FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 1212

well bribery is a major orthodox crossroads... that kind of in-depth knowledge doesn't cut it.
So what does it say, the subject, is it worth reading?
I told you, the raw material is now a non-tema.
Idler, loon down, raw materials up, I'm not happy with the timing of the loon, it's very long and unprofitable for me, that's all.

the specific question is how many quid are spent on interest payments on american debt bonds ?

figure ?

What difference does it make how much interest it costs to pay the interest if they print as much as they want?
What difference does it make how much goes into paying the % if they print as much as they want ?

printing = inflation

the question is: can we do it without inflation ?


printing = inflation

the question is: can we do it without inflation?

They don't have inflation, everything settles over the sea

printing = inflation

The question is, can we do it without inflation?

You guessed it, they declare that the world economy needs more quid and print it quietly with no consequences.

They can do it.


You guessed it, it is announced that the world economy needs more quid and it is printed without any repercussions.

They can.

They don't even print, they just draw a new Zero in the computer. )

They only print to replace the frayed ones in circulation.

It would be ideal to close the week around current prices and that would be it.

They don't even print it, they just draw a new Zero in the computer. )

They only print to replace the frayed ones in circulation.

That's right, and the same "zeros" are thrown over each other as payment for whatever.

Suppose the bond market collapses.

no one needs the dollar outside.

what then?


that's... that's a lot to say... you don't have the numbers - worthless words - how many bond payments does anyone know ?
