a trading strategy based on Elliott Wave Theory - page 188

Rosh, I have calculated with the above formula the value of Hearst index for EURCHF pair 2004.
I would like to show a picture, but I don't know how to insert it... I will fill it in by hand:
"How to insert pictures in this forum (explanation)".

Neutron , and how did you calculate the Hurst index (methodology). As described by Peters (averaging and approximation) or in another way?
And it would be better (if available) to give the EURUSD calculations, the values have been already voiced for it.
Thank you for the clarification. So this is the standard expression for calculating the slope. The only difference is that it is calculated for each bar i using data of a sliding window containing (n+1) bars. In this case bars are considered to be numbered starting from the current (zero) bar deeper in the history as it is done in MT4. <br / translate="no">.
As for the algorithm of Hearst index calculation given by you, it seems to me that using Open looks more correct.
Also, t1 and t2 should be different t/f in the formula. If we are really talking about a sliding window, then t[i+1] and t[i] refer to the same t/f. Therefore t[i+1]/t[i]=1 and the denominator of the formula for M[i] is 0.

Yurixx, I have to apologize again for incorrectness related to free application of brackets. I don't know how to switch to a lower index in this editor. In this case I meant t[1] is a timeframe equal to one minute, t[n] is n minutes.
As for the numbering of bars, I used a convenient one - 0-current, i-future after i steps. This moment is not crucial. If you want, everything can be easily rewritten in MQL standard.
Neutron How did you calculate the Hearst index (methodology)? As described by Peters (averaging and approximation) or in another way?
And it would be better (if available) to give the EURUSD calculations, the values for it have been already voiced.

The value of Hurst indicator for EURUSD for 2004 at interval of 1 minute - 1 000 minutes has been calculated and I will try to show it in a picture... The calculation algorithm is given right on the picture.
Neutron, I have a small question related to the predictive value of spectral density. Suppose the analysis captures a latent periodicity in the investigated section of the time series, identifies its harmonics. "How long will this periodicity persist? The very magnitude of the spectral density peaks is, in my opinion, a highly subjective indicator. From an assessment of "strong now" does not follow "strong tomorrow". The only thing I can think of is a comparison of power spectra obtained for different channels. The most robust channel is the one with the strongest connections identified.

PS1: I have not started the research yet, once again I am off on a business trip for 1.5 weeks.

PS2: Forgot the question itself: how do you use the spectral power for prediction?
Grasn, I have already written that the value of spectral analysis for the forex market is almost zero. In my time I have been studying this issue in detail, estimating spectral density for all currency pairs represented by Alpari DC. In my work I used one- or two-year minute quotes. I built the spectrum using the Fourier method, digital filtering with a narrow bandwidth filter and autoregressive model reconstruction. The results were satisfactorily congruent. A marked difference was observed in the resolution of one or the other method. The highest resolution was obtained when a narrow band digital filter operator was applied to the original time series, while the worst was Fourier analysis. The main result is that the selected frequencies walk randomly, i.e. if the original series is sliced into equal non-overlapping chunks and several main frequencies are selected for each, it is impossible to reliably select frequencies that repeat in all or several samples!
Conclusion: periodic price fluctuations in the foreign exchange market singled out one way or another are of no practical value, because the time needed for their reliable detection is longer than the characteristic time of existence of the features themselves. This in turn points to stochastic nature of harmonic price fluctuations. With all ensuing conclusions for a trader.
Grasn, I have a big request to you and Yurixx: can you give a reason to apply the Hurst Index to the currency market? The point is that, as I understood from your earlier posts, you are trying to build a forecasting model on its basis but what are you guided by in assuming the solvability of the problem in such a formulation?
Grasn I have already written that the value of spectral analysis for the Forex market is almost zero. At one time I was studying this question in detail, estimating spectral density for all currency pairs represented by Alpari DC. In my work I used one- or two-year minute quotes. I built the spectrum using the Fourier method, digital filtering with a narrow bandwidth filter and autoregressive model reconstruction. The results were satisfactorily congruent. A noticeable difference was observed in the resolution of one or the other method. The highest resolution was obtained when a narrow band digital filter operator was applied to the original time series, while the worst was Fourier analysis. The main result is that the selected frequencies walk randomly, i.e. if the original series is sliced into equal non-overlapping chunks and several main frequencies are selected for each, it is impossible to reliably select frequencies that repeat in all or several samples!
Conclusion: periodic price fluctuations in the foreign exchange market singled out one way or another are of no practical value, because the time needed for their reliable detection is longer than the characteristic time of existence of the features themselves. This in turn points to stochastic nature of harmonic price fluctuations. With all the ensuing conclusions for the trader.

Bravo, Neutron, excellent post!!!! It should be placed in large letters on every website dedicated to MTS development! Because this short post concentrates the explanation of many failures of developers, especially beginners. Many especially persistent developers come to the same conclusion having spent years on optimizing various oscillators and searching for the "right" quotes, while here it is clearly and simply explained - the periodical price oscillations at the currency market singled out one way or another have no practical value, since the time needed for their reliable detection is greater than the characteristic time when the features themselves exist! Those who are familiar with the processing of experimental data will perfectly understand and take note of this post.
The conclusion is that the periodical price movements detected one way or another on the fx market are of no practical value as the time needed for their reliable detection is longer than the characteristic existence time of the features themselves. This in turn points to stochastic nature of harmonic price fluctuations. With all ensuing conclusions for a trader.

Oops! This conclusion is intuitively understandable to me, because it is consistent with my understanding of the market as an obviously non-stationary random (or chaotic ?) process. However, I would not be able to assert this with certainty. It's quite different when that conclusion is drawn from the research you've done. Thank you, now that's a fact worthy of attention.
But now another point becomes unclear. Maybe I misunderstood your approach on page 93? Or do you refer to this approach only to the ability to operate in the stock market? However, I assumed that it is spectral analysis that you are betting on in terms of predicting the near-term price behaviour.
Grasn, I have a big request to you and Yurixx: can you justify the use of Hearst index in currency market? The point is that, as I understood from your earlier posts, you are trying to build a forecasting model on its basis, but what are you guided by in assuming the solvability of the problem in such a formulation?

I cannot give a justification as I do not have one. This means the following.
The approach I am trying to implement does use the Hearst index as one of the strategy components. It seems to me (! :-)) that it gives some qualitative advantages. However, I have so far failed to translate them into quantitative results. And that, I believe, is the only irrefutable justification.

As for the assumption that the problem is solvable, this is closer to humour than hypothesis.
I wrote here recently about the mathematician Perelman who proved Poincaré's hypothesis. It couldn't be proved for about 100 years. But many people must have tried. One might have concluded that if for 100 years many could not, then the solution does not exist. However...

The same situation is with Forex. Crowds are playing, many people are looking for patterns and trying to formalize them, but no one has found one. Maybe it is impossible? It may well be! I, however, have specific interests. I prefer unsolvable problems. Maybe I read a lot of Strugatsky in my youth? :-)))
Grasn, я уже писАл о том, что ценность спектрального анализа для валютного рынка Форекс почти нулевая. В своё время я детально занимался этим вопросом, оценивая спектральную плотность по всем валютным парам представленных ДЦ Альпари. В своей работе я использовал минутные котировки за один-два года. Спектр строил Фурье методом, методом цифровой фильтрации узкополосным фильтром и восстановлением с использованием авторегрессионной модели. Результаты получались удовлетворительно совпадающими. Заметное отличие наблюдалось в разрешающей способности того или иного метода. Наиболее высокое разрешение получалось при воздействии на исходный временной ряд оператором узкополосного цифрового фильтра, наихудший - Фурье анализ. Основной результат который удалось получить, это то, что выделенные частоты гуляют по частоте случайным образом, т.е. если исходный ряд нарезать на равные непересекающиеся куски и для каждого выделить несколько основных частот, то невозможно достоверно выделить частоты, повторяющиеся на всех или нескольких выборках!
Вывод: выделенные тем или иным способом периодические колебания цены на валютном рынке практической ценности не имеют, т.к. время необходимое для их достоверного выявления больше характерного времени существования самих особенностей. Это, в свою очередь, говорит о стохастической природе гармонических колебаний цены. Со всеми вытекающими из этого для трейдера выводами.

Bravo, Neutron, great post!!!! It should be put in big letters on every website dedicated to MTS development! Because this short post is the explanation of many failures of developers, especially beginners. Many especially persistent developers come to the same conclusion having spent years on optimizing various oscillators and searching for the "right" quotes, while here it is clearly and simply explained - the periodical price oscillations at the currency market singled out one way or another have no practical value, since the time needed for their reliable detection is greater than the characteristic time when the features themselves exist! Those who are familiar with the processing of experimental data will perfectly understand and take note of this post.

A small fly in the ointment - in Larry Williams' book "Long-Term Secrets of Short-Term Trading" the same thing is said. Although my experience is of course more valuable, but reading it could save a lot of time.
Grasn I have already written that the value of spectral analysis for the Forex market is almost zero. At one time I dealt with this issue in detail, estimating spectral density for all currency pairs represented by Alpari DC. In my work I used one- or two-year minute quotes. I built the spectrum using the Fourier method, digital filtering with a narrow bandwidth filter and autoregressive model reconstruction. The results were satisfactorily congruent. A noticeable difference was observed in the resolution of one or the other method. The highest resolution was obtained when a narrow band digital filter operator was applied to the original time series, while the worst was Fourier analysis. The main result is that the selected frequencies walk randomly, i.e. if the original series is sliced into equal non-overlapping chunks and several main frequencies are selected for each, it is impossible to reliably select frequencies that repeat in all or several samples!
Conclusion: periodic price fluctuations in the foreign exchange market singled out one way or another are of no practical value, because the time needed for their reliable detection is longer than the characteristic time of existence of the features themselves. This in turn points to stochastic nature of harmonic price fluctuations. With all the ensuing conclusions for the trader.

Oh how, Neutron, I just don't get your point anymore. Previously you highlighted in bold letters that:

... The results show that cycles on the currency market do exist but they are stochastic, i.e., there are no cycles with a stationary or nearly stationary period...

Where did you write about this? And then how are you going to look for trends? I take it that's an important part of your approach. Anyway, anyway, it doesn't matter.

PS: There are Fourier window transforms, wavelet analysis (that's what I'm studying now)

Bravo, Neutron, excellent post!!!! It should be placed in large letters on every website dedicated to MTS development! As this short post concentrates on explaining many of the failures of developers, especially beginners.

solandr, do you think that real professionals cover the whole working screen with parabolas or "methodology of converging gradients" to look where "speculative capital" ends? (post 04.10.06 10:11)

Don't jump to conclusions about what can and cannot be applied. You don't know that! You already have a similar experience (13.11.06:52).

And if you're going to put beginners on the right path, then write on websites honestly that "only 1-5% of you will succeed in something, and it's likely to be bad and not always good".