Make your first million - page 183

People, will someone please explain to these two... They apparently don't understand what's going on at all
Sam - promised not to react. Taboo on trolls ))
Daniil Stolnikov:
Will somebody please explain to these two people... They don't seem to know what's going on.

It's clear enough that they're dipping Danila in the shit because he's a lying schoolboy...

and if only he were a schoolboy with a brain... a learner.

No, a narcissistic schoolboy with an inflated ego... and a lot of smiley faces...

You can't express a thought without them, can you, centurion?

And yes, explain to me... why are some people defending the pathological liar Stolnik...

because he's friending everyone, flattering everyone and liking everyone relentlessly?

In all societies, there is a certain character - the parsley, the clown - who is kept around for his cheerful disposition, his ability to lie, twist and get along with leaders... kicking and punching him so he knows his place... and for that, you're allowed a little yapping...

that's your lot, centurion. And your ceiling...

valeriy odintsov:

It's clear enough that they're dipping Danila in the shit because he's a lying schoolboy...

and if only he were a schoolboy with a brain... a learner.

No, a narcissistic schoolboy with an inflated ego... and a lot of smiley faces...

You can't make a point without them, can you, centurion?

you're being direct and insulting and you haven't written anything at all.
You're taking direct insults and haven't written anything at all that makes sense.
Zogman, can you comment on my screenshots from yesterday and subsequent comments - how do you see it? I promise not to call KEP ))
Daniil Stolnikov:
Zogman, comment on my yesterday's screenshots and subsequent comments - how do you see it? I promise not to call KEP ))

Fuck them.

The euro startedto fall... As always I was a bit unlucky...

In short but not as much as I could have...


Fuck them.

The euro started to fall ... As always I was a bit unlucky...

Ah - that's right!!! Let them talk to themselves - one-actor theatre - also a theatre

The eur should be rising but it is falling. The pound looks like it should be growing too, but it is not. Maybe it decided to go to 1.504.
Daniil Stolnikov:
Let them talk to themselves. One-actor theatre is also theatre.

The euras are supposed to rise but it is falling. The pound should be going up too, but it is not. Maybe it decided to go to 1.504.

Why grow?

what i read - she's going down anyway - no matter how badly the greeks are dealt with.


Why grow?

From what I have read - it will fall anyway - no matter how badly the Greeks are dealt with.

It's like a one-actor show too - they're pulling the wool over their eyes... I'm trying to get into the Koloputs - every time I look - the Euro is going up )) And the pound is starting. Although I'm still waiting for 1.504 at least ))

Why grow?

From what I have read - it will fall anyway - no matter how badly the Greeks are dealt with.

but it is probably a local fall - again 1.12 - it is near 1.12 all day - the second day - apparently the large holds and waits ... so the price is not moving
The big guys are waiting ... that's why the price is not moving
Well maybe it's lurking somewhere, but the CME is buying ))