FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 1216


Doesn't she get it?

You can count the taxes and you won't want to mine it.

Семён Слепаков: Обращение к акционерам Газпрома
Семён Слепаков: Обращение к акционерам Газпрома
  • 2012.02.29
Песня из Comedy Club №245 ( Текст песни: Уважаемые акционеры Газпрома, Очень приятно, будем знакомы. Я — Семён Слепаков, можно прост...
Agents say 1.54-1.543 zone is resistance. sold.
on the eu in a position. holding. how are you doing?
on the eu in a position. I've got it. How are you doing?
Buy at 1.093. It's still hanging.

You and I were brainwashed in Soviet school, and Starikov is dutifully trying to fix it.

Start with a simple one - "Nationalisation of the Ruble" and "Who finances the collapse of Russia from the Decembrists to the Mujahideen".

Lazy to read it yourself, listen. He's a good reader.

I don't know what school messed with your head... In my opinion, hang first, think later. And Starikov.... if they don't hang first.
Buy from 1.093. It's still there.

No, I don't smear oil on my bread.

I want the country to get oil revenues and get rich, not private companies.

I want the country to build factories with the proceeds, not for Gasprom's managers to get fat.

Oil is not only a fuel raw material but also a raw material for the chemical industry and so on.

We need factories.

The country and the people are two different things))) You will get factories, well, not the factories themselves, but work for them))) Bicus, 5434-37.

Buy shares and be happy, where is the problem?

In america, Canada, oil and gas also belong to the people.

sell from 1.11
sell from 1.11
it's tp)
The country and the people are two different things)))) You will have factories, well, not the factories themselves, but work for them))) Bicus, 5434-37.
A rich country builds roads, hospitals, schools and kindergartens..... more you fantasise.