a trading strategy based on Elliott Wave Theory - page 46

I don't think this kind of programming trivia is worth discussing in this thread at all.

Thank you... I found the relevant chapter in the book. By the way, if anyone ever finds a bug in my code of any degree of antiquity, I'd be grateful if you could poke me in it... in case I missed it. :-)

PS: I'll try to ask fewer questions. :-)
In the code I have now, the variance is calculated without calling a special function to save calculation time, and the check <br / translate="no"> if(size-2!=0) disper=disper/(size-2);
In general, I think such programming trifles are not worth discussing in this thread.

Yes, they are.
Because I don't understand the necessity of checking if(size-2!=0) - this is one.
And although I vaguely recall using sampling estimates and won't argue strongly against disper=disper/(size-2) (instead of disper=disper/(size)) , I'm sure there's no point in sharpening the forumula(i.e. there's no difference between the two in this case) - that's two.
... I'm sure there's no point in sharpening the forumula (i.e. there's no difference between them in this case) - that's two.

I'm not a mathematician, but it seems to me that with a size tending towards infinity the variance will tend towards 0... So if you're estimating a sample of 400 bars, then whether you subtract 1 or 2 from them, or don't subtract anything at all, the final result won't be greatly affected... Nevertheless, the formula is a formula, and if my uncle wrote "N-2" in a smart book, then personally I'm inclined to follow his advice... :-)
Since I don't understand the need to check if(size-2!=0) - that's one. <br/ translate="no"> And although I vaguely recall using sampling estimates and won't argue strongly against disper=disper/(size-2) (instead of disper=disper/(size)) , I'm sure there's no point in sharpening the forumula(i.e. there's no difference between them in this case) - that's two.

In principle of course this condition is completely unnecessary.
I just did it when writing the code originally - I removed the check before division, as 0 cannot be because the sample is obviously larger. But then as the code developed, errors of division by zero started occurring from time to time. Since there is no debugger in MT4, it was difficult to find out where this zero has occurred. And until I implemented the condition of checking the division by zero in all divisions, I didn't manage to understand exactly in what division zero was found! Well, in the future, of course, you can remove this unnecessary check. Although I doubt that it will give any gain in time of calculation, because basic time is spent on calculation itself, but not on some superfluous checks of code stability.

There is no fundamental difference in these formulas for our problem and the final profit is unlikely to be affected in any noticeable way. But why not do everything in full compliance with how it should be according to mathematics? We in the Vladislava system are just trying to get away from subjectivity and get the most objective assessment of the current market situation based on mathematical methods.
I'm not much of a mathematician, but it seems to me that with a size tending towards infinity the variance will tend towards 0...

You are right! But only in the first part of your statement ;o)))
<br/ translate="no"> Vladislav, do you plan to correct the Murray indicator code in the light of new information? We are waiting for the new version ;o)!

So, right now you can clearly see the difference - if you set the first parameter to true, you will get octaves according to the old algorithm, that is, using built-in functions to search for extrema.
If you set it to false (default setting), you will get, IMHO, what you need. The difference is as follows. Extrema are defined for the definition of the sample - the highest High and lowest Low at a given area. This ensures that we have a minimum probability of capturing part of the over trend. It is then compared with the Highest/Lowest value on the last bars - that is only on one side of the given range - if we are in a trend we can easily break through the set levels and we will need to rebuild the octaves in time.
//|                                                   MMLevls_VG.mq4 |
//|                       Copyright © 2006, Vladislav Goshkov (VG).  |
//|                                           4vg@mail.ru            |
//|                                       Many thanks to Tim Kruzel  |
#property copyright "Vladislav Goshkov (VG)."
#property link      "4vg@mail.ru"

#property indicator_chart_window

// ============================================================================================
// * Линии 8/8 и 0/8 (Окончательное сопротивление).
// * Эти линии самые сильные и оказывают сильнейшие сопротивления и поддержку.
// ============================================================================================
//* Линия 7/8  (Слабая, место для остановки и разворота). Weak, Stall and Reverse
//* Эта линия слаба. Если цена зашла слишком далеко и слишком быстро и если она остановилась около этой линии, 
//* значит она развернется быстро вниз. Если цена не остановилась около этой линии, она продолжит движение вверх к 8/8.
// ============================================================================================
//* Линия 1/8  (Слабая, место для остановки и разворота). Weak, Stall and Reverse
//* Эта линия слаба. Если цена зашла слишком далеко и слишком быстро и если она остановилась около этой линии, 
//* значит она развернется быстро вверх. Если цена не остановилась около этой линии, она продолжит движение вниз к 0/8.
// ============================================================================================
//* Линии 6/8 и 2/8 (Вращение, разворот). Pivot, Reverse
//* Эти две линии уступают в своей силе только 4/8 в своей способности полностью развернуть ценовое движение.
// ============================================================================================
//* Линия 5/8 (Верх торгового диапазона). Top of Trading Range
//* Цены всех рынков тратят 40% времени, на движение между 5/8 и 3/8 линиями. 
//* Если цена двигается около линии 5/8 и остается около нее в течении 10-12 дней, рынок сказал что следует 
//* продавать в этой «премиальной зоне», что и делают некоторые люди, но если цена сохраняет тенденцию оставаться 
//* выше 5/8, то она и останется выше нее. Если, однако, цена падает ниже 5/8, то она скорее всего продолжит 
//* падать далее до следующего уровня сопротивления.
// ============================================================================================
//* Линия 3/8 (Дно торгового диапазона). Bottom of Trading Range
//* Если цены ниже этой лини и двигаются вверх, то цене будет сложно пробить этот уровень. 
//* Если пробивают вверх эту линию и остаются выше нее в течении 10-12 дней, значит цены останутся выше этой линии 
//* и потратят 40% времени двигаясь между этой линией и 5/8 линией.
// ============================================================================================
//* Линия 4/8 (Главная линия сопротивления/поддержки). Major Support/Resistance
//* Эта линия обеспечивает наибольшее сопротивление/поддержку. Этот уровень является лучшим для новой покупки или продажи. 
//* Если цена находится выше 4/8, то это сильный уровень поддержки. Если цена находится ниже 4/8, то это прекрасный уровень 
//* сопротивления.
// ============================================================================================
extern bool OldVersion = false;
extern int P = 90;
extern int MMPeriod = 1440;
extern int StepBack = 0;

extern color  mml_clr_m_2_8 = White;       // [-2]/8
extern color  mml_clr_m_1_8 = White;       // [-1]/8
extern color  mml_clr_0_8   = Aqua;        //  [0]/8
extern color  mml_clr_1_8   = Yellow;      //  [1]/8
extern color  mml_clr_2_8   = Red;         //  [2]/8
extern color  mml_clr_3_8   = Green;       //  [3]/8
extern color  mml_clr_4_8   = Blue;        //  [4]/8
extern color  mml_clr_5_8   = Green;       //  [5]/8
extern color  mml_clr_6_8   = Red;         //  [6]/8
extern color  mml_clr_7_8   = Yellow;      //  [7]/8
extern color  mml_clr_8_8   = Aqua;        //  [8]/8
extern color  mml_clr_p_1_8 = White;       // [+1]/8
extern color  mml_clr_p_2_8 = White;       // [+2]/8

extern int    mml_wdth_m_2_8 = 2;        // [-2]/8
extern int    mml_wdth_m_1_8 = 1;        // [-1]/8
extern int    mml_wdth_0_8   = 2;        //  [0]/8
extern int    mml_wdth_1_8   = 1;        //  [1]/8
extern int    mml_wdth_2_8   = 1;        //  [2]/8
extern int    mml_wdth_3_8   = 1;        //  [3]/8
extern int    mml_wdth_4_8   = 2;        //  [4]/8
extern int    mml_wdth_5_8   = 1;        //  [5]/8
extern int    mml_wdth_6_8   = 1;        //  [6]/8
extern int    mml_wdth_7_8   = 1;        //  [7]/8
extern int    mml_wdth_8_8   = 2;        //  [8]/8
extern int    mml_wdth_p_1_8 = 1;        // [+1]/8
extern int    mml_wdth_p_2_8 = 2;        // [+2]/8

extern color  MarkColor   = Blue;
extern int    MarkNumber  = 217;

double  dmml = 0,
        dvtl = 0,
        sum  = 0,
        v1 = 0,
        v2 = 0,
        mn = 0,
        mx = 0,
        x1 = 0,
        x2 = 0,
        x3 = 0,
        x4 = 0,
        x5 = 0,
        x6 = 0,
        y1 = 0,
        y2 = 0,
        y3 = 0,
        y4 = 0,
        y5 = 0,
        y6 = 0,
        octave = 0,
        fractal = 0,
        range   = 0,
        finalH  = 0,
        finalL  = 0,

string  ln_txt[13],        
        buff_str = "";
        bn_Lo   = -1,
        bn_Hi   = -1,
        extr_bn_Lo  = -1,
        extr_bn_Hi  = -1,
        OctLinesCnt = 13,
        mml_thk = 8,
        mml_shft = 35,
        nT = 0,
        nB = 0,
        nP = 0,
        nDigits = 0,
        i = 0;
int NewPeriod=0;
//| Custom indicator initialization function                         |
int init() {
//---- indicators
      NewPeriod   = P*MathCeil(MMPeriod/Period());
   else NewPeriod = P;
   ln_txt[0]  = "[-2/8]P";// "extremely overshoot [-2/8]";// [-2/8]
   ln_txt[1]  = "[-1/8]P";// "overshoot [-1/8]";// [-1/8]
   ln_txt[2]  = "[0/8]P";// "Ultimate Support - extremely oversold [0/8]";// [0/8]
   ln_txt[3]  = "[1/8]P";// "Weak, Stall and Reverse - [1/8]";// [1/8]
   ln_txt[4]  = "[2/8]P";// "Pivot, Reverse - major [2/8]";// [2/8]
   ln_txt[5]  = "[3/8]P";// "Bottom of Trading Range - [3/8], if 10-12 bars then 40% Time. BUY Premium Zone";//[3/8]
   ln_txt[6]  = "[4/8]P";// "Major Support/Resistance Pivotal Point [4/8]- Best New BUY or SELL level";// [4/8]
   ln_txt[7]  = "[5/8]P";// "Top of Trading Range - [5/8], if 10-12 bars then 40% Time. SELL Premium Zone";//[5/8]
   ln_txt[8]  = "[6/8]P";// "Pivot, Reverse - major [6/8]";// [6/8]
   ln_txt[9]  = "[7/8]P";// "Weak, Stall and Reverse - [7/8]";// [7/8]
   ln_txt[10] = "[8/8]P";// "Ultimate Resistance - extremely overbought [8/8]";// [8/8]
   ln_txt[11] = "[+1/8]P";// "overshoot [+1/8]";// [+1/8]
   ln_txt[12] = "[+2/8]P";// "extremely overshoot [+2/8]";// [+2/8]

   //mml_shft = 3;
   mml_thk  = 3;

   // Начальная установка цветов уровней октав и толщины линий
   mml_clr[0]  = mml_clr_m_2_8;   mml_wdth[0] = mml_wdth_m_2_8; // [-2]/8
   mml_clr[1]  = mml_clr_m_1_8;   mml_wdth[1] = mml_wdth_m_1_8; // [-1]/8
   mml_clr[2]  = mml_clr_0_8;     mml_wdth[2] = mml_wdth_0_8;   //  [0]/8
   mml_clr[3]  = mml_clr_1_8;     mml_wdth[3] = mml_wdth_1_8;   //  [1]/8
   mml_clr[4]  = mml_clr_2_8;     mml_wdth[4] = mml_wdth_2_8;   //  [2]/8
   mml_clr[5]  = mml_clr_3_8;     mml_wdth[5] = mml_wdth_3_8;   //  [3]/8
   mml_clr[6]  = mml_clr_4_8;     mml_wdth[6] = mml_wdth_4_8;   //  [4]/8
   mml_clr[7]  = mml_clr_5_8;     mml_wdth[7] = mml_wdth_5_8;   //  [5]/8
   mml_clr[8]  = mml_clr_6_8;     mml_wdth[8] = mml_wdth_6_8;   //  [6]/8
   mml_clr[9]  = mml_clr_7_8;     mml_wdth[9] = mml_wdth_7_8;   //  [7]/8
   mml_clr[10] = mml_clr_8_8;     mml_wdth[10]= mml_wdth_8_8;   //  [8]/8
   mml_clr[11] = mml_clr_p_1_8;   mml_wdth[11]= mml_wdth_p_1_8; // [+1]/8
   mml_clr[12] = mml_clr_p_2_8;   mml_wdth[12]= mml_wdth_p_2_8; // [+2]/8

//| Custor indicator deinitialization function                       |
int deinit() {
//---- TODO: add your code here
Comment(" ");   
for(i=0;i<OctLinesCnt;i++) {
    buff_str = "mml"+i;
    buff_str = "mml_txt"+i;
//| Custom indicator iteration function                              |

int FindeExtrHi_bn(int n_bg, int n_nd ){

int    ext_bn = -1;
double ext_Hi = -10000000000000000000.0;
int    k = 0;
int    stop_bn = -1;
int    start_bn = -1;
int    cur_bn = n_bg;
    //Print(" FindeExtrHi_bn : n_bg = ", n_bg," n_nd = ", n_nd);
       start_bn = n_bg+1;
       stop_bn  = n_nd; 
       //Print(" FindeExtrHi_bn (n_bg<n_nd): start_bn = ", start_bn," stop_bn = ", stop_bn);
       for(int j=start_bn;j<stop_bn;j++){
          if( (High[j]>High[j+1])&&(High[j]>High[j-1])&&(High[j]>ext_Hi) ){
             ext_bn = j;
	          ext_Hi = High[j];
	       }//for(int j=start_bn;j<stop_bn;j++){

       start_bn = n_bg;
       stop_bn  = n_nd+1; 
       //Print(" FindeExtrHi_bn (n_bg>n_nd): start_bn = ", start_bn," stop_bn = ", stop_bn);
       for( j=start_bn;j>stop_bn;j--){
          if( (High[j]>High[j+1])&&(High[j]>High[j-1])&&(High[j]>ext_Hi) ){
             ext_bn = j;
	          ext_Hi = High[j];
          }//for(int j=start_bn;j>stop_bn;j--){
   //Print(" FindeExtrHi_bn:=> ext_bn = ",ext_bn);

int FindeExtrLo_bn(int n_bg, int n_nd ){

int    ext_bn = -1;
double ext_Lo = 10000000000000000000.0;
int    stop_bn = -1;
int    start_bn = -1;
int    cur_bn = n_bg;

    //Print(" FindeExtrLo_bn : n_bg = ", n_bg," n_nd = ", n_nd);

       start_bn = n_bg+1;
       stop_bn  = n_nd; 
       //Print(" FindeExtrLo_bn (n_bg<n_nd): start_bn = ", start_bn," stop_bn = ", stop_bn);
       for(int j=start_bn;j<stop_bn;j++){
          if( (Low[j]<Low[j+1])&&(Low[j]<Low[j-1])&&(Low[j]<ext_Lo) ){
             ext_bn = j;
	          ext_Lo = Low[j];
	       }//for(int j=start_bn;j<stop_bn;j++){

       start_bn = n_bg;
       stop_bn  = n_nd+1; 
       //Print(" FindeExtrLo_bn (n_bg>n_nd): start_bn = ", start_bn," stop_bn = ", stop_bn);
       for( j=start_bn;j>stop_bn;j--){
          if( (Low[j]<Low[j+1])&&(Low[j]<Low[j-1])&&(Low[j]<ext_Lo) ){
             ext_bn = j;
	          ext_Lo = Low[j];
          }//for(int j=start_bn;j>stop_bn;j--){
   //Print(" FindeExtrLo_bn:=> ext_bn = ",ext_bn);

int start() {
//---- TODO: add your code here

if( (nT!=Time[0])||(nP!=Period())||(nB!=Bars) ) {
  //Print("MMLevls : NewPeriod = ",NewPeriod);
      bn_Lo = Lowest(NULL,0,MODE_LOW,NewPeriod,StepBack);
      bn_Hi = Highest(NULL,0,MODE_HIGH,NewPeriod,StepBack);
   } else {//  if(OldVersion){
      extr_bn_Lo = FindeExtrLo_bn(NewPeriod+StepBack,StepBack);
      extr_bn_Hi = FindeExtrHi_bn(NewPeriod+StepBack,StepBack);
      //Print("MMLevls : NewPeriod = ",NewPeriod," extr_bn_Lo = ",extr_bn_Lo ," extr_bn_Hi = ",extr_bn_Hi);
      //Print("MMLevls : NewPeriod = ",NewPeriod," High[extr_bn_Lo] = ",High[extr_bn_Lo] ," extr_bn_Hi = ",extr_bn_Hi);
         bn_Lo = extr_bn_Lo;
         for(int k=0;k<1;k++){
            if(Low[k]<Low[extr_bn_Lo]) {
               bn_Lo = k;
         } else bn_Lo = Lowest(NULL,0,MODE_LOW,NewPeriod,StepBack);
         bn_Hi = extr_bn_Hi;
            if(High[k]>High[extr_bn_Hi]) {//ошибка была здесь
               bn_Lo = k;
         } else  bn_Hi = Highest(NULL,0,MODE_HIGH,NewPeriod,StepBack);
      // Пусть будет на всякий случай :).
         //Print("MM ??? HiLo :High[",bn_Hi,"] = ",High[bn_Hi]," Low",bn_Lo,"] = ",Low[bn_Lo]);
         bn_Lo = Lowest(NULL,0,MODE_LOW,NewPeriod,StepBack);
         bn_Hi = Highest(NULL,0,MODE_HIGH,NewPeriod,StepBack);

      }//} else {//  if(OldVersion){

   v1 = Low[bn_Lo];
   v2 = High[bn_Hi];

//determine fractal.....
   if( v2<=250000 && v2>25000 )
     if( v2<=25000 && v2>2500 )
       if( v2<=2500 && v2>250 )
         if( v2<=250 && v2>25 )
           if( v2<=25 && v2>12.5 )
             if( v2<=12.5 && v2>6.25)
               if( v2<=6.25 && v2>3.125 )
                 if( v2<=3.125 && v2>1.5625 )
                   if( v2<=1.5625 && v2>0.390625 )
                     if( v2<=0.390625 && v2>0)
   //Print(" v2 = ",v2," v1 = ",v1," range = ",range );
   if( (mn+octave)>v2 )

// calculating xx
    if( (v1>=(3*(mx-mn)/16+mn)) && (v2<=(9*(mx-mn)/16+mn)) )
    else x2=0;
    if( (v1>=(mn-(mx-mn)/8))&& (v2<=(5*(mx-mn)/8+mn)) && (x2==0) )
    else x1=0;

    if( (v1>=(mn+7*(mx-mn)/16))&& (v2<=(13*(mx-mn)/16+mn)) )
    else x4=0;

    if( (v1>=(mn+3*(mx-mn)/8))&& (v2<=(9*(mx-mn)/8+mn))&& (x4==0) )
    else  x5=0;

    if( (v1>=(mn+(mx-mn)/8))&& (v2<=(7*(mx-mn)/8+mn))&& (x1==0) && (x2==0) && (x4==0) && (x5==0) )
    else x3=0;

    if( (x1+x2+x3+x4+x5) ==0 )
    else x6=0;

     finalH = x1+x2+x3+x4+x5+x6;
// calculating yy
    if( x1>0 )
    else y1=0;

    if( x2>0 )
    else y2=0;

    if( x3>0 )
    else y3=0;

    if( x4>0 )
    else y4=0;

    if( x5>0 )
    else y5=0;

    if( (finalH>0) && ((y1+y2+y3+y4+y5)==0) )
    else y6=0;

    finalL = y1+y2+y3+y4+y5+y6;

    for( i=0; i<OctLinesCnt; i++) {
         mml[i] = 0;
   dmml = (finalH-finalL)/8;
   //Print("MMLevls : NewPeriod = ",NewPeriod," dmml = ",dmml," finalL = ",finalL);
   mml[0] =(finalL-dmml*2); //-2/8
   for( i=1; i<OctLinesCnt; i++) {
        mml[i] = mml[i-1] + dmml;
   for( i=0; i<OctLinesCnt; i++ ){
        buff_str = "mml"+i;
        if(ObjectFind(buff_str) == -1) {
           ObjectCreate(buff_str, OBJ_HLINE, 0, Time[0], mml[i]);
           ObjectSet(buff_str, OBJPROP_STYLE, STYLE_SOLID);
           ObjectSet(buff_str, OBJPROP_COLOR, mml_clr[i]);
           ObjectSet(buff_str, OBJPROP_WIDTH, mml_wdth[i]);
           ObjectMove(buff_str, 0, Time[0],  mml[i]);
        else {
           ObjectMove(buff_str, 0, Time[0],  mml[i]);
        buff_str = "mml_txt"+i;
        if(ObjectFind(buff_str) == -1) {
           ObjectCreate(buff_str, OBJ_TEXT, 0, Time[mml_shft], mml_shft);
           ObjectSetText(buff_str, ln_txt[i], 8, "Arial", mml_clr[i]);
           ObjectMove(buff_str, 0, Time[mml_shft],  mml[i]);
        else {
           ObjectMove(buff_str, 0, Time[mml_shft],  mml[i]);
        } // for( i=1; i<=OctLinesCnt; i++ ){

   string buff_str = "LR_LatestCulcBar";
   if(ObjectFind(buff_str) == -1) {
      ObjectCreate(buff_str, OBJ_ARROW,0, Time[StepBack], Low[StepBack]-2*Point );
      ObjectSet(buff_str, OBJPROP_ARROWCODE, MarkNumber);
      ObjectSet(buff_str, OBJPROP_COLOR, MarkColor);
   else {
      ObjectMove(buff_str, 0, Time[StepBack], Low[StepBack]-2*Point );

   nT = Time[0];
   nB = Bars;
   nP = Period();
   }//if( (nT!=Time[0])||(nP!=Period())||(nB!=Bars) ) {
//---- End Of Program

Good luck and good trends.
HZZ there was a mistake - I have rewritten the code - now the difference is not so noticeable :).

Так как я не понимаю необходимость проверки if(size-2!=0) - это раз.
И хотя я смутно вспоминаю использование оценок по выборке и не буду сильно спорить против disper=disper/(size-2) (вместо disper=disper/(size)) , уверен, что нет смысла затачивать форумулу(то есть, разницы между ними нет в данном случае) - это два.

In principle, of course, this condition is completely unnecessary.
When I was writing the code, I originally did so - I removed the check before division, because 0 cannot be because the sample is obviously larger. But then as the code developed, errors of division by zero started occurring from time to time. Since there is no debugger in MT4, it was difficult to find out where this zero has occurred. And until I checked the condition of checking the division by zero in all divisions, I failed to understand exactly in what division zero was found! Well, in the future, of course, you can remove this extra check. Although I doubt that it will give any gain in time of calculation, because basic time is spent on calculation itself, but not on some superfluous checks of code stability.

There is no fundamental difference in these formulas for our problem and the final profit is unlikely to be affected in any noticeable way. But why not do everything in full compliance with how it should be according to mathematics? We in the Vladislava system are just trying to get away from the subjectivity and get the most objective assessment of the current market situation based on mathematical methods.

In fact, there is no difference at all, as the error is negligible, but everyone can, of course, count in their own way.

And so - right now you can clearly see the difference - the first parameter set in fals - you get octaves according to the old algorithm, i.e. using the built-in functions for finding extrema. <br / translate="no"> if you set it in trull (it is on default), you will obtain IMHO - that is what you need.

Indeed, we can now see the difference in the performance of the indicator.
Thank you very much for the improvement! Now the phrase "all levels are normalized to the daily timeframe" has probably received its full implementation in the finalized indicator.
please see how correct this situation is? USDCAD H4, offset 40.
You can see how the price went one and a half figures below the lowest indicator line. Shouldn't it be like that?
Vladislav,<br / translate="no"> see if this situation is correct? USDCAD H4, offset 40.
You can see that the price has moved a figure and a half below the lowest indicator line. Shouldn't it be like this?

No, it shouldn't. Sorry - there was an error there - the result of a typo - when comparing to the right edge of the range. I have corrected it. Now the differences are not so noticeable :). There instead of the bar number of extreme High for High took the bar number of extreme Low. Discovered it when I started racing through the story in detail.
I'll rearrange the codes.

Good luck and happy trends.

ZS re-hung.