supplied modern equipment.

Auto industry

- The USSR borrowed the first mass passenger car from the American automobile industry. GAZ A is a licensed copy of the American Ford-A.

The USSR bought equipment and documents for production from an American company in 1929, and two years later the Ford-A was discontinued.
A year later, in 1932, the first GAZ-A cars were produced.
- The next Soviet experimental passenger car Leningrad-1 was an almost exact copy of the Buick-32-90 car.
- GAZ-M1, in turn, was designed according to the samples of the Ford Model B (Model 40A) of 1934, the documentation for which the American side handed over to GAZ under the terms of the contract.

- After the Second World War, 2885 factories, 96 power plants, 340 thousand machine tools, 200 thousand electric motors were taken from Germany to the USSR alone, about a thousand factories were transported to the USSR from Manchuria and Korea.
In just one year, 4,389 enterprises were dismantled and removed from Germany, Austria, Hungary and other European countries.
As a result, we got the Moskvich 400 - an exact copy of the Opel Kadett K38, produced in Germany in 1937-1940 at the German Opel branch of the American concern General Motors.

- Outwardly, down to the smallest detail, the ZIS-110 was similar to the Packard 180 with the Touring Sedan body of the last pre-war model of 1942.
- ZAZ-965 aka "humpback", the prototype of which was the Fiat 600.
- Moskvich-2141, a front-wheel drive hatchback, created on the basis of the body of the French-American Simca 1308 produced by the European branch of Chrysler Corporation
- Zhiguli VAZ-2101. They were a complete licensed analogue of the Italian Fiat 124.
Under an agreement between the Soviet Foreign Trade and Fiat, the Italians created the Volga Automobile Plant in Togliatti with a full production cycle.
The concern was entrusted with the technological equipment of the plant, training of specialists
- VAZ-2103 was developed jointly with the Italian company Fiat on the basis of the Fiat 124 and Fiat 125 models.
- Ural, the development of the military motorcycle M-72, a Soviet heavy motorcycle, which was a complete copy of the German BMW R 71 (BMW-750).


- The Soviet T-26 light tank was a licensed copy of the popular British export Vickers Mk E tank.

- The M1928 Christie tank, bought in the USA along with a package of design documentation, after adaptation became the Soviet BT-2 tank.

- Project 7 destroyers - a type of destroyers of the so-called "Stalinist series". Based on Italian Maestrale-class destroyers.

- The Soviet TT pistol both externally and structurally is very similar to the Browning 1903, adapted for a cartridge of a different caliber.
- Even before the war with Finland, in 1934, the Soviet army had a PPD submachine gun. And everything would be fine, but it is like two drops of water similar to the Finnish Suomi submachine gun, released in 1931.
- disputes about the authorship of the Kalashnikov assault rifle and the intellectual contribution of Hugo Schmeisser to its design still do not subside.

V-2 rockets turned out to be the most valuable trophy of the USSR in the war with Germany.
It took Soviet specialists several years to copy the V-2 - the low production culture and the lack of necessary domestic components affected:
in the German rocket, 87 grades and grades of steel and 59 non-ferrous metals were used, in its domestic clone R-1 - 32 and 21, respectively.
Of course, it could not have done without the voluntary-compulsory help of German specialists.
Everyone who did not get to the Americans was gathered in Nordhausen. In the twentieth of October 1946, German specialists working in the production departments of the Nordhausen Institute,
unexpectedly awakened by Soviet soldiers, they offered to collect the necessary things and, together with their families, immerse themselves in prepared railway cars for shipment to the USSR.
At first they were placed in sanatoriums near Moscow in Monin, Valentinovka and Klyazma, and then they built a whole town on the island of Gorodomlya in the middle of Lake Seliger.
The "Soviet Germans" gave the world technical solutions that have now become classics of rocket science: detachable warheads, carrier tanks, intermediate bottoms, hot pressurization of fuel tanks, flat nozzle heads of engines, thrust vector control using engines, etc. They also completed ballistic missile projects with a flight range of 600, 800, 2500 and 3000 km, to the intercontinental range.

In fact, the entire family of R-7 rockets (Vostok, Voskhod, Soyuz and others), on which we still fly into space, is a deep development of the solutions and ideas of German specialists incorporated in the FAU-2.

- On the eve of the Second World War, out of the four main aircraft engine factories of the USSR, only the 24th produced domestic engines designed by A.A. Mikulin, and the rest - licensed imported ones.
The American Wright-Cyclone engines were designated M-25, and their development was M-62,63,82 ..., the French Hispano-Suiza - M-100 and its modifications M-103, 105P ..., the French Gnome-Ron - M-85, and his descendants M-87.88.

- During combat sorties during Operation Matterhorn, several American B-29 aircraft were damaged and landed on Soviet territory. One B-29 crashed, three others made an emergency landing. Tupolev made an exact copy of the B-29, bolt to bolt, in two years. The copy was named Tu-4.
- By the way, the first Soviet atomic bomb RDS-1, made on the model of the American "Fat Man", was dropped precisely from the Tu-4 - one copy dropped the second.

- the first and only post-Soviet passenger airliner Superjet is not quite a domestic aircraft.
About 70% of its components, including the most critical ones, are imported.
Avionics are made by French Thales and American Hamilton Sundstrand.
The SaM146 engines are PowerJet, a Russian-French joint venture established by NPO Saturn and the French company Snecma. Oxygen system, interior, doors - American B / E Aerospace. This is if in a big way.
Auxiliary power plants, hydraulics, fuel system, brakes and other little things are also made from imported components or purchased directly from abroad.

Drilling platforms
Among the achievements of modern Russia, the world's largest oil platform is Berkut and Gazprom's Prirazlomnaya platform. The names are beautiful, Russian, what can I say.
But Berkut has built a consortium that includes ExxonMobil (30%), SODECO (30%), ONGC (20%) and, yes, Rosneft (also 20%).
The entire surface part of the platform, including installations for drilling, injection, accumulation of crude oil,
the latest equipment for life support systems on the platform, fire extinguishing, living quarters for workers and maintenance personnel,
lifting mechanisms, a helipad, etc., were manufactured by Samsung Heavy Industries according to the project of Worley Parsons (Australia) at the shipyard in Okpo (Republic of Korea).
Only the concrete foundation of the platform, built on the site of the Vostochny Port near Nakhodka in the Far East, by the company ... "Aker Solutions" (Norway), more precisely - its division "Aker Contracting Russia AS" remained on the share of Russia.

Approximately the same story and "Prirazlomnaya". Its lower part was laid at Sevmash in 1995 (almost 23 years ago!),
and the decommissioned Norwegian platform "Hatton", built in 1984 (more than 30 years ago), became the upper part.

The list of clones is almost endless. It will include irons, military equipment, industrial equipment, electronics

Okay, let's not remember the decline of the USSR and the legs of Bush.
And we will not discuss the reasons for the collapse of the USSR here either.

So this is the USSR, in terms of capacity it is comparable to today's Russia. Then at least they copied, but they produced. And now they don't even produce anything.

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

The fate of world currencies in connection with the death of the dollar.

Andrey Dik , 2018.12.06 21:32

and let's cut off the gas to Europe? or will we throw a vigorous bomb not Washington? norms? Western experts admit that they do not have adequate protection.

the same China, already now, as well as before, can give everyone a lyuli, they will purely take it in quantity, why not?

so from a position of strength, the states are far from the strongest country, even with their pissed vassals.

I'm talking about a typical VGTRK client. Blackmail through the valve and threaten nuclear.
Spending on the US military-industrial complex 620 billion, NATO 950 billion, - Russia 65 billion. What protection are you talking about?

Andrey Dik:
which countries do you think, for example, do not have a "self-sufficient economy"?

All 200 grand to list minus a couple or three?

Dmitry Fedoseev:

All 200 grand to list minus a couple or three?

One country has a self-sustaining economy. Photos from 20 years ago were recently posted in "interesting".

All of their economies and business processes are tied up to the hilt.

Philosophically: post-industrial is coming with terrible force, when no world achievement can be linked to a specific geographical/political location. Even wars are now distributed :-)


Oh, how the farts have bombed some people...))

don't get too excited, guys, we're talking about economics.

So, what is a "self-sufficient country". let's break it down. whoever mentioned self-sufficiency, go for it.


It is easy to see, even for the faint of heart, that the country is self-sufficient with low dependence on imports. And the states with their efforts to impose their will on China will end up without their "factory" of the latest technology, and then, Wang is not to say what will happen to the dollar.

Showing Russia "kuznicki's mother" is useless, many have tried.

But, dear friends, please come back to the topic.


An economy does not need to be competitive to do away with the dollar, just self-sufficient.

I did not cite for nothing the example of natural exchange, where the dollar is not needed at all... And at the same time you don't need to be cooler in technology than the neighboring country, why? The popoos in New Guinea live by subsistence farming and do not care about the dollar, and their "economy" is far from competing with anyone else...

So, no need to distort and twist things, think straight.

A common sense analysis requires an understanding: an economy does not need to be the largest to be self-sufficient. If an economy is not self-sufficient, even if it is the largest, then it is vulnerable, this applies to the US economy in full.
Discussing who stole what from whom, and who can beat up whom and how, is certainly a very fascinating exercise, but for understanding the further evolution of the geo-economic system it is extremely unproductive.

I think that long-term changes of the global financial market do not depend on a single country, even if it is a very powerful one; it is a manifestation of global economic processes. Understanding them, and most importantly assessing their time scale, will give a rough estimate of the future. After all, you can say of course the dollar will fall from Olympus, but do not say when - in 10, 100, 1000 years? What does that give - nothing. The time scale of the estimate, that's one of the main concerns. Who in '81 could say that only 10 years would pass and the USSR would disappear?