Chats on


The chats have appeared. Testing now!


Or is it not chat rooms, but a more advanced version of "messaging"?

When sending by Ctrl+Enter. And on the send button.

Opera 12.17

Or are they not chats, but a better version of 'messages'?

How are chat rooms different from messages? Are they all the same thing.

While we have released a beta version of the new chat interface, the other parts and functionality continue to change.


Note that we have started to introduce hotkeys into the functionality of the site:

  • F1 invokes/hides the search box
  • F2 accesses/hides chat window
  • ESC acts as an undo by location
will there be an up button in the newsfeed?

Pictures are not always inserted with thumbnails.


Note that we have started to introduce hotkeys into the functionality of the site:

  • F1 invokes/hides the search box
  • F2 accesses/hides chat window
  • ESC acts as an undo by location

Opera intercepts its own hotkeys. The specified hotkeys perform the functionality, but in the background.

This is for example what F2 opens:

But the chat opens as well.

Are there going to be "trades" in chat rooms?

Note that we have started to introduce hotkeys into the functionality of the site:

  • F1 invokes/hides the search box
  • F2 opens/hides chat window
  • ESC acts as an undo by location
Windows 8.1 x32, Google Chrome Version 41.0.2272.101 m. Tablet. F1 is fully intercepted by chrome and a new chrome help tab opens.

The MC if he does, all the amenities (often hard-won) that have become customary -- turn into "I wish they hadn't changed anything".

What good is that microscopic Chat window, which cannot be resized and which does not show anything -- which now has to be passed through and is not so easy to get rid of.